
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    More primary care doctors in a community (社区)appear to lead to improved life expectancy for people living there, though a lack of such physicians across U.S. could be a cause of concern for overall population health in years to come.

    For the study, researchers looked at physician counts per 100,000 people in a range covering 2005 to 2015 in the U. S., along with life expectancy and specific causes of death. They found that an increase of 10 primary care physicians per 100,000 population was associated with a 51. 5-day increase in life expectancy, while an increase of 10 specialty physicians per 100, 000 population increased life expectancy by 19. 2 days. An increase in primary care physicians also was associated with reductions of many deaths including heart diseases and cancers.

    Along with those findings, though, the study said many communities did not have primary care physicians in 2015, with the decline in supply more prominent in rural areas than their urban areas. Many believe that a well-functioning health care system requires a solid foundation of primary care, however, payment difference between primary care and technical specialties continue to dispirit the U. S. primary care physician workforce.

    "Higher pay and lifestyle preferences lead most students to choose non-primary care fields, even when their hearts say primary care," the study said. "We must turn this trend around with practical changes in physician payment policy; no amount of superb primary care training or creative practice reform will prevent further declines in primary care physician, which will lead to worsening health for the United States."

    The study's researchers conclude that future research should focus on the "quality and cover of primary care, types of primary care physician training and service offerings, and effective access rather than just supply".

(1)、What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 2?
A、Provide some data for the readers. B、Offer some tips on life expectancy. C、Add some background information. D、Stress the importance of primary care.
(2)、Which of the following best explains "prominent" underlined in Paragraph 3?
A、Adequate. B、Considerate. C、Obvious. D、Reasonable.
(3)、What discourages young people from taking up the primary care?
A、Primary care is badly paid. B、They have to work in rural areas, C、They need to face fierce competition. D、Primary care lacks superb training
(4)、What is the main idea of the text?
A、Primary care can lengthen life. B、Primary care needs improving. C、Primary care physicians are decreasing. D、Higher pay attracts more primary care physicians.

    As Canadians we may have a love-hate relationship with snow.We love the opportunities it provides: skiing,snow-boarding,cross-country and snowshoeing(雪鞋健行).There are the advantages of creating snowmen.The beauty of the snow seems to blanket our community after a fresh snow.However,you may hear  icy roads,getting stuck in snow banks,temperature dropping;roofs collapsing(倒塌)from the weight of snow go in the hate category.

    To find joy with winter I have tried various activities to get me out and playing in it.My new favorite for the past 10 years is snowshoeing.The sport becomes popular because it only requires you to lift your knees up higher, which provides a greater exercise benefit.

    According to the Canadian Icons website,snowshoes have been a common form of transport in this country for hundreds of years thanks to the creativity of the native people.The oldest snowshoes were made by the Ojibwa people.With the snowshoes our deep snow walking would be possible.The snowshoes allowed them to float on top of the deep snow by having the weight of the walker distributed across the surface.The snowshoes allowed people to go across the top of the globe from Central Asia to Canada.

    This past New Year's Eve day my oldest son and I went snowshoeing as a great way to end the year by getting to the mountain top.We enjoyed a snack at the top and our dog Indiana rounded out our party.My son took several photos along the way of the amazing views to send them to his new city friends.We are fortunate to live in such a beautiful part of this amazing country.

    Snowshoeing is a great activity to combine your exercise with visiting with friends and families.Wear layers, bring water and snacks and go play in the snow.And your friends will share his enthusiastic story with you.


    Houses have been getting progressively "smarter" for decades, but the next generation of smart homes may offer what two Case Western Reserve University scientists are calling an "Internet of Ears."

    Today's smart home features appliances, entertainment systems, security cameras and lighting, heating and cooling systems that are connected to each other and the Internet. They can be accessed and controlled remotely by computer or smartphone apps.

    But a group of electrical engineering and computer science professors in the Case School of Engineering have been experimenting with a new suite of sensors (传感器). This system would read not only the vibrations (震动), sounds and even other movements associated with people and animals in a building, but also any slight changes in the existing electrical field.

    While there still maybe a decade or so away, the home of the future could be a building that adjusts to your activity with only a few small, hidden sensors in the walls and floor with-out the need for monitoring cameras.

    "We are trying to make a building that is able t0 61isten' to the humans inside," said Ming-Chun Huang, an assistant professor in electrical engineering and computer science. "We are using principles similar to those of the human ear, where vibrations are picked up and our algorithms (计算程序) recognize them to determine your specific movements. That's why we call it the 61nternet of Ears'. "

    “There is actually a constant 60 Hz electrical field all around us, and because people are somewhat conductive, they short out the field just a little," Huang said. "So, by measuring the disturbance in that field, we are able to determine their presence, or even their breathing, even when there are no vibrations associated with sound.”

