
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

Judy had very bad luck yesterday. In the morning, she came to school late, because her alarm clock didn't go off. Usually she goes to school at 7:20 am. But yesterday, it was already 8:00 am when she got up. The teacher was angry(生气的) and asked her to stay in the classroom after school. At 5:00 pm, it was time for students to go home. But Judy couldn't. She stayed until(直到) 5:30 pm. When she just went out of the classroom, it began to rain. She didn't have an umbrella. On her way home, she fell off(摔下) her bicycle. When she got home, she was wet all through.

(1)、 Judy was a(n)       . 

A、teacher B、student C、doctor D、actor
(2)、What does the underlined "go off" mean? 

A、出故障 B、爆炸 C、 D、停止
(3)、When did Judy's classmates go home? 

A、At 7:20 am. B、At 8:30 am. C、At 5:00 pm. D、At 5:30 pm.
(4)、How did Judy go home? 

A、By bus. B、By car. C、By bike. D、 By train.
(5)、Which is the best title? 

A、Judy, a bad girl. B、What a terrible day! C、Judy's school life. D、A lucky day.

    I'm a girl, Rosie. Racing on the 1,500-meter track (跑道), I'm so tired. I want to stop but a voice is repeating in my head, "No one knows what the result will be. Everything is still possible." Today, I have to fight with myself.

    Nine years ago, when I was a 6-year-old girl, my mother took me on a trip. We went to the foot of a high mountain which she told me that we would climb. I had never done this before and the thought of it made me very happy.

    At the beginning, I was so excited, and climbed fast. But half an hour later, when I was thirsty and tired, I just stopped and sat on the ground, completely silent. My mom came and sat next to me.

She said, "Get up and go on!"

    Crying, I almost shouted, "Never! It's too tiring and I am thirsty. I want to go back home now."

    Patiently she explained, "Listen, my dear. If you try your best, anything is possible. If you don't try, your dream will never come true. You will never know how beautiful the sights look unless you reach the top of the mountain."

    Hearing her words, I stopped crying and started to climb again. Finally I did reach the top of the mountain and enjoyed the fantastic view.

    Today I'm on the racing track. I'm going to keep running because I know it's always valuable. And in the end I made it — I got through the finish line.

    Although it was really difficult and I did not win, I did finish it. "Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined (命定的) place."


In the year 2070,most of you will be more than 50 years old.The good news is that travel might become smarter by that time.To catch people's eyes and increase the numbers of passengers,European airline (航空公司)(发布)easyJet 2070:The Future Travel Report.Let's take a look at some mind—blowing ideas.


Paper passport will be a thing of the past.You will use"heartbeat passport" instead.According to experts,the machine will count how many times the heart beats in a minute,then it will tell who you are.It doesn't work hard because everyone's heart beats differently.


The seats on the plane are only one size,which can't make passengers satisfied.But in the future,you'll be able to book a seat according to your body type.The seat might even be able to cool or warm you if you want.There will also be no more screens on the back of the seats.A special light from the seat could show the latest movie s straight in front of your eyes.


If you like to visit great places of interest,the AR glasses will help you enjoy the journey.By wearing the AR glasses,you can see what happened at a historic place(战役).You may even be able to sit among the cheering people at the first Olympic Games.

Are you looking forward to having those changes in the year 2070?What other changes do you think about during the flight?


The Internet has changed the world, people are able to get and share information in seconds. Nowadays, people begin to wonder: Is the Internet good or bad? "It's impossible to answer that question because the Internet means so many things," says psychologist (心理学家) Patricia Greenfield.

Some are truly wonderful. In many ways it makes life easier and simpler. It helps us get things done more quickly. It opens up the world to us. And if a friend lives far away, the Internet makes it easy to stay in touch.

However, the issue (话题)    isn't black and white. Some can become real problems if we don't take care. Spending too much time online is bad to people's health. It may even cause them to be less social with family and friends. Aside from that, some people attack the web or use the Internet to steal others' personal information, even banking information. Most of the young students think the Internet is simply an icon (图标) on the screen(屏幕). Kids won't realize that the Internet is a network of millions of computers until about 10 years old.

The Internet can be a useful tool, but don't let it take up all of your time. Use the Internet properly and carefully and it can make your life more colourful.

