
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    For most of us, work is the central, dominating fact of life. We spend more than half our conscious hours at work, preparing for work, traveling to and from work. What we do there largely determines our standard of living and our status to a considerable extent. It is sometimes said that because leisure has become more important, the injustices of work can be pushed into a corner, and that because most work is pretty intolerable, the people who do it should compensate for its boredom, frustrations and humiliations by concentrating their hopes on the other parts of their lives. For the foreseeable future, however, the material and psychological rewards which work can provide will continue to play a vital part in determining the satisfaction that life can offer.

    Yet only a small minority can control the pace at which they work or the conditions where their work is done; only for a small minority does work offer scope for creativity, imagination or initiative.

    Inequality at work is still one of the most glaring (明显的) forms of inequality in our society. We cannot hope to solve the more obvious problems of industrial life, many of which arise from the frustrations created by inequality at work, unless we handle it determinedly.

    The most glaring inequality is that between managers and the rest. For most managers, work is an opportunity and a challenge. Their jobs engage their interest and allow them to develop their abilities. They are constantly learning. They are able to exercise responsibility. They have a considerable degree of control over their own and others' working lives. Most important of all, they have opportunities to initiate. By contrast, for most manual workers, work is a boring, dull, even painful experience. They spend all their working lives in intolerable conditions. The majority have little control over their work. It provides them with no opportunity for personal development. Many jobs are so routine that workers feel themselves to be mere cogs (齿轮) in the bureaucratic machine. As a direct consequence of their work experience, many workers feel alienated (疏远) from their work and their firm.

(1)、In the writer's opinion, people judge others mainly by ________.
A、the type of work they do B、the place where they work C、the time they spend at work D、the amount of money they earn
(2)、According to the writer, to solve problems in an industrial society, we ________.
A、should create more working opportunities for the poor B、have to get rid of the unequal aspects in work C、had better cancel all managing positions in a company D、should encourage the manual workers to promote efficiency
(3)、What advantage does the writer say managers have over workers?
A、They won't be out of work. B、They get time off to learn constantly. C、They can work at what interests them. D、They have complete control over themselves.

Do you like spicy food?

    What's your opinion on spicy food? Some people cannot handle even the smallest amount of chili-red pepper-in their dinner while others can't get enough of it.

    Scientists have long been puzzled by why some people love chili while others loathe it. Plenty of research has been done on the subject, dating as far back as the 1970s. Previous results showed that a love of chili is related to childhood experiences, and cultural influences affect our taste buds too. But the latest study has found that a person's love of spicy food may be linked to his or her personality more than anything else, CBC News reported.

    'We have always assumed that liking drives intake-we eat what we like and we like what we eat. But no one has actually directly bothered to connect these personality traits with intake of chili peppers,' said Professor John Hayes from Pennsylvania State University, who led the study.

    But before you look at the study, you should first know that “spicy” is not a taste, unlike sour, sweet, bitter and salty. It is, in fact, a burning sensation that you feel on the surface of your tongue. This got scientists thinking that maybe a love of spicy food is brought about by people's longing for thrill, something they usually get from watching action movies or riding a roller coaster.

    In the study, 97 participants, both male and female, were asked to fill out questionnaires about certain traits of their personality, for example, whether they like new experiences or tend to avoid risks. They were then given a glass of water with capsaicin, the plant chemical that makes a chili burn, mixed into it.

    By comparing the answers to the questionnaire and what participants said they felt about the spicy water, researchers found that those who tended to enjoy action movies or take risks were about six times more likely to enjoy the spicy water.

    Interestingly, we used to believe that the reason some people can withstand spicy food is that their tongues have become less sensitive to it. However, this latest study has found otherwise. “It's not that it doesn't burn as badly, it's that you actually learn to like the burn,” Hayes explained.


    A man once said how useless it was to put advertisements in the newspapers.“last week, ”said he, “my umbrella was stolen from a London church.As it was a present, I spent twice its worth in advertising, but didn't get it back.”

    “How did you write your advertisement?” asked one of the listeners, a merchant.

“Here it is,” said the man, taking out of his pocket a slip cut from a newspaper.The other man took it and read, “Lost from the City Church last Sunday evening, a black silk umbrella.The gentleman who finds it will receive ten shillings on leaving it at No.10 Broad Street.”

    “Now, ”Said the merchant, “I often advertise, and find that it pays me well . But the way in which an advertisement is expressed is of extreme importance.Let us try for your umbrella again, and if it fails, I'll buy you a new one.”

