Aladdin made a wish to the magic lamp, "Please build a beautiful palace next to the king's palace." The next morning, the king found a new palace and a golden walkway between his palace and the new palace. The king met Aladdin at the door when he went to see the new building. Aladdin said, "My Lord, this is my present to the princess. In this way, you can still see each other even after she is married." The king was touched by Aladdin and agreed to let Aladdin marry his daughter.
The wedding of Aladdin and the princess was big and celebrated by the whole city. The magician (魔法师) heard this and decided to bring the lamp back. He made several beautiful lamps and then went to Aladdin and the princess's palace. He talked to their servants, "Do you have any old lamps? You can exchange them for my new lamps because I'm interested in royal(皇家的) things." The servants rushed to tell the/princess the strange news. The princess agreed and asked them to take Aladdin's lamp to the magician because she believed it was just a common old lamp.
After getting the lamp, the magician quickly made a wish, "Take me home with Aladdin's palace and the princess." When Aladdin got home at night he found the palace and the princess were gone. "Maybe the wicked(恶的) magician was back," he thought. Aladdin felt very sad. Suddenly, he remembered the magic ring:
Aladdin asked the ring to bring his wife and palace back.
"I'm afraid I can't. It depends upon the magic lamp." replied the ring.
"But at least you can take me to my wife wherever she is."
Then Aladdin was placed upon an area facing the princess's flat. The princess told Aladdin what happened that night through the window of the flat.
"Where did he put the lamp?" Aladdin asked.
The princess replied, "He takes it with him all the time."
Aladdin was glad when hearing that. Then he passed the princess a small bottle and told her his plan.
That evening, the princess invited the magician to have a great meal. The magician became relaxed when seeing the delicious food and wine(葡萄酒). The princess then filled his cup with wine, again and again, so he soon got drunk. At this time, she secretly put something that Aladdin gave her into the magician's cup. He drank and soon fell asleep. After that, Aladdin came in. He found the lamp and made a wish. Finally, Aladdin and the princess got home safely. The magician was put in prison.
From then on, they lived a happy life and they did many good things for people with the help of the magic lamp.
—Taken from Aladdin and the MagicLamp