
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

A boy and his father were walking in the mountains. Suddenly the boy fell,hurt himself,and cried,"AAAhhhhhhhh!!!"To his surprise,he heard the voice repeating(重复),somewhere in the mountain,“AAAhhhhhhhh!!!"Then the boy shouted,“Who are you?” He received the answer,"Who are you?" He got angry at the answer,so he shouted,"Foolish!" He received the answer,"Foolish!”
He looked at his father and asked,“What's going on?" The father smiled and said,"My son,listen.”And then he shouted to the mountain,"I love you!”The voice answered,“I love you!”Again the man cried,"You are the best!"The voice answered,“You are the best!”
The boy was surprised, but did not understand. Then the father explained(解释),"People call this‘Echo',but really this is Life. It gives you back everything you say or do. Our life is just a reflection(反映)of what we have done. If you want more love in the world,have more love in your heart. If you want to be successful,work hard. This can be used in everything in life. Life will give you back everything you have given to it.”

(1)、At first the boy cried because _____ .

A、he hurt himself and felt bad B、he wanted to give himself a surprise C、he felt it was so quiet in the mountain D、he hoped his father would help him
(2)、When the boy heard the voice repeating, he thought ______ .

A、it was foolish to hear others' voice B、someone else in the mountain liked his voice C、there were many other people in the mountain D、he was laughed at by someone else in the mountain
(3)、The father shouted to the mountain to ______ .

A、find out who was repeating his voice B、have fun with other people in the mountain C、show more examples to his son before giving him the answer D、let his son know whose voice was louder
(4)、The word "Echo" means _______.

A、life itself B、repeating voice C、love in the world D、everything in life
(5)、From the story,we know ______ .

A、the boy didn't like others' voice at all B、the father had his own way to teach his son C、it is not polite to repeat others' voice D、the boy and his father were rather tired

    Once upon a time, there was a young man who liked puppets (木偶) so much that he became an apprentice(学徒) to a master puppet-maker. Sadly, the young man was not so clever, and his teacher and the other apprentices were always telling him he had no talent for making puppets, and that he would achieve nothing in making puppets.

    Even so, he was fond of it so much that he worked day after day to improve himself. Though he made every effort, they would always find something wrong with his puppets, and the poor puppets ended up being thrown out of the workshop.

    The young man wasn't going to give up, so he decided that from then on he would spend all his time making just one kind of puppet. Whenever he found a fault in his puppet he would throw it away and start again. Years passed, and with each new attempt his puppet became a little bit better. By that time, his puppet was much better than anything that the other apprentices could make, but he kept making improvements. Living like that, the man wasn't making any money, and many people laughed at how poor he was.

    By the time he was an old man, his puppet was truly wonderful. Finally, after so many years of work, he finished work on his puppet, and said, "I can't find anything wrong with it. This time it is perfect." And for the first time in all those years, instead of throwing his puppet away, he put it up on the shelf, feeling truly satisfied and cheerful.

    It is well-known that the perfect puppet, Pinocchio, came to life after that, had a thousand adventures, and gave that old man –whose name was Geppetto—more joy than any other famous puppet—maker had ever got from any of their creations.


"Spell ‘champion,'" Scott told his elder sister.


Unsure about it, Scott still cheered, "You'll win the spelling bee (拼写大赛)!"

Lucy thanked, happy but worried, wondering if her dog Senator would be looked after well when she was away for a week.

"Dad and I will keep him perfectly!" said Scott, dreaming of getting his own pet if he could prove himself.

It was time to leave. Dad wished Lucy good luck.

"See you in a w-e-a-k," Scott said.

"W-e-e-k," Lucy corrected him and said, "Bye!"

Each morning Scott woke up early to feed Senator, leaving a note to remind Dad. After that Scott continued to sleep.

A week later, Lucy returned and told the family she failed. Then she found her dog sick. Scott felt sorry but confused, because he'd been a strict direction-follower.

They came to the animal hospital. After the examination, Lucy was angry, "A terrible stomachache! How could Senator put on two pounds in such a short time?"

Dad said, "I only fed him two scoops of dog food every morning."

Scott shouted, "Dad! You fed him again? Didn't you read my note? It says I've fed him!"

It took Lucy a while to understand before asking Scott how to spell "fed".

"F-e-e-d? Scott! ‘Fed' is spelled f-e-d. But your note says f-e-e-d, telling Dad to feed the dog!"

"So Senator was fed twice?" Dad asked.

Scott said sorry, "I just wanted to be responsible so I could get a dog for my next birthday."

"OK. I'll teach you how to spell correctly and train myself for next year's spelling bee," Lucy said.

"You have a few months to practice before you get one for your birthday," Dad added. 

Scott burst into laughter.

"Having a little brother isn't so bad," Lucy told Senator, "if he can help f-e-e-d!"

