
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通

This is a song millions of Americans will hear this New Year's Eve. It is called Auld Lang Syne(《友谊地久天长》). It is the traditional music played during the New Year's celebration. Auld Lang Syne is an old Scottish poem. It tells about the need to remember old friends.
The words “auld lang syen” mean “old long since”. No one knows who wrote the poem(诗) first. However, a version(版本) by Scottish poet Robert Bums was published(出版) in 1796. The words and music we know today first appeared in a songbook three years later.
The song is played in the United States mainly on New Year's Eve. The version you are hearing today is by the Washington Saxophone Quarter. As we end our program with Auld Lang Syne, I would like to wish all our radio friends a very Happy New Year! This is Buddy Thomas.

(1)、This passage is from ______.

A、a newspaper B、a magazine C、a TV program D、a radio program
(2)、Who is introducing Auld Lang Syne to us?

A、Robert Bums. B、The Washington Saxophone Quarter. C、Buddy Thomas. D、The passage doesn't tell us.
(3)、The words and music of Auld Lang Syne we know today first appeared ______.

A、In 1790 B、In 1793 C、In 1796 D、In 1799

      Peking Opera(Beijing Opera), is one of the most ancient forms of drama in the world. The roles in it were Sheng, Dan, Jing, Mo, Chou, Wuhang, and Longtao during its early age. But with the development of Peking Opera, there are four main roles in it today: Sheng, Dan, Jing and Chou.

      Sheng——Men Roles

      Sheng are the men roles in Peking Opera, which can be divided into Laosheng, Wusheng, Xiaosheng and Wawasheng.

      Laosheng are middle-aged or older men who are decisive and honest. Hongsheng, a type(种类) of Laosheng, have a red face. There are only two roles knowns as Hongsheng. One is Guan Gong and the other is Zhao Kuangyin. Wusheng are young generals skilled in martial arts(武术). Xiaosheng are clean-shaven(没有胡须的) and handsome. Wawasheng are children's parts.

      Dan——women Roles

      Dan are women roles that can be divided into different types—— Laodan, Qingyi, Huadan, Wudan and Caidan.

      Laodan play old and clever women. Qingyi are the main women roles. Huashan, a type of Qingyi, was created by Mei Lanfang, who played an important role in shaping Peking Opera. Huadan are lively and unmarried women roles. Wudan characters are woman skilled in martial arts. Caidan are clowns(小丑) in funny plays and comedies.

      Jing——Painted Face Men Roles

     A Jing role is an important man character with striking(吸引人的) looks and high social position. There main types of Jing are Tongchui, good at singing and usually a general; Jiazi, good at acting with less singing; and Wujing, a martial arts and acrobatics(杂技) role.


     Chou are comedy roles in Peking Opera. There are Wenchou who speak, act and sing, and Wuchou who both speak and fight. What makes this type of painted face role special is a small patch(块) of white chalk around the nose. One of the famous roles is the Monkey King, who has a special position in the hearts of all who are interested in Chinese opera.

       Car accidents happen everywhere every day and are the main cause of injury in the United States. In order to control the increasing(增长) accidents, many states have passed tough laws. Also, car manufacturers(制造商) have been trying to make safer cars to save lives.
      However, as there are more and more cars and drivers on the road, these safety measure (安全措施)are not enough to stop the increasing car accidents. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (管理部门)reports that a car accident happens every 10 seconds in the United States.
      Car accidents may be caused by different reasons. Some accidents are caused by driver's tiredness and illness or drunk driving. Some may be caused by speeding or running a red light. When this happens, by the time the driver realizes what has happened, it is usually too late. As for ages, young drivers usually have enough experience while elderly drivers of react slowly. Mechanical defects (机械毛病)such as a broken brake(刹车) are another cause of car accidents. Poor road and weather conditions can also be a cause.
     Talking about different causes of car accidents can help us know what precautions(预防措施) to take beforehand. We should tell our friends or family members not to drive in poor health or after drinking wine. We should tell teenager drivers to be careful with road and weather conditions and let elderly friends understand their driving limitation(局限性)。Besides, we should have our car checked regularly(规律地). The most important thing for us to remember, however, is that we should always follow the traffic rules.

    In a book called Magnificent Obsession, by Lloyd C. Douglas, a description is given of people helping others but doing it secretly. When difficult problems worried a person, friends nearby would meet to discuss possible solution without the person knowing their actions. When a solution was agreed upon, one or two of the friends would carry out the plan and solve the problem secretly, to the great delight of the worried person. The helpers would stand by privately, content with their success. No reward was given to the problem solvers, not even a sincere “thank you”, because they were never known.
    This idea is popular today but in a different way. The phrase “pay it forward” is now used when one person helps another. However, the person helped may not be able to repay the person or group that helped them. So rather than return the favor to their helpers, they are supposed to help someone else in the future, which means they pay it forward. It is a sense of responsibility(责任) which makes us want to give back in equal measure to the one who has helped us. But, in this case, the responsibility turns to helping someone in the future.
    Suppose your elderly grandmother pays part of your schooling. She may tell you there is no need to repay her because it is a gift from someone who loves you very much. Nothing would please her more than to have you use her money to get a good education.
    You may never be able to repay her for such a gift. However, she not only gave you some money, but she provided you with an example that you should also help other people who need it.
    People with serious needs are everywhere. Many are children who need better clothes, more books and even better schools. Some are elderly people who can't afford their medicine or a doctor's care. Consider how you can “pay it forward”rather than pay money back to your grandmother.


    Studying different languages increases our understanding of how humans communicate and their different cultures. However, almost 80% of the people in the world speak only 1% of its languages.  Every 14 days a language dies. By 2100, half of the more than 7, 000 languages spoken on Earth today may disappear.

    Throughout history, the languages of dominant(统治的)groups have spread while the languages of native cultures have become extinct. This happens because of government language policies, or because the dominant language becomes more useful in everyday life. Furthermore, many endangered languages aren't written down. When the last speakers of a language die and their language becomes extinct, their stories, songs, and other important information are lost, too.

    Central South America has some of the world's most endangered languages. The Kallawaya people speak a secret language that has details of thousands of medical plants. Today, fewer than 100 people speak it. In Central and Eastern Siberia, many Siberian languages now have only a few elderly speakers. Yuchi, which may be unrelated to any other language in the world, is one of the many native languages used in Oklahoma, the U.S.A. It is disappearing rapidly. In 2010, only five elderly people could speak this language.

    Luckily, native cultures around the world are using modern technology to help keep their endangered languages and cultures alive. Communities are creating dictionaries and libraries by using pictures, video, and audio to record the traditions of the last speakers of their language. If the young people don't speak and understand the words and stories of their ancestors(祖先), the language will die.

    And when the language dies, part of the culture dies, too.

