
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    One day, on a small farm in Maine, a man sat in a barn watching a large grey spider spin a web. The man was E.B. White — or Andy, as he was called — who thought spiders were wonderful creatures. He thought that one day he might like to write a children's book about a spider.

    But writing was hard work for Andy. He had written many articles and essays and poems. He had also written one children's book, Stuart Little. But Andy could never just rush to turn an idea into an article or a book. He told his editor (编辑) that he needed to let his ideas ripen.

    So for years, Andy continued to think about writing a children's book about a spider. He did some of his best thinking while he wandered around his farm.

    Once while he was cleaning his barn, he found a spider's egg sac (卵囊). Andy wanted to see the eggs hatch. But he was scheduled to leave for a trip to New York City. So he found a small box and carefully placed the egg sacinside. When he got to his hotel, he put the box on the dresser. One morning he woke up, and there were hundreds of baby spiders rushing across the dresser!

    Years later, Andy finally began writing Charlotte's Web, the story of a spider named Charlotte and a pig named Wilbur. Andy created most of the book sitting by himself in the tiny boathouse of his farm.

    Sometimes he stopped writing and aimlessly drew pictures of spiders. Andy always said Charlotte's Web was more than just a children's story about animals. It was a timeless story about true friendship.

(1)、What is the main idea of this text?
A、E. B. White loved spiders. B、E. B. White liked to live on a farm. C、Why E. B. White was called Andy. D、How E. B. White wrote Charlotte's Web.
(2)、What did Andy mean by saying "to let his ideas ripen"?
A、He wanted them to work quickly. B、He wanted to discuss them with others. C、He wanted them to slowly grow and improve. D、He wanted to save them for future use.
(3)、Why did Andy bring the spider's eggs to New York City?
A、He wanted to know more about spiders. B、He didn't want spiders to live on his farm. C、He wanted to kill time during the trip. D、He didn't like to travel alone.
(4)、What had happened before Andy put his idea into practice according to the text?
A、Children's books had sold well. B、Andy had made full preparations. C、Andy had never tried writing children's books. D、The editor had given Andy some advice.

    At 80 years old,scientist Jane Goodall continues to enjoy the joy of discovery.“Trees can communicate with each other,” she said during her Nov.16,2014 China visit to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the China establishment of her youth organization Roots & Shoots,which has grown to more than 600 branches in the country among 150,000 active groups globally.

    Jane Goodall still travels 300 days a year in all around the world and says she absorbs energy from the inspired people she meets in each country.The elderly activist and the youth take inspiration from each other.

    On Nov.16,2014,she visited the project of Roots & Shoots which was set up in Beijing.“She thought our project was great,” says 16-year-old Beijing Experimental High School student Qi Zhengyang,whose group helps protect a wetlands in the suburbs of Beijing.“She said we're doing a good job.She paid attention to us.”

    Jane Goodall plans to continue to set up Roots & Shoots branches as many as possible throughout the world.“I'll go on as long as I can,” she says.“I hope I maintain physical health as long as possible because there's so much to do.” Her aspiration for the organization in China is to expand in rural areas.Most branches are in big cities as Beijing and Shanghai.

    It was publishing her findings about chimpanzees (My Friends the Wild Chimpanzees)  more than half a century ago that made Jane Goodall a household name in the world.She was named United Nations Messenger of Peace in 2002.

    Some of the members in Roots & Shoots realize Goodall is 80 and has already considered who'll lead the movement once she's gone.“It can be all of us,” she says.“A group is stronger than one person.We can do more working together.”


    The year is 2094. It has been announced that a comet (彗星) is heading towards the Earth. Most of it will miss our planet, but two pieces will probably hit the southern half of the Earth.

    On 17 July, a piece four kilometers wide enters the Earth's atmosphere with a massive explosion. About half of the piece is destroyed, but the remaining part hits the South Atlantic at 200 times the speed of sound. The sea boils and a huge hole is made in the sea bed.  Huge waves are created and spread outwards from the hole. The wall of water, a kilometer high, rushes towards southern Africa at 800 kilometers an hour. Cities on the African coast are totally destroyed and millions of people are drowned.

    Before the waves reach South America, the second piece of the comet lands in Argentina. Earthquakes and volcanoes are set off in the Andes Mountains. The shock waves move north into California and all around the Pacific Ocean. The cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco and Tokyo are completely destroyed by earthquakes. Millions of people in the southern half of the earth are already dead, but the north won't escape for long. Because of the explosions, the sun is hidden by clouds of dust, temperatures around the world fall to almost zero. Crops are ruined. The sun won't be seen again for many years. Wars break out as countries fight for food. A year later, no more than 10 million people remain alive.

    Could it really happen? In fact, it has already happened more than once in the history of the Earth. The dinosaurs were on the Earth for over 160 million years. Then 65 million years ago they suddenly disappeared. Many scientists believe that the Earth was hit by a piece of object in space. The dinosaurs couldn't live through the cold climate that followed and they died out. Will we meet the same end?


    10-year-old Mikaila Ulmer from Texas is building a lemonade(柠檬水)empire, hoping to save honey bees in the process.

