
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:真题 难易度:普通


A young British man called Luke Cameron has done a good deed(行为) every day for more than a year and he says it has completely changed his life.

Luke made a decision at the beginning of 2014. He started by doing one small good thing every single day from January 1st, 2014. For example, he greeted the waiter at a café on New Year's Day and he bought food and drink for some homeless people the next day.

He set up a website where he could write down all his good deeds, like helping the neighbor take out the rubbish or spending a few hours in helping a disabled lady pick out a dress for a party.

"I've never thought of any return from helping others. Actually, it has given me happiness and I have become more thankful and grateful for the things I have now."Luke said. He has decided to continue doing good deeds in 2015.

Luke won the competition for the job of National Philanthropy(慈善) Manager because of his kind deeds. He will travel all over the UK and help 45 different charities in 2015.

"I used to work as a part-time worker in a shop. Now I become the National Philanthropy Manager." Luke said, "I think I've helped myself by helping others."

(1)、Which of the following is NOT a good deed for Luke?

A、Walking the dog for his neighbor. B、Cleaning the house for his old neighbor. C、Spending his own money buying food for people in need. D、Selling things to customers when he worked in the shop.
(2)、How did Luke win the competition for the job of National Philanthropy Manager?

A、By having a kind heart.       B、By doing many good deeds. C、By writing down good deeds. D、By spending all his money.
(3)、According to the passage, we can know that __________.

A、Luke was very rich in the past. B、Luke has done good deeds for over a year. C、Luke wrote down his good deeds in a notebook. D、Luke became more thankful when he began to do good deeds.
(4)、The passage is probably from __________.

A、a newspaper       B、a novel C、an advertisement D、a scientific book


    People often ask why "Uncle Sam" is a nickname (绰号) for the United States of America. The reason is strange but simple.

    Once there was a man called Samuel Wilson. He was born in Arlington, Massachusetts, on 3 September 1766. His nickname was "Uncle Sam". When Sam Wilson was 14 years old, he joined the army and fought in some battles (战役). At the end of the war (战争) he went to live in the state of New York. He opened a meat-packing business (生意) there.

Sam Wilson worked hard and loved his country. People in the city liked him. One day in 1812, a reporter from a newspaper visited his business. The reporter looked at some boxes of meat. He saw the letters "EA-US" on the sides of the boxes.

    "What do those letters mean?" he asked one of the workers.

    "The ‘EA' stands for (代表) ‘Edward Anderson'," the workman replied. "The boxes of meat are for him."

    "What about the letters ‘US'?" the reporter asked.

    These letters really stood for "United States", but the workman wanted to have a laugh. "Oh," he said. "They stand for Sam Wilson. He has this company(公司). We call him ‘Uncle Sam'."

    The worker did not think that the reporter would believe him. But the reporter wrote a story about his visit to Sam Wilson's business. He wrote that his workers called him "Uncle Sam" and that "Uncle Sam" meant the United States.

Many people liked using the name "Uncle Sam" as a nickname for the United States and soon they were all using it. In 1961, almost 150 years later, the United States government(政府) made the nickname "Uncle Sam" official (官方的).


    Long ago, a wolf called Howler lived in a valley where lots of fruit trees grew. He often tried to climb up the trees to eat the fruit, but couldn't reach. In the valley, an old man named Martin also had a few fruit trees that he looked after very well. But as he was getting older, he noticed that he didn't have the strength to pick the fruit.Martin had the most beautiful fruit trees in the valley, which was why Howler had his eye on them. One day he decided to steal the fruit and started jumping up and down the tree.Martin looked out of the window and realized that the wolf was trying to steal fruit from his beautiful trees. Howler jumped and jumped, but he couldn't reach even the lowest branches of such a big tree.

    Seeing this, Martin had a great idea: he offered Howler a ladder to climb up, but in return the wolf would have to give him half of the fruit. Howler accepted the deal and began to collect the fruit. For the whole morning, he went up and down the ladder filling his basket with the fruit.

    Howler soon realized that he could eat all the fruit if he didn't give Martin some. He thought up a new and secret plan. Martin, on the other hand, trusted Howler and even began to think they would be friends forever.

    But the wolf stole the ladder and went off to other trees in the area for more fruit.Realizing that the ladder was missing, Martin went looking for it. Martin felt very disappointed at the trick and no longer trusted Howler. Though he wasn't angry with the wolf and they became friends again, he never made any more deals with him.

    At last, Howler learned that he shouldn't trick people and he should keep promises. He also learned that if he had been honest and not greedy, he would still have been able to enjoy more delicious fruit.

