
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:真题 难易度:普通

I once knew a man who was rich in his love for birds, and in their love for him . He lived in a grove full of all kinds of trees. He had no wife or children in his home. He was an old man with blue and kind eyes, and a voice that the birds loved.21·cn·jy·com

While he was at work in the grove, the birds came close to pick up the worms(蠕虫) in the fresh earth he dug up. At first, they kept their distance from him, but they soon found he was a kind man, and would not hurt them, but liked to have them near him.

They knew this by his kind eyes and voice, which tell what is in the heart. So, day by day their faith in his love grew in them.

All the birds of the grove were soon his fast friends. They were on the watch for him, and would fly down from the green tree tops to greet him with their chirp(叽叽喳喳叫).

When he had no work to do, he took bread with him, and dropped the pieces on the ground. Down they would dart(俯冲) on his head and feet to catch them as they fell from his hand.

He showed me how they loved him, He put a piece of bread in his mouth, with one end of it out of his lips, Down they came like bees at a flower, and flew off with it piece by piece,

When they thought he slept too long in the morning, they would fly in and_____________.

They went with him to church, and while he sang his hymns in it, they sat in the trees, and sang their praises.
So the love and trust of birds were a joy to the old man all his life long.

(1)、The birds didn't get close to the old man at first because_____.

A、he often hurt them      B、he disliked them near him C、they knew little about him       D、they got no food from him
(2)、The underlined word "faith" in Paragraph 3 means______ in Chinese.

A、承诺       B、祝福 C、希望 D、信任
(3)、Which of the following is the best expression to fill in the blank in the passage?

A、follow him here and there  B、call him up with their chirp C、drop pieces of bread on him    D、look for worms in the house
(4)、It can be learnt from the story that______.

A、birds are human's best friends    B、everyone gets on well with animals C、one can get love in return for giving love D、a person who loves birds is warm-hearted

    Once upon a time, there lived a very rich and wealthy man in a big town. He led a luxurious life. He always showed off his wealth to his friends and relatives.

    His son was studying in a distant city and he returned home for vacation. The rich man wanted to show off to his son how rich he was. But his son didn't like any luxurious lifestyle. However, the rich man wanted to make his son realize that his lifestyle was extremely rich and that poor people suffered a lot. He planned a day's visit to the entire town to show him the life of the poor people.

    The father and the son took a chariot and visited the entire town. They returned home after two days. The father was happy that his son was very quiet after seeing the poor people honoring(尊敬) the rich man and after witnessing the sufferings of the poor.

    The rich man asked his son, "Dear boy, how was the trip? Have you enjoyed it?"

    "Yes my dad, it was a great trip with you," the son replied.

    "So, what did you learn from the trip?" the father asked.

    The son was silent.

    "Finally you have realized how the poor suffer and how they actually live," said the father.

    "No father," replied the son. He added, "We have only two dogs, they have 10 dogs. We have a big pool in our garden, but they have a large bay(港湾) without any end! We have luxurious and expensive lights from various countries, but they have countless stars lighting their nights. We have a house on a small piece of land, but they have abundant fields that go beyond the horizon(视野). We are protected by huge and strong walls around our property(财产), but they bond with(与……连着) each other and surround themselves with their fellow beings. We have to buy food from them, but they are so rich that they can grow their own food."

    The rich father was stunned and speechless, on hearing his son's words.

    Finally the son added, "Dad, thank you so much for showing me who is rich and who is poor. Thank you for letting me understand how poor we really are!"

