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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Urban Transportation in Canada

Public transportation & Transit passes

    All cities and most major towns in Canada have a public transportation system with one or more modes of transportation (bus, subway, train, etc.). The bus is the most common form of urban transportation in Canada. To use public transportation, you must purchase a ticket or a transit pass. Transit passes allow you unlimited use of public transportation for a specific period (one month or more). They are usually cheaper than buying many tickets if you plan to use public transportation often.

Transportation for people with disabilities

    Public transportation often has features to assist people with disabilities. In many cities and towns, there are also transportation services available specifically for people with limited mobility, such as specially equipped buses. You can find out about these services in the same way you would learn more about other public transportation options.

Etiquette on public transportation

    When taking public transportation such as a bus or train, it is important to understand the unspoken rules of conduct in the shared space. Here are a few things to note:

    ◆ Be polite and respectful to others around you. For example, maintain an appropriate noise level when talking or making a phone call.

    ◆ If you are carrying a backpack or a large shoulder bag in a crowded public transit vehicle, keep it close to you, preferably at your feet to avoid hitting people with it as you walk by.

    ◆ Avoid pushing or touching others in order to make more room for yourself. Sometimes public transit can become very crowded, but it is important to keep calm and give others appropriate personal space.

    ◆ Have your proof of payment accessible in case you are asked to show it.

(1)、What is the advantages of using transit passes over buying tickets?
A、Lower costs. B、Safer trips. C、Longer service hours. D、More use of transport.
(2)、How does the transportation system help people with disabilities?
A、By offering fewer transportation options. B、By running special transport services. C、By limiting their mobility on city buses. D、By providing free rides in towns and cities.
(3)、What is considered impolite on public transportation?
A、Lowering your speaking voice. B、Placing backpacks at your feet. C、Having your proof of payment at hand. D、Staying close to other passengers.

    The kids in this village wear dirty clothes. They sleep beside cows and sheep in huts (棚屋) made of sticks and mud. They have no school. Yet they all can sing the English letters, and some can make words.    

    The key to their success: 20 tablet computers (平板电脑) dropped off in their Ethiopian village in February by a U.S. group called One Laptop Per Child.

    The goal is to find out whether kids using today's new technology can teach themselves to read in places where no schools or teachers exist. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers analyzing the project say they're already amazed. “What I think has already happened is that the kids have already learned more than they would have in one year of kindergarten (幼儿园),” said Matt Keller, who runs the Ethiopia program.

The fastest learner—and the first to turn on one of the tablets—is 8-year-old Kelbesa Negusse. The tablet's camera couldn't save memory, yet within weeks Kelbesa had figured out its workings and made the camera work. He called himself a lion, a marker of accomplishment in Ethiopia.

With his tablet, Kelbasa rearranged the letters HSROE into one of the many English animal names he knows. Then he spelled words on his own. “Seven months ago he didn't know any English. That's unbelievable,” said Keller.

The project aims to get kids to a stage called “deep reading,” where they can read to learn. It won't be in Amharic, Ethiopia's first language, but in English, which is widely seen as the ticket to higher paying jobs.


    Eating spicy foods frequently may be tied to a slightly lower risk of an earlier death, according to a new study. However, more research is needed to confirm the link, experts say.

    The researchers found that the people in the study who ate spicy foods one or two days a week were 10 percent less likely to die during the study, compared with those who ate spicy foods less than once a week, according to the study published today(Aug. 4) in the journal The BMJ. Moreover, the people in the study who ate spicy foods three or more days a week were 14 percent less likely to die during the study, compared with those who ate spicy foods less than once a week.

    However, the study was observational, and so it is too early to tell whether there is a causal relationship between eating spicy food and lower mortality, said study author Lu Qi, an associate professor at Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, Massachusetts. "We definitely need more data from other populations," Qi told Live Science. “The researchers don't know why exactly the consumption of spicy food may be linked to lower mortality, but previous research on cells and animals has suggested several possible mechanisms,” Qi said.

    “It is unclear whether the observed associations are the direct result of spicy food intake, or whether spicy foods are simply a marker for other beneficial but unmeasured dietary components(成分),” said Nita Forouhi, a nutritional expect. At this point, researchers don't know for sure whether eating spicy foods can have a beneficial effect on human health and mortality, Forouhi wrote. "Future research is needed to make sure whether spicy food consumption has the potential to improve health and reduce mortality directly, or if it is merely a marker of other dietary and lifestyle factors," she said.


    It may sound strange, but cutting down a real tree for Christmas is actually greener than going with the artificial kind, one scientist says.

    “It is a little confusing to people,” said Clint Springer, a biologist at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia. Because of concerns over deforestation(砍伐森林)around the world, many people naturally worry that buying a real tree might contribute to that problem. But most Christmas trees for sale these days are grown not in the forest but on tree farms for the purpose of being cut.

    Moreover, from the viewpoint of greenhouse gases, real trees are “the obvious choice”. Live trees actively release oxygen as they grow, and meanwhile remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. After they have been cut and Christmas is over, they're usually cut into smaller pieces for mulch(覆盖物). As mulch, the bits of trees very slowly release carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere. So in the end, a real Christmas tree is carbon neutral, putting the same amount of carbon dioxide back into the air as it took out (although much more slowly).

