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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

人教版英语高一必修4 Unit 5 Theme parks同步练习


Do you know what's sadness? For twenty years, I saved all my college course notes and textbooks. Two and a half college degrees: that's a lot of paper. Worse, I carried them around — and trust me; they weren't light — on at least seven moves(搬迁). Yet I never once looked at them.

They sat in our basement(地下室), covered in a thick layer of dust. If books and papers could wonder, they'd wonder why they were still under our stairs after all those years. What were my plans for them? When would the Big Day come? Well, the Big Day eventually did arrive — only it was different than expected. My wife, always more accepting of change than I am, finally convinced me to recycle the entire mess. The pain I experienced was also unexpected. I didn't feel nostalgia(怀旧), or suffer pains for long-lost magical moments of my education. No, what hurt was to come across those terrible papers I'd written, reminders of poor study habits, immaturity(幼稚), and an embarrassing lack of comprehension.

Thank goodness,I won't have to lug those dusty, dirty things on our next move. But what really happened was a purging(清除) of personal history. At first I struggled with this. The truth is in the record — my books, my notes, and my papers were primary source materials, documenting an important time in my life. To trash them was to trash the truth.

What I've learned since taking this leap is that the lesson is more important than the truth. I feel as if much of my real education has been a direct reaction to killing time during my college years. The lessons aren't in the documents—they're now in me. So I was glad to free myself of this physical burden and the mental one too: I don't need to relive the painful moments, as the lessons have now sunk in.

You might want to consider doing something similar.

(1)、What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A、Books and notes are carried and moved from one place to another. B、The writer made good use of books and notes again. C、The writer's wife convinced him to recycle the entire messes. D、Books and notes go back to college with the writer.
(2)、According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A、The writer originally thought he wouldn't go through pain when clearing the mess. B、The writer was reminded of bad habits, immaturity, and a lack of comprehension. C、The writer didn't have a special feeling for the past of suffer pains for magical moments. D、The writer felt happy to get rid of the textbooks and notes lying untouched for a long time.
(3)、What does the underlined word “lug” in the third paragraph mean?
A、Carrying something heavy with difficulty. B、Controlling or handling something with skill. C、Going for and bringing back something. D、Pulling something smoothly out of its present position.
(4)、At first, before the clearing, the author ____________.
A、didn't need to take things with him anymore B、thought the lessons in the document not important C、was a little unwilling to tidy his mess D、understood the lesson is more important than truth
(5)、What's the writer's purpose of writing this passage?
A、To form a good habit of clearing your old books and papers. B、To remember to get rid of your rubbish every few weeks. C、To let go of everything that doesn't make your life awesome. D、To record your college education in documents as well as in yourself.

    Opened in September 2005, Hong Kong Disneyland is the second Disney Park in Asia. It experienced a difficult time upon its opening. The Park, as well as two themed hotels, was built on Lantau Island.

    The Park opened to strong competition in the form of Ocean Park. Hong Kong Disneyland is one of only two parks in Hong Kong, which has become one of the world's leading cities in recent years. It kept Chinese cultural traditions in mind when they built the Park to avoid a cultural backlash (抵制). Designers added to the custom of Feng Shui.

    Disney and Hong Kong announced the Park in 1999, and construction (建设) began in 2003. The Park had one of the shortest construction periods in Disney history. Disney actually announced that the opening of the Park would be brought forward, from 2006 to September 2005.

    The Park attracted 5.2 million visitors in its first year, below the expected 5.6 million. There was a lack of attractions, with Fantasyland opening with just one dark ride. Summer Passes were announced to increase the number of tourists. Autopia, Stitch Encounter and it's a Small World opened between 2006 and 2008 to offer more attractions at the Park.

    The number of tourists dropped in 2007 to just over 4 million, so Disney planned a big expansion (扩大) project to attract more tourists and bring the Park back to its normal level. In July 2009, the Legislative Council of Hong Kong passed a three-land expansion of Hong Kong Disneyland, and in 2010, Toy Story Land opened.

    These new attractions have certainly paid off, with the Park earning record profit (盈利) in 2013. In that year, over 7 million guests entered the Park.

    With enough room for a second Park and the promise of more attractions to come, it seems that there is indeed a great beautiful tomorrow for Hong Kong Disneyland.


    Teens may become more private during adolescence (青春期) because they are learning how to be more independent, says Carl Pickhardt, a Texas­based scientist who studies parenting adolescents. "As they enter adolescence, parents have less control," he says. "You're going to have less communication with the kid who is now entering a larger and more risky world."

    However, Pickhardt says, this does not mean that parents should just sit back and do without any information. He says that parents should tell their kids that there are still things they need to know about, such as why their teen was late getting home from school one day.

    Iowa's mom Patty Link knows this fight well. The mom of three is raising two teenage boys: Graham, a 14-year-old eighth grader, and Carter, a 16-year-old high school student. She says that becoming friends with the parents of her children's friends has helped.

    "A lot of times if I want to get any information out of them, I'll say, 'Oh, I can talk to Adam's mom and she will tell me what was going on Friday night', and it will lead to some other discussion, "she says.

    Parents should watch their use of questions, Pickhardt says, because they can stand for authority (权威), and that is likely to not go over well with teens. "They want their independence to be respected, "he says. Pickhardt suggests using requests such as, "It could really help me if you could tell me," "I would really appreciate it if you let me know, "or "Could you help me better understand." But sometimes teens make mistakes and parents have to correct them. Parents should plainly (直率地) state the problem, Pickhardt says, and avoid judgments of character.

    Parents can also use technology to feel connected. One recent study showed that many teens are friends with their parents on Facebook—and only 5 percent limit what their parents can see.