    It all started when Mikaila was 4 years old and she was bitten by a bee twice in one week. This caused her to become very scared whenever bees were near. In order to help her manage this new fear, Mikaila's parents asked her to do some research on bees. She learned that bees are quite important for flowers, gardens and trees. She also learned that they are dying at a rapid rate. In the past year, honeybee farmers have reported losing nearly 42% of them. Many believe that this could be due to the overuse of pesticides(杀虫剂).

    This is when she set her mind to create a product to help save bees. She started her company BeeSweet Lemonade. Her special lemonade recipe came from her great-grandmother's cookbook. She adds honey to it, instead of sugar. In order to call attention to the problems honeybees face, Mikaila sells lemonade almost every day at her lemonade stand. And she takes every opportunity to tell her customers about the problems that face honeybees.

    What began as a small activity is starting to grow. BeeSweet is projected to sell almost 140,000 bottles of lemonade this year. BeeSweet lemonade can be found on the shelves at select Whole Foods Markets as well as many restaurants and other locations near her home.

    Does Mikaila have any time to just be a kid? Sure! Every weekend Mikaila does something fun. She doesn't mind the hard work though. She says that she is happy watching people enjoy her lemonade. The more people enjoy it, the more they're learning about the bees.


    Last year I ruined my summer vacation by bringing along a modern convenience that was too convenient for my own good: the iPad. Instead of looking at nature, I checked my email. Instead of paddling a small boat, I followed my Twitter feed (推特简讯). Instead of reading great novels, I stuck to reading four newspapers each morning. I was behaving as if I were still in the office. My body was on vacation but my head wasn't.

    So this year I made up my mind to try something different: withdrawal (退出) from the Internet. I knew it wouldn't be easy, since I'm bad at self-control. But I was determined. I started by giving the iPad to my wife.

    The cellphone signal at our house was worse than in the past, making my attempts at cheating a frustrating experience. I was trapped, forced to go through with my plan. Largely cut off from e-mail, Twitter and my favorite newspaper websites, I had few ways to connect to the world except for radio and how much radio can one listen to, really? I had to do what I had planned to all along: read books.

    This experience has had a happy ending. With determination and the strong support of my wife, I won in my vacation struggle against the Internet, realizing finally that it was I, not the iPad, that was the problem. I knew I had won when we passed a Starbucks and my wife asked if I wanted to stop to use the Wi-Fi. “I don't need it,” I said.

    However, as we return to post -vacation life, a harder test begins: Can I continue when I'm back at work? There are times when the need to know what's being said right now is great. And I have no intention of giving up my convenience completely. But I hope to resist the temptation (诱惑) to check my e-mail every five minutes, which leads to checking my Twitter feed and a website or two.

    I think a vacation is supposed to help you reset your brain to become more productive. Here I hope this one worked.


    University of New South Wales has launched its new 12-month Women in Maths & Science Champions Program designed to give women the skills and confidence to build their public recognition and set up a connected network of women in maths and science. The first group of 30 female PhD students started in August this year, and the second group of 19 early- career researchers was formally announced yesterday.

    Over the 12 months, the champions complete at least 20 hours of related activities as part of a community of representatives who will influence and inspire women to pursue a career in maths and science. The activities are varied, ranging from visiting schools and conducting science presentations, to attending conferences and creating content for social media. At the end of the program, PhD champions have the chance to apply everything they've learned to the Postgraduate Research Competition. Above all, participating is a requirement for program completion.

    Rose O'Dea, a member of the first group, is a PhD candidate at the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences. She said, "I'm excited about the opportunity to work with school children. I hope to inspire some girls so they see not all scientists are older men in lab coals and that science is quite diverse and means different things depending on who you are."

    Dr. Mariana Mayer Pinto is an early-career researcher at the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, where she mainly works with marine (海洋的) ecologists. She is originally from Brazil and said that being a woman from a developing country meant she knew the struggles that lack of role models can create. "You can't be what you can't see! I always have the hope that I can change the world bit by bit, and if one little girl says she can become a scientist because I talked to them, that'd be awesome, and that would make everything worth it."


    Charles Darwin lived an unusually quiet life. In 1842, Darwin and his wife Emma moved from London to Kent in southern England to have as little disturbance (烦扰) as possible. They already had two children then, and would go on to have eight more in the country.

    Darwin had very regular (有规律的) habits. He rose early and went for a walk. After breakfast he worked in his study until 9:30 am, his most productive time of the day, and then read his letters lying on the sofa before returning to work.

    At midday he would go for another walk with his dog, stopping at his greenhouse to inspect (查看) his experiments. Then he would go for another walk around an area of woodland. While walking on his "thinking path", Darwin would consider his unsolved scientific problems.

    After lunch he read the newspaper and wrote letters. His network of friends provided information from all corners of the world.

    The Darwins were not very strict parents and the children were always seen running wild. Their father worked patiently to a background of playful shouts and little footsteps walking past his study door.

After dinner Darwin played backgammon (a game for two people to play) with his wife. He once wrote, "Now the result with my wife in backgammon stands like this: she... has won only 2,490 games, while I have won, hurrah (a cheer of joy or victory), hurrah, 2,795 games!"

    Although he had poor health, Darwin continued to publish (出版)a lot of creative works until his final book in 1881. He died the following year, aged 73.

    Rather than a quiet space in the local churchyard, which he called "the sweetest place on Earth", Darwin was given a state funeral (国葬) in London's Westminster Abbey.