The merchant then took a slip of paper out of his pocket and wrote:“If the man who was seen to take an umbrella from the City Church last Sunday evening doesn't wish to get into trouble, he will return the umbrella to No.10 Broad Street.He is well known.”

    This appeared in the paper, and on the following morning, the man was astonished when he opened the front door.In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors that had been thrown, and his own was among them.Many of them had notes fastened to them saying that they had been taken by mistake, and begging the loser not to say anything about the matter.


    The English language has a lot of words which can be used in many different ways and in many different expressions.

    One such example is the word matter. In fact, matter can mean just about anything. It could be one of the most useful words in the English language.

    Let's get to the heart of the matter —a matter of principle(原则).

    If someone says that you owe(欠) him $50, but you don't, a friend might say, “Well, you could pay him the $50. It's not that much money. Then you won't have to hear him say it anymore. But if you do not owe him the money, do not pay him the money. It's a matter of principle.

    There is another way to use the word matter. But be careful with your choice of words.

    If you ask someone, “What's the matter?”, it shows you are worried about the other person. But saying, “What's the matter with you?” has a completely different meaning. And it usually sounds rude (粗鲁的). In fact, when you say, “What's the matter with you?” you are suggesting that the person did something wrong or stupid.

    Another expression that could sound rude is to say, “It doesn't matter to me.” Here, it depends on the context, and how you say it.

    Let's say you tell someone that a friend just got a big raise at work. That person answers with, “It doesn't matter to me.” Here, it means he or she does not care. And it sounds rude.

    But saying, “Oh, you pick where we eat dinner. It doesn't matter to me.” does not sound rude. In this situation, “it doesn't matter” shows you are easy-going(随和的).

    No matter how you look at it and what you say, matter is a very useful word. And it's only a matter of time before you will become an expert on the use of matter.


    Most foodies (吃货) agree that eating healthy food is important. But sometimes making good food choices can be tough. Now, there are apps that can help people learn about the food they eat to improve their diets and their dining out experiences.

Cheese & Wine Pairing app

    Wine and cheese can be a great combination. But which wines go best with which cheeses? Max McCalman's Cheese & Wine Pairing app can help. It provides information about hundreds of different cheeses and advises wines to pair with each. Max McCalman's Cheese & Wine Pairing app is free for iPhones and iPads.

Calorific app

    What does 200 calories look like? It can be hard to picture. Calorific provides images of 200 calories worth of food. The pictures can help people on a diet and those who just want to eat healthier food. The app is free for iPads and iPhones. There is also a version that provides more information for a price.

    HappyCow app

    Vegetarians do not eat animal meat. Vegans do not eat any animal products. The HappyCow app is made for both groups. Users can search for vegetarian-vegan restaurants and stores around the world. A free version of HappyCow is available for Android that has ads and requires an Internet connection.

    LocalEats app

    Restaurant chains, like McDonald's, can be found almost anywhere a person might travel. But sometimes travelers want to eat like locals. LocalEats is designed for that. It lists locally owned restaurants so users can try foods from that area. The app costs about a dollar.


Freshmen at Central Valley High in Ceres had a busy week of good deeds, tied to Pay It Forward Day, April 30, and an urge to show the world that teens can be awesome.

Kids in Success 101 spent first period making sandwiches for the homeless. The classes, taught by Natalie Rowell and Becky Lynch, got to hand 200 bagged sandwiches to the charity giving out the food. "They got to really see what an impact they had. It was inspiring and heartwarming," Rowell said. Besides, students also made blankets to send to soldiers, and created 45 flower arrangements for senior people at the Hale Aloha Home in Ceres. "They were nervous going into it. But when they saw how happy the elderly were, the reality of what they did really surfaced," Rowell said.

Rowell said she liked working with children. get to see how they learn. "It's different from how we learn, but we're kind of the same because they struggle in some of the subjects that we find hard as well."

Success 101 was tailor-made for students with that kind of insight. The first-period class includes study help, speakers on teen subjects and an overall focus on looking past high school, figuring out the steps to create their future. "Some kids need that little push. In this class, that's what we do, we give them that little push," Lynch added. "Success would be beneficial for all ninth-grade students. Since the start of the year, I really see a change in them."

Raquel Alfaro, a teen participant who worked with the younger kids, likes the Pay It Forward idea. "This helps us show adults, and also kids, that we're doing something different and that we're not as mean and selfish as they think we are," Alfaro said.

