
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Rock climbing is not just for grown-ups. Your children can also enjoy this fun-filled activity as well as getting its advantages. Aside from its heart-health benefit, it is also known to increase their self-confidence and esteem(尊重). While it may not be an impromptu(即兴的) activity like running or biking, there are many climbing walls that are now available, especially with the development of fitness centers and camps.

    The great thing about having your kids join these activities is that it follows up on their natural quality. As you know, children are natural climbers. You can see them going up on trees or climbing tall ladders. With rock climbing, you can satisfy their urges to be a climber.

    What's more, it is fairly easy for the kids compared with adults. With a high strength-to-weight rate, they have less body weight to pull up, and they are more flexible(灵活的).

    It is also a low-impact workout that tests your children's endurance(耐性). It's easy on their joints(关节) as they burn energy during their ascent. In addition, climbing walls are like giant puzzles begging to be solved. Not only does it test the physical aspects of your children's development, but it also wakes their mental abilities.

    This exercise also helps develop your children's essential strength and flexibility. Kids are challenged physically as they pull, lift, stretch, and twist their way up. This activity also develops their eye-hand coordination(协调) as they perform their climb.

    Almost anyone can do it although it may vary in skill level, namely beginner, intermediate, or advanced. But despite its reputation as an extreme sport, children can do this. One does not need to be super-fit to join a rock climbing class. However, good technique is more necessary than strength when doing this sport.

(1)、When it comes to climbing, compared with children, adults______.
A、find it much easier B、must bear more body weight C、have a higher weight-to-strength rate D、follow up more on their natural quality
(2)、The underlined word "ascent" in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by "______".
A、test B、climb C、challenge D、improvement
(3)、What may the next paragraph talk about after this passage?
A、What technique children need to climb rocks. B、What more advantages climbing has for children. C、How much strength people need to climb rocks. D、What training classes there are to teach children.

    My son Cameron who was 16 years old came up with this crazy idea to make his own survival show. Well I thought it was just another one of his “phases” but he began to sound more and more serious about it. He's a big outdoors man and has always loved the idea of surviving in the woods by himself, but he has never done anything like this. Anyway, he somehow raised $4,000 for his idea. With the money he bought a nice camcorder(摄像机) ;that's when I realized that he was really serious about this whole thing.

    Cameron organized the trip all by himself. I just put out a few rules that he had to follow and rented a satellite phone so that he could contact us on his journey. My son traveled nearly 50 miles, while surviving for four days and three nights alone in the wilderness. He had no food or water, only his knife, and a camera. The journey was difficult as he traveled through valleys, up and down big waterfalls, all while he was filming his entire journey. The wilderness we dropped him off in was a wild forest that is made up of untouched land; he found his way to the beautiful lake where we picked him up. In the end he made the most amazing movie that I have ever seen in all my life.

    My son's courage should be recognized. That is why I am trying my hardest to get him seen by the rest of the world. Cameron recently turned 17. He already has plans for his next adventure and I have no hope in stopping him from completing it. This next summer he plans on surviving for two or three weeks on a desert island in Fiji or Tonga. No teenage kid has ever done anything close to what my son Cameron has done.


    People typically wash their hands seven times a day in the United States, but they do it at a far higher temperature than is necessary to kill germs, a new study says. The energy waste is equivalent to the fuel use of a small country. Amanda R. Carrico, a research assistant professor at the Vanderbilt Institute for Energy and Environment in Tennessee, told National Geographic that hand washing is often “a case where people act in ways that they think are in their best interest, but they in fact have inaccurate beliefs or outdated perceptions.”

    Carrico said, “It's certainly true that heat kills bacteria, but if you were going to use hot water to kill them it would have to be a way too hot for you to tolerate.”

Carrico said that after a review of the scientific literature, her team found “no evidence that using hot water that a person could stand would have any benefit in killing bacteria.” Even water as cold as 40°F (4.4℃) appeared to reduce bacteria as well as hotter water, if hands were scrubbed, rinsed(冲洗)and dried properly.

    Using hot water to wash hands is therefore unnecessary, as well as wasteful, Carrico said, particularly when it comes to the environment. According to her research, people use warm or hot water 64 percent of the time when they wash their hands. Using that number, Carrico's team calculated a significant impact on the planet.

    “Although the choice of water temperature during a single hand wash may appear unimportant, when multiplied by the nearly 800 billion hand washes performed by Americans each year, this practice results in more than 6 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent emissions annually,” she said.

    The researchers published their results in the July 2013 issue of International Journal of Consumer Studies. They recommended washing with water that is at a “comfortable” temperature, which they noted may be warmer in cold months and cooler in hot ones.


    Edward Latter, five, thought his dog Morse was gone for ever after cruel thieves took him away when the dog escaped from his home.

    The 10-month-old dog had been missing since December and the broken-hearted boy even wrote a heartbreaking letter to Santa and posted it to Lapland asking for his pal back for Christmas.

    A £10,000 reward was offered by millionaire Simon Cowell after he read about the horrific theft. Cowell said: "It's heartbreaking to see a little boy's Christmas ruined. Dogs are so important to many of us. We just hope it helps lead to the safe return of Morse."

    His parents, Amanda Hopkins and Richard Latter, had given up hope of ever seeing their pet again, until they got a call on Friday night. A couple 20 miles away from their home in Marden, Kent, had found a muddy dog walking through their street and thought it could be missing Morse. They brought the Morse in, washed him, and then called Mr Latter who was unsure until he was sent a photo, and then drove the family to the village of Meopham.

