
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

   The story is about a young student.She worked very hard at her lessons.She worked so hard that she became ill.She couldn't go to sleep at night.But when she got up the next morning, she felt very tired.
   So she went to see a doctor.Hearing the student's words, the doctor said, "You are too stressed out.You must eat more yin foods like vegetables and tofu Besides(此外), you can try to count numbers when you are lying in bed.By the time you count one thousand, you will be asleep(入睡).I'm sure of it."
   The next day, the student came to see the doctor again."Well," said the doctor, "How are you feeling today? "The student still looked tired."Not very well," she said." I tried to count one , two, three, four., up to one thousand.But when I counted five hundred and sixty, I felt sleepy.I had to get up and drink some coffee so that(以便)I could go on counting up to one thousand.But then I still couldn't be asleep.

(1)、Why couldn't the young student go to sleep?

A、She was worried about her lessons. B、She always couldn't finish her homework. C、She worked too hard and became ill. D、Her bed was too small.
(2)、What did the doctor ask the young student to do?

A、To eat more yin foods and count numbers when she was lying in bed in the evening. B、To exercise more in the morning. C、To do more reading. D、To take some medicine.
(3)、What did the young student do after she felt sleepy?

A、She fell asleep. B、She got up to have some coffee. C、She listened to some music. D、She got up to do some homework.
(4)、What made the girl unable(不能) be asleep during the night after she went to see the doctor?

A、The doctor's advice B、The student's lesson. C、The student's illness D、The coffee.
(5)、If you are a doctor, what will you ask the girl to do?

A、I will ask the girl to do more homework every day. B、I will ask her to go to bed earlier. C、I will ask her not to do so much homework D、Both B and C.
阅读下列短文,从下面每题的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。

    My mother only had one eye. I hated her, as she was such an embarrassment (难堪)for me. She ran a small shop at a market, selling anything for the money we needed.

    One day, my mom came to my school. I threw her a hateful look and ran out. The next day, my classmates shouted, “Your mom only has one eye!" and they taunted me. My face turned red.

I wished that my mom would just disappear from this world, so I said to her, “Mom, why don't you have the other eye? You make me a laughingstock.” She didn't say anything. Maybe it was because my mom hadn't punished me, so I didn't think that I had hurt her feelings very badly. I decided to study hard so that I could leave her for the rest of my life. I made it at last. Now I'm living happily as a successful man in another country.

Many years later, I received a letter, which said, “I think my life has been long enough now, but would it be too much to ask if I wanted you to visit me once in a while? I'm sorry that I am an embarrassment for you. You see, when you were very young, you got into an accident, and lost your eye. As a mother, I couldn't stand watching you having to grow up with only one eye, so I gave you mine. I was so proud of my son that was seeing a whole new world for me, in my place, with that eye. I was never angry with you for anything you did. I miss the time when you were still young around me. You mean the world to me. I love you.” I can't help crying with the letter in my hand.


    Sydney Fredette has a lot of things to deal with. Not only is she a high school student, but she has also set up her own organization, Beary Merry Christmas. She volunteers(自愿)to serve poor kids and families in Orange Country in California, US.

To remember her best friend who died of cancer nearly 10 years ago, Fredette decided toy animal that is made by children themselves in the stores' workshops. Fredette then gave them as gifts to the homeless children in California during the holiday season.

    With donations at more than 100 bears a year, Fredette and volunteers host activities every year, where volunteers not only give out the bears, but also clothing, meals, and other things.

    Not wanting to limit(限制)the giving to just the holiday months, Fredette now hosts other activities for Valentine's Day, Mother's Day and Halloween, providing the chance for her volunteer team to make a difference through the year.

    "I love making relationships with the people I serve," Fredette said. "The thanks they have, hearing their stories and seeing how happy they are, it's so cool."

    Future plans for Fredette include building a public food bank and providing a self-development class for students in her school who will soon attend college.

    Heading to college herself in the fall, Fredette is looking to stay local and continue to help out in her hometown. In fact, she was regarded as a "Dreamer & Doer" not long ago for her work in improving her community, along with 32 other high school students.