    The tree farms that grow the trees also replant after the trees are cut.  Artificial trees, on the other hand, don't come out even in the carbon balance. Petroleum(石油)is used to make the plastics in artificial trees and lots of carbon dioxide-creating energy is required to make and transport them. Because these trees just end up in the places where waste is buried under the ground after use, “those greenhouse gases are lost forever,” Springer said.


    The medical world is gradually realizing that the quality of the environment in hospital may play an important role in helping patients to get better.

    As part of a nationwide effort in Britain to bring art out of the museums and into public places, some of the country's best artists have been called in to change older hospitals and to soften the hard edges of modern buildings. Of the 2500 national health service hospitals in Britain, almost 100 now have very valuable collections of present art in passages, waiting areas and treatment rooms.

    These recent movements first started by one artist, Peter Senior, who set up his studio at a Manchester hospital on northeastern England during the early 1970s. He felt the artist had lost his place in modern society, and that art should be enjoyed by a wider audience.

    A common hospital waiting room might have as many as 5,000 visitors each week. What a better place to hold regular exhibitions of art! Senior held the first exhibition of his own paintings in the outpatients waiting area of the Manchester Royal Hospital in 1975. Believed to be Britain's first hospital artist, Senior was so much in demand that he was soon joined by a team of six young art school graduates.

    The effect is striking. Now in the passages and waiting rooms the visitor experiences a full view of fresh colours, playful images and restful courtyards.

    The quality of the environment may reduce the need for expensive drugs when a patient is recovering from an illness. A study has shown that patients who had a view onto garden needed half the number of strong pain killers compared with patients who had no view at all or only a brick wall to look at.


Tiger research: Indonesia

    While sustainable tourism helps protect many of the Indonesia's wildlife, one of its rarest species, the Sumatran tiger, suffers as the island's cities expand into its forest habitat. Fortunately Biosphere Expeditions have created a trip that not only benefits the seriously endangered animal, but helps protect it too. Based in a remote camp in the heart of the rainforest, volunteers will be needed to tour the landscape, documenting tracks, kills and scats(粪便) to aid important research into the lives of these big cats.

    Company: Biosphere Expeditions

    Length: 13 days

    More information: www.biosphere-expeditions.org

                                                                                           Cycling tour: Cambodia

    With an ancient world of temples and jungles, Cambodia is the kind of country that needs to be explored slowly. PEPY Tours offers 621 miles of green fields, dusty orange tracks and winding rivers on its 15-day cycling expeditions. Money goes directly to local people through homestays and lunches, while tours allow visitors to learn Khmer customs and contribute to ongoing community development projects.

    Company: PEPY Tours

    Length: 15 days

    More information: www.pepytours.com

                                                                                            Beach stay: Tanzania

    A winner in the Best for Beach category at the Responsible Tourism Awards 2014, Chole Mjini Island is a tourists' paradise(天堂) located off the coast of Tanzania. With no roads or electricity, guests to the low-impact destination can enjoy a simple life in hand-built tree houses and spend days either stretched out on deserted beaches or searching for whale sharks.

    Company: Chole Mjini Island

    Length: 6 days

    More information: www.cholemjini.com

                                                                                          Teaching: Morocco

    It's the breathtaking beauty that draws tourists to Morocco's High Atlas Mountains, but while the remoteness of the setting may aid its charm it also causes problems. Few inhabitants of the region's rural villages, especially females, continue their education past primary school. Education For All (EFA) is a Moroccan NGO that builds and runs girls' boarding houses near secondary schools in the High Atlas, making further education theoretically possible. Based in the beautiful town of Asni, the programme is looking for female volunteers with teaching experience.

    Company: People and Places

    Length: 4 weeks (minimum)

    More information: www.travel-peopleandplaces.co.uk


    When you visit America, you will see the word Motel on signs and notice boards. It is made up of "motor" and "hotel" and it is really a hotel for people who arrive by car (however, you don't need a car to stay at one). You have to pay when you arrive for your room, which usually has a bath. Meals are not provided, but there will certainly be a cafeteria (自助餐馆). Americans eat a lot of salads and sandwiches. Along the main roads there are a lot of motels. Each tries to offer more than next. Some provide television in every bedroom; others have swimming pools; and so on. Motels are especially useful when you are in the country, far from a town or city. You will also find them in the big National Parks.

    In these great National Parks, you may meet guests you don't expect to see. An American friend told me a little story. In the middle of a moonless night she heard strange noises outside her motel window in the Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. Thinking it might be a thief, she jumped out of bed, opened the door and crept towards a dark shadow. As she got close, she saw the thief. She was dreadfully frightened: it wasn't a human thief ­ it was a big black bear. The bear was turning over some empty tins with its paw, looking for tasty bits of food. My friend decided to leave that particular thief alone!

    There are also, of course, places called "rooming houses", where they receive lodgers (房客). You will see such signs as Tourists or Rooms Rent, and you could try one of these. A word of warning ­ looking for a room in New York during the tourist season is like looking for gold on the moon!

