
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通

In most parts of the world, many students help their schools make less pollution. They join "environment clubs". In an environment club, people work together to make our environment clear.
Here are some things students often do.
No-garbage lunches. How much do you throw away after lunch? Environment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in bags that can be used again. Every week they will choose the classes that make the least garbage and report them to the whole school!
No-car day. On a no-car day, nobody comes to school in a car— not the students and not the teachers! Cars give pollution to our air, so remember: Walk, jog, bike or run. Use your legs! It's lots of fun!
Turn off the water! Do you know that some toilets can waste twenty to forty m3 of water an hour! In a year, that would fill a small river! In environment clubs, students mend those broken toilets. We love our environment. Let's work together to make it clean.

(1)、Environment clubs ask students _______.

A、to run to school every day B、to take exercise every day C、not to forget to take cars D、not to throw away lunch bags
(2)、From the passage we know the students usually have lunch ______.

A、at school B、in shops C、in clubs D、at home
(3)、On a no-car day, ______ will take a car to school.

A、both students and teachers B、only students C、no teachers and students D、only teachers
(4)、After students mend toilets, they save________.

A、a small river B、a club C、a lot of water D、a toilet

A、clean schools B、make less pollution C、join clubs D、help teachers
      Growing mushrooms(蘑菇) is probably the easiest thing you can do even if you are new to mushroom growing. It is becoming more common because restaurants are starting to create more dishes that include mushrooms.
      Mushroom growing is easy. To start, you need to have a space where you are going to grow these mushrooms. It does not have to be a huge space but just enough for you to grow as many mushrooms as you need. When you have found the space perfect for you, you can start researching what kind of mushrooms you want to grow. There are a lot of mushrooms to choose from and not all of them are suitable to eat.
     When you decide what kind of mushrooms you want to grow, you can start getting ready to plant the mushrooms. Sometimes you may want to hire some workers to help if you have a large mushroom farm, or if you are trying to start a professional mushroom growing business. Trying to have a business by yourself can be stressful. If you don't have enough time to spend taking care of everything yourself, dome helpers may be the best choice.
      After you have started the mushroom growing, you should regularly check that your mushrooms grow properly and that they are not being attacked by any pesticides(农药) or any other animals or something that could be dangerous to them. That is the worst part of mushroom developing. Protect your mushroom farm well with a fence(围栏) or a gate so that only you and your workers can get in and out.
     Mushroom growing is not difficult and it is easy to get stared in the world of farming. You will soon possibly be able to provide some of the great cooks of the world with high quality mushrooms that will be enjoyed by thousands of people all over the world.


    Many objects in the universe are invisible, but they send radio waves. The radio telescope* thus appeared, and it is considered one of the greatest inventions in the twentieth century. Reber built the world's first radio telescope in 1937. Ryle and Hewish developed radio telescope systems for the location of weak radio sources, and they shared the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1974.

    A radio telescope is usually made up of:

    One or more antennas to collect the radio waves. Most antennas are made in the shape of a dish to collect and reflect, the radio waves to the sub—reflector, in the same way as a curved mirror focuses visible light to one point.

    A receiver and amplifier to receive the radio waves from the sub—reflector, and make these weak radio waves strong enough to be recorded and turned into electronic signals. To make an amplifier sensitive enough, it is usually cooled to, very low temperatures (e. g. as low as —270℃).

    A recorder to keep a record of the electronic signals. Most radio telescopes today keep the signals to the computer's memory disk for astronomers to analyze later.

    Radio wavelengths are much longer than those of visible light, and the radio waves from deep space are always weak. To catch Radio wavelengths are much longer than those of visible light, and the radio waves from deep space are always weak. To catch these waves, radio telescopes usually have huge antennas. The sizes of most antennas in use today are around 50 to 300 metres in diameter. The antenna of FAST in Guizhou, China, the latest and largest radio telescope in the world, is 500 metres in diameter, as large as the size of 30 football fields.

    To avoid interferences, and keep the telescopes sensitive, radio telescopes are built in places where there are no human radio waves or electronic signals. For example, FAST is 5 kilometres away from the closest village and 25 kilometres away from the nearest town.

    Radio telescopes create pictures of the sky, not in visible light, but in radio waves. This is extremely useful, because there are objects that can't be seen, objects that we wouldn't even know without radio telescopes.

