Alex set his lunch tray on the table near his friend Leo. "Trade you some fries for some pretzels" Alex said.
"Deal," said Leo, taking his bag of pretzels out of bis lunchbox.
Alex noticed a folded piece of paper at the bottom of Leo's lunchbox.
"What's that?" asked Daniel, another boy in their class.
Before Leo could answer, Daniel grabbed the paper. He unfolded it and read in a loud voice: "Dear Leo, I hope you have a great day. Love. Mom."
Daniel snorted. "Your mom puts notes in your lunchbox?"
"Yes," Leo said.
Daniel read the note again, to himself. It almost looked as if he wanted to keep it.
"Give it back to Leo," said Alex.
"Well, who wants a note anyway?" Daniel said.
"I do," said Leo.
Alex liked getting notes too.
Daniel tossed the note and it fell to the floor.
Alex picked it up. He handed it back to Leo, who put it into his pocket.
On the bus that afternoon, Alex thought about what had happened.
Alex's older brother, Mateo, arrived home just after Alex did. "How was your day, little dude?" Mateo asked.
"A boy in my class was mean to Leo," Alex said. He explained the way Daniel had acted.
Mateo shook his head. "How would Daniel like it if people picked on him for getting a note?"
"Daniel never gets notes," Alex said. Suddenly, he had an idea. "That's it! I know how to help Leo and Daniel."
Alex explained his idea to Mateo. Mateo agreed to help, and they worked on the plan all afternoon.
At lunchtime the next day, Alex hurried to the cafeteria. He set out 23 folded pieces of paper on a table by the entrance. Each piece of paper had the name of a classmate on it.
"What are these?" asked Mira.
"We all have notes," said Sabrina.
Alex watched as Daniel picked up the note with his name on it. Alex knew that the note said Daniel, ▲ Have a great day.
Alex saw Daniel smile as he put the note into his pocket.
"Great idea, Alex," said Leo.
"Now everyone knows how it feels to get a lunch note," Alex said.