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题型:单选题 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

外研版英语高一年级Book 4Unit2 同步训练

Two old men were playing chess in the park with trees ________ shade.

A、providing B、provided C、to provide D、provide

          When I walked into the house after school, the first thing I noticed was a box with items I recognized from my dad's office. When he told me that he was laid off, I thought he was joking. Then I noticed his seriousness and realized he was telling the truth. My father has always been a hard worker. He has prided himself on his career.(1){#blank#}1{#/blank#}I guess I had taken his work for granted.

          (2){#blank#}2{#/blank#}For starters, he was home all the time. It meant my bed had to be made, my room cleaned up, and my homework done right after school. I would come home every day to find him at the computer searching for jobs. (3){#blank#}3{#/blank#}He seemed down, though he tried to be optimistic. He asked my brother and me to spend less. I gave up my spending money, which wasn't much. I also found a part-time job.

          (4){#blank#}4{#/blank#}He explained that he never wanted to be laid off again, so he was going to start his own business. Day by day, I watched him build it. One evening I asked if he needed help. “Only if it doesn't affect school,” he said. I showed up at his office the next afternoon, and most afternoons after that for two months.

          (5){#blank#}5{#/blank#}The terrible experience for our family taught me how to deal with difficulties. Now I know that through creative problem-solving, I can always find Plan B. I can ask for help and take risks. What I have learned from my dad's understanding of business and his work ethic(信条)are two of the most important lessons I will ever learn. And they will be my principles for success.

    A. Providing for our family has been his joy.

    B. I made every effort to solve his problems.

    C. I began to notice how losing his job had affected him.

    D. My father's unemployment created many changes in our lives.

    E. After months of searching, my dad decided to go in a totally different direction.

    F. His courage and determination helped him to become successful in his new career.

    G. I always knew he was a hard worker, but watching him in action influenced me a lot.


       In Los Angeles, drivers spend sixty­one hours every year stuck in traffic. These drivers know too well how bad the traffic can be. “There're too many cars, and you can't move around a lot.”

       Professor Cyrus Shahabi also knows about traffic jams. He lives more than 65 kilometers from his office at the University of Southern     California in Los Angeles. He is always late even with the help of a navigation (导航) system.

       He decided to develop a program called ClearPath for that. He says his program uses historical data to predict traffic conditions even before the driver leaves the house.

   “What's unique is that we use a lot of data that's currently become available including traffic data, weather data, and we analyze that so that we can predict what's going to happen in front of you when you leave home.”

      Professor Shahabi says his system does more than just respond to current traffic conditions. With ClearPath, he says, a driver can decide what time he wants to leave, and ClearPath will give the fastest route. It looks at the entire road network, including surface streets as well as highways, before the driver hits the road. Professor Shahahi hopes to have ClearPath available nationwide and overseas once they can collect traffic data from other cities.

   “I always thought that Los Angeles had the worst traffic, but now I know that Shanghai, Beijing, Seoul, Tokyo, believe it or not, Singapore, Hong Kong certainly are examples that can immediately use this.”

       Professor Shahabi hopes to share this new technology with companies that already have navigation systems, such as Google and Apple. 


Doctors SayMost Heart Disease Preventable

               Heart disease is the number one killer,worldwide, of men and women over the age of 60. But people of all ages die ofheart attacks each year. And while death rates have declined in the U.S. and many western European countries, they are on the risein the developing world.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} .

          No one would have guessed that Barbara Tengwould have a heart attack. She was not overweight. She did not smoke orexercise. “In 2004,the week after Iturned 49 ,when I was on abusiness trip in Chicago,Ihad a major heart attack,”shesaid.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}. She now exercisesdaily, and monitors her heart health.

 Dr. Patrice Nickens, who is with the NationalHeart, Lung and Blood Institute, thinks that heart disease is 82 percentpreventable. “{#blank#}3{#/blank#},” she said.“Men are also facing the same problem, and thekey to staying healthy is knowing your numbers.”

 “Your weight, your blood cholesterol, bloodsugar and your blood pressure are important numbers that can help you takeaction and reduce your risk,”she said.


    “And the steps to take are simple:don't smoke, maintain a healthy weight, exercise, know yournumbers and talk to your physician and control these risks,” she said.

 African­Americans are at higher­than­averagerisk for heart disease and stroke;peopledon't even know they have it, which increases the risk. Medstar WashingtonHospital Center is trying to reach this population.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}. For example, helping the peoplemonitor their blood pressure. If people realize they are at risk for heartdisease, they'll make lifestyle changes: lose weight, exercise, eat the rightfoods and keep in touch with a doctor.

a.A healthy lifestyle can prevent heart disease

b.So we must cure heart disease

c.It is the leading cause of death for women

d.With the right training, they can play an important role incommunity health

e.And that changed her life

f.Lack of exercise causes heart attacks

g.Yet most heart disease is preventable