    Huang said they have used as few as four small sensors in the walls and floor of a room.

    As for privacy concerns, the system would not be able to identify individuals, although it could recognize people's different ways of walking.


    A popular TV host has reportedly invested about US $740,000 in a project to research, preserve and promote the Hunan provincial dialect (方言). Chinese TV presenters are required to speak Mandarin, or Putonghua, as part of their work, but should dialects be allowed on air?

    Bcnu (China): TV and radio stations have the right to decide whether dialects or Mandarin will be used in their programs. The popularity of some dialects in some areas will not challenge the leading role of Mandarin in the whole country.

    Rick N (US): TV and radio broadcasters should take the lead in popularizing Mandarin. To require hosts to speak standard Mandarin is not to oppress (压制) dialects, but it only aims to restrict irresponsible use of language. I think it is unprofessional for some hosts particularly to imitate the pronunciation of dialects.

    Cooper (UK): Dialects are an important part of local culture and now many kids even don't know how to speak their dialects because of the main use of Mandarin around them. It would be a pity if future generations were unable to understand the local dialects. It would be a terrible break in cultural traditions.

    Steve (France): To attract viewers or make more money, some hosts casually use dialects. Demanding TV and radio programs use Mandarin is a move to limit strange and irresponsible use of language, whether it is Mandarin or other dialects. In this way, the decision is also a form of protection for dialects. Hearing standard Mandarin on TV and radio programs is also a basic right of audiences around the country.


Reading a book and watching a film are two very different experiences, but expectations can be high when a film of a favourite book is made. There are very many times I have been disappointed by a film of a book I love. So maybe highly regarded books do not always make good films. It is safe to say that great movies may be made from not particularly good books.

The source material may be anything from classic novels, short stones, comic books and stage plays, as well as non­fiction such as biography and autobiography, even those written by ghostwriters. All can work well, but why do many adaptations and indeed remakes fail with both cinema audiences and critics?

A key question is obviously how close to the original the film is. Since a typical film is only around two hours long, it becomes a question of what to leave out, and how to script the dialogue. Sometimes there may be changes to the plot, additions and even different endings to please producers, directors and test audiences. I, like many people, have often left the cinema feeling "the film is not like the book".

Another problem area is the cast. Whether suitable actors are found or not can mean the difference between success and failure. Readers of the book use their imaginations to visualize characters and have very definite ideas about how characters look and sound. This is where I think many film adaptations fall down.

Some books are just too difficult to film for technical reasons, although movies like The Life of Pi are changing this perception. The impact of CGI technology has had a huge impact on the movie industry and allowed the previously unfilmable to become a reality.

 Sometimes authors are very involved in the process and many may even be the screenwriters. This can actually be a bad thing because they may be too close to the material and find it difficult to adapt. At other times they are not the screenwriters, and there are instances where writers have been very unhappy with the film versions of their work. Roald Dahl and Stephen King are examples of this. Even more extreme was novelist J. D. Salinger who made sure no film versions of his popular novels could ever be made. In this situation, it is clear viewers will not be disappointed.


 "BANG!" I pulled the door heavily behind me. "Never set foot in this house again!" stormed father. I rushed out of the flat and ran along the street.

A young man who held a child in his arms walked past me. I felt as if I saw my childhood from another space: happy and carefree. But now...I don't know whether it is because I have grown up or because Dad is getting old. We differ in our ways of thinking. We are just like two people coming from two different worlds. It feels like there is an iron(铁制的) door between us that can never be opened.

I wandered in the streets, until I had only the street lights to keep me company. My heart was frozen on this hot summer night. When I finally reached the high-rise apartment block in which I lived, I saw that the light was still on.

I thought to myself, "Is Father waiting for his boy, or still angry with him?"

All the lights were off except Father's.

Dad was always like this. Maybe he didn't know how to express himself. After an argument he had the habit of tucking me underneath the covers(掖被子) while I was sleeping. This was how he always was. He had been a leader for so long that telling everyone else what to do had become his second nature.

The light was still on.

"Am I wrong?" I whispered, maybe... With the key in hand, I was as nervous as I had ever been. At last, I decided to open the door. As soon as I opened the door, tears ran down my cheeks. I suddenly realized that the iron door that I had imagined between us did not exist at all. Love——it's second to none.

