
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

  What do you do at weekends? Some people like to 1 at home, but others like to go for a walk 2 have a picnic. My friend Jack works hard in a factory during the 3. At weekends he always 4 the same thing. On Saturday he 5his car and on 6 he takes his family to a nearby village. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isn't a 7 one, but there's always 8 to do. The children help with the animals and give them their 9, Jack and his wife help in the fields. At the end of the day, they are all 10 and Jack's aunt gives them a big meal.

A、play B、live C、stay D、like
A、and B、or C、but D、so
A、day B、time C、autumn D、week
A、does B、makes C、borrows D、has
A、watches B、drives C、sells D、washes
A、Monday B、Sunday C、Saturday D、Wednesday
A、small B、big C、hard D、short
A、much B、little C、fast D、far
A、clothes B、places C、food D、water
A、clean B、late C、happy D、kind

    A Little Horse Crossing the River

    There is an old horse and a little horse on a farm. One day the old horse asks the little horse to send the wheat to the mill(磨坊)。The little horse is very happy. He carries the wheat and runs toward the mill. But there is a river in front of the little horse. He stops and doesn't know {#blank#}1{#/blank#} to do next. Just then Aunt Cow is passing by.

    The little horse {#blank#}2{#/blank#},”Aunt Cow, please tell me. Can I cross the river?”

Aunt Cow answers.” It's not deep, you can cross it.”

    When the little horse begins to cross the river, a little squirrel(松鼠)shouts to him,” Little horse, don't cross it, you will be drowned. Yesterday {#blank#}3{#/blank#} of my friends was drowned in this river.”

    The little horse is very {#blank#}4{#/blank#} .Finally he {#blank#}5{#/blank#} to go home and asks his mother.

    The old horse asks,”{#blank#}6{#/blank#} do you take the wheat back? What's wrong with you, my child?”

    The little horse answers sadly,” There is a river in front of me. Aunt Cow said it was not deep, but the little squirrel said it was deep. What shall I do?”

    The old horse says,” My child, you should try to cross the river by   7    . If you don't try, how do you know the river is deep or not.

    The little horse carries the wheat and    8      to the riverside. At last,he succeeds in   9    the river. Now, he knows    10    deep the river is.


    Rock climbing(攀岩)did not become a sport until in the late 19th century. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} 

While rock climbing may still be necessary for mountain climbing, most people just climb low mountains for fun.

    If you have ever done rock climbing, you will know that it is not a very easy sport. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} What most people don't know is that rock climbing is one of the sports that depend on your body and mind(意志).

    To climb successfully, one must use wonderful skills. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Another important rule is that your arms only hold you close to the rock face while your legs are pushing you up. The closer you are to the rock face, the easier it is to climb.

{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Once you start to learn how to climb, you'll find more fun. People who like games such as chess playing or problem—solving may love rock climbing, because they are nearly the same in the way of thinking. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Anyone who enjoys a difficult game and loves the outdoors should think of taking rock climbing as a new hobby.

A. One of the important rules is to always have three parts of your body on the rock face.

B. Rock climbing has a really long history.

C. But now it has become a popular outdoor activity.

D. For anyone who wants to get into beautiful shape, rock climbing is a fun and good way.

E. Rock climbing is a wonderful sport.

F. Indoor and outdoor rock climbing both need practice.