    The theatre carpenter, 40, said: "Amanda and I were still quite sceptical, but Edward saw him and recognised him straight away. He was absolutely over the moon. He said: 'I can't believe it, I have my best friend back. It's too late for Christmas but this is the best present ever.' We were still unsure if it was him though—as he wasn't responding to his name or coming to us."

    "We spent about an hour and half over there and we still were not sure, so we took him home to get his chip scanned. It was only when we took him to the vets on Saturday morning and got his chip scanned that we found out for sure. We instantly broke down in tears. We were just hugging each other, hugging Edward and hugging the dog." Added Richard.

    The family who found missing Morse said they hadn't yet heard from Simon Cowell about the £10,000 reward hut were happy to get him home.


    Loud cheers and applause broke out at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab on Monday, November 25, 2018, as the unmanned lander, called Insight, touched down on Mars, after nearly seven years from design to launch to landing.

    The great arrival of the spacecraft­designed to listen for quakes and shakes as a way to discover the Red Planet's inner secrets, how it formed billions of years ago and, how other planets like Earth took shape­marked the eighth successful landing on Mars in Nasa's history.

    Minutes after InSight landed on the surface of Mars, the first image was sent back, showing a wide flat area as seen through a dirty camera.

    The touchdown came after a nearly seven-month, 300 million-mile travel from Earth to Mars, during which the InSight spacecraft had to slow down from a speed of more than 12,000 mph. The spacecraft's heat shelter helped the lander survive temperatures as high as 2,700℉.

    Each step along the way was watched nervously at JPL, with updates delayed by the eight-minute light travel time between Earth and Mars. Mission controllers hugged each other with joy when the signals were received. "We are proud of everything that has gone on today," they told us reporters.

    The first picture of the surface of Mars was sent back to Earth by one of the MarCO nanosatellites (马可纳米卫星) that accompanied InSight during its travel to Mars. The dust from the landing made the view unclear. Pictures from it were expected to be clearer once the dust settled and the lens cover (镜头盖) was removed.

    Hours later, InSight's batteries were charging as expected. The InSight team also passed on another picture, taken by a different camera that's fixed on the lander's robotic arm. The view is clearer, showing the robotic arm and the seismometer, which is used to discover the actual movement of the ground.


    We tend to think of our dreams as being uniquely personal­nighttime stories built from our own experiences that help us process our day-to-day lives. While dreams can give us a look into our personal selves, scientists have collected data that suggests dreams make their way into our cultural fabric(结构), showing themselves in ways that shape beliefs and expose collective anxieties.

    Roger Ivar Lohmann of Trent University conducted research with the Asabano people of the rainforest of Papua New Guinea, a unique group who didn't have outside contact until 1963. His studies looked at how dreams shape their beliefs and actions.

    According to Lohmann's research, dreams act as a sort of motivator or determinant of Asabano behavior. For instance, a dream may affect the way a person hunts or goes about treating medical conditions. The way dreams determine behavior is due to what Lohmann calls the "night residue" effect. This means that specific memories of dreams can affect the way a person acts when awake and inform their belief system.

    Dreams also seem to have an effect on the way many define themselves within their own cultures, and how sometimes reaching a distinct definition can cause anxiety.

    Matt Newsom of Washington State University spoke with college students in Berlin, and found many students had dreams surrounding conflicting views about their own identities(身份) in relation to what they saw as a return of German nationalism, which is a sensitive subject especially when we think of German identity as it's defined even many years after World War Ⅱ.

    Many students had dreams that centered around anxieties like "Where do I belong?" Many students never talked with one another about identity struggles in their dreams, yet many reported having such dreams. Newsom noted that dreams can be helpful "for identifying (识别) unspoken social and historical anxieties present in a given society."

    All of this research suggests that dreams can do more than help explain the thought of a person; we can learn about entire cultures and collective attitudes as well.


A latest study on people who eat red meat has found they have higher risks of heart disease and early death. The finding goes against other recent research that suggested removing meat from one's diet has few health benefits. The two opposing findings can make it difficult for people to make sense of what can seem to be conflicting messages on food.

Duane Mellor, a dietician at Aston University, and other researchers say that after examining research on the subject, moderation may be the best way forward. "In this case, eating a certain amount of meat, including red meat, is likely to be safe," Mellor said. "However, in the interest of health, reducing meat intake to the recommended less than 70 grams per day would be sensible."

A researcher with ties to the meat industry published a report on the subject in 2019, saying that people should not reduce the amount of red meat they eat. Some experts criticized the findings because they were in conflict with dietary advice from international agencies.

The latest study found that eating two servings a week of red meat or processed meat was linked to a 3% to 7% higher risk of heart disease and also a 3% higher risk of all causes of death. Norrina Allen, a co-leader of the latest study, said the health risk is small but people should try to change their diet. "It's a small difference, but it's worth trying to reduce red meat and processed meat." She added that eating red meat is also regularly "linked to other health problems like cancer."

The World Cancer Research Fund says red and processed meat may cause cancer. It recommends eating red meat with an upper limit of 500 grams cooked weight per week-and "little, if any" processed meat. They said on average, adults should reduce the amount of meat they eat by 50% and they should eat twice as much nuts, fruits, vegetables and beans.

