
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Mike and Julia always wanted to be sure they were doing the right thing before they made important decisions.

    When they wanted to buy a car, it took a long time for them to decide which one to buy. They looked at all the different cars carefully. It had to be the right size, the right color and the right price. Finally, they chose the car they wanted.

    When they went out for dinner, it always took a long time before they chose what to eat. They carefully read the menu and discussed all the choices together. They were patient and never in a hurry.

    After a while they had a baby boy, they were happy and called him Jordan. Jordan smiled a lot, but he didn't make any noise. He never cried. All their friends said, "He's such a nice quiet baby!"

    Jordan learned everything that other babies learn. He learned to walk. He learned to go to the bathroom by himself. He learned to sleep in the bed. He learned to sit on a chair and eat at the table. However, he didn't learn how to talk and he still never cried. But Mike and Julia didn't worry about it too much. They just waited. They were confident Jordan would talk one day.

    One day, while eating dinner, Jordan suddenly said, "Mother, I think the soup needs a little more salt."

    Mike and Julia were surprised, "You can talk!" said Julia.

    "Of course I can talk!" said Jordan. "After all, I am three years old."

    "Why didn't you talk before?" asked Mike.

    "I didn't need to," said Jordan. "The food was always good before."

(1)、How was Jordan different from other babies?
A、He didn't cry. B、He learned to sit at the table. C、He made people worry. D、He spoke very well.
(2)、How did Jordan's parents feel before Jordan spoke?
A、They thought he was normal. B、They wanted him to see a doctor. C、They really worried about it. D、They were happy he was quiet.
(3)、If you are "confident" something will happen, it means you are______ about it.
A、happy B、sure C、sad D、careless
(4)、Why didn't Jordan talk before?
A、He couldn't talk. B、He wanted to surprise his parents. C、He was too shy to talk. D、He thought everything was fine.

 My mom isn't fancy like other moms.They wear fancy clothes and drive fancy cars. My mom wears her gardening clothes when she walks me to school. 

When fancy moms laugh,their laughs sound soft and whispery. You can hear my mom's laugh from down the hall. I show her how to laugh quietly and she practices. But before long she starts laughing even harder than before.

 At the talent show,my mom cheers loudly,“Bravo,everyone!Bravo!”instead of clapping politely the way fancy moms do.

For our class hike(徒步旅行),parents are invited. At breakfast I go over my rules for Mom,“Please don't whistle. Don't laugh loudly. No clapping. And stay in line.”

 The other moms show up wearing fancy jackets and sneakers. My mom wears cutoffs,a floppy straw hat,and her old hiking boots.

We hike along,all in a line. Soon Mom starts to whistle her hiking songs,She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain.I shake my head at her. She stops and whispers,“Oops. Sorry,Jane.”

 We keep hiking. Everything is perfect until…

 Our teacher,Ms. Steele,stops and points,“A snake!”All the moms hold their kids hands and back up,except my mom.“Watch out!It might be poisonous(有毒的)!”Ms. Steele says.

 The other moms shuttle back some more. However,my mom steps forward and says,“Hmm. Let's see what kind it is. Nope,it's not poisonous.”

 I shut my eyes.I know what's coming next. Mom makes a sudden attack.“Got it!”she says. The other moms scream,not sounding fancy at all.

Kids gather around as Mom examines the snake.“It's OK to touch,”she says.

 Everyone's too scared,but I go first.“snakes aren't slimy,”I tell them. Right away,others line up. A couple of the fancy moms come up to touch the snake's tail.

 Later,Ms. Steele tells us to draw our favorite part of the hike. After a while,I look around quickly. Everyone's picture is of Mom and me with the snake.

 As we hike back to the bus,I squeeze Mom's hand.“I'm glad I didn't tell you my don't-catch-snakes rule.”She smiles. But soon,she's whistling her hiking songs again!

 I start to make her silent,then stop. Instead,I take a deep breath and sing out too. Everyone joins in,even the fancy moms.

完形填空,阅读下面的短文, 从短文后所给的四个选项中, 选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。   

    Martin is a fifteen-year-old boy. He used to be a "problem child", but a recent 1 with his mother changed his life. He didn't use to give his mother many problems. 2 , after his father's death a few years ago, Martin's life became 3 more difficult. His mother couldn't afford to pay for her child's education. To do this, she 4 work, and so she was often not at home. His mother looked after him as 5 as she could. Unfortunately, Martin still caused problems. He was not 6 in studying and he often got into trouble. Luckily, his mother was very 7 and didn't give up trying to help him. In the end, she 8 a difficult decision: to send him to a boys' boarding school. Martin hated it and used to cause a lot of trouble. One day, he told his teacher he wanted to leave the school. The teacher said it was necessary for Martin to 9 with his mother. Martin called his mother, but to his 10 , this phone call changed his life. "It was exactly 11 I needed," he said. "My mother helped me to understand how much she had given me. She also told me that even though my father was no longer with us, he was 12 me and would always take pride in everything good I do. That's when I decided to change. I realize that 13 my father died, I have been afraid of being alone, and have tried to make my mother pay more attention to me." Now Martin has 14 changed. He has been working hard and is now one of the best students in his class. How was he able to change? His mother's 15 helped him to feel good about himself.


    Andrew Holleman, a 12-year-old boy, loved playing in the open land near his home. The land was wet and forested, and made a home for birds, other animals and many different plants.

    It made the perfect place for him to study and get to know nature. He had seen some red-tail hawks, red foxes, wood turtles and other animals. He also found special native flowers.

    Suddenly it was reported that the "empty" land would be improved by a lot of houses on it. The plants would be removed, the animals would run away and most would probably die. Then the wet soil would be covered with extra grounds.

    When he heard about the news, he was not happy. He was very worried that the land and water would be polluted. Andrew wrote down clearly all the research he had done about the area, and how the houses would affect(影响)the local environment. He sent letters to members of local government and television reporters. He also called on his neighbors to oppose the building of the houses.

    Although he was only 12 years old, he had the courage and wisdom of a person much older.

    Andrew's teachers described him as a gentle, shy and active. His classmates also admired how much he knew about local animals and plants, and the environment. Each day after school, Andrew went door-to-door, to ask the people to sign(签字), who did not want the houses to be built. In only one month, he got the signatures of 250 people.

    In the end, the land remained a safe place for birds, animals and plants that belonged there.

    Andrew won many prizes for his brave and great work to stop the houses being built, and he helped save the environment.

