
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Halloween is a strange holiday. It started several centuries ago in Europe. It began as "Hallow Evening" which means "holy night". At that time November 1st was called "All Saints' Day" (万圣日) and people honored all the saints who did not have their own special day. People believed that all the spirits of dead people were active on the night of October 31st. So people would play all sorts of tricks on each other.

    Black is one of the traditional Halloween colors, probably because Halloween festivals and traditions took place at night. Pumpkins area symbol of Halloween, so orange has become the other traditional Halloween color. Making lanterns out of pumpkins is a Halloween custom.

    Halloween is great fun for children. They dress up as ghosts(鬼) or witches(女巫). Small children go "Trick-or-Treat". They wear costumes, knock on doors, and shout, "Trick or Treat!" People almost always choose to give them candy as a treat, instead of choosing to receive a trick from the children. Adults sometimes "trick or treat" their friends, too. Usually the "treat" is a glass of wine or some small gifts.

(1)、Halloween is a holiday which started of years ago in.
(2)、It was believed that the spirits of people were active on the night "All Saints' Day".
(3)、 and are both traditional Halloween colors.
(4)、People, especially, have great fun playing "Trick or Treat" to Halloween.
(5)、According to the custom, people always treat the children with instead of a trick from them.
What makes the world become smaller? Some inventions, It began in the 11th century, But it has developed greatly in the last century. Let's take a look at the five top inventions.
Movable Type(活字印刷) :By using Movable Type, books could be printed cheaply and easily. Bi Sheng invented Movable Type in China in the 11th century.
Telephone: The inventor Alexander Graham Bell made the first telephone call in 1876." Mr. Watson, come here. I want you ,"he said to his assistant(助手) over the phone line. And with those famous words, the world was about to get much smaller.
Airplane: The Wright brothers made the first powered flight in1903.Air travel has made the far way places suddenly become a lot closer.
Satellites: The Soviet Union sent up the world's first satellite in 1957. This begin the Space Age. Satellites have helped scientists study the earth. Much of our knowledge of the world has come from the information recorded by satellites.
Internet: When the Internet was created in 1969. only a few people knew about it. But more than 650 million people in the world use it now. The Internet has made information about anything easy to get.

Title: {#blank#}1{#/blank#} 
The top InventionsMovable TypeTelephoneAirplane   Satellites      Internet
/     The Soviet Union    /
In 193     in 1957       in 1969
making the {#blank#}2{#/blank#} in formation
farway  {#blank#}5{#/blank#}     easy to
places     information    get
closer     recordedly
{#blank#}3{#/blank#} China/
When{#blank#}4{#/blank#} In 1876
HowBooks printed
Cheaply and
Easily anything
The world
got a lot
下面文章中有五处需要添加首句。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E 和F)中选出符合各段意思的首句。选项中有一项是多余选项。

A. Teach children not to talk to strangers

B. Tell students to follow the school rules

C. Talk to your children about their day

D. Keep an eye on your children's Internet use

E. Teach children not to work out problems by fighting

F. Tell your children a safe way to walk to school or the bus stop

    Students spend more time at school than anywhere else. At school, children need a safe and comfortable environment to help them learn. By doing the following, parents can help make sure children have a good school life.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}. Ask your children if they see anyone bullied(被欺负), if they are bullied, or if anything else makes them feel uncomfortable. Look for warning signs, such as a sudden drop in grades or a loss of friends.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. Tell children that fighting could lead to them getting hurt, or hurting someone else. Tell them about other ways they can solve a problem, such as walking away or telling to teachers or the adult you know well.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. Talk to your children about what they do online—what websites they visit, who they email, and who they chat with. Let them know they can talk to you if anything they see online makes them uncomfortable.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. Teach children to follow traffic lights and rules when walking or biking. Stress that they should cross the street at crosswalks.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. Don't go anywhere with them, or accept gifts from them when you don't know. If they see a stranger hanging around or in their school, they should tell the people that you know.

