
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    The Secretary-General of the U.N. has always been chosen in private meetings. But for the first time in its 70-year history, part of the selection process is taking place in public.

    At least eight countries have announced their candidates (候选人) for the position, among whom are women, including Irina Bukova from Bulgaria, Susana Malcorra from Argentina and Helen Clark from New Zealand. 56 countries says the next U.N. chief should be a woman. There have been eight U.N. chiefs, none of whom was a woman.

    All member states were permitted to ask the candidates questions during two hour-long meetings last week in the U.N. General Assembly (联合国大会). The candidates were also asked some of the 1,000 questions written by people on social media.

    They were asked questions about development, how they would improve efforts to create peace and how they would protect human rights.

    The U.N. Security Council will examine the candidates' backgrounds. Then the 15 members will vote secretly until one person is chosen. The General Assembly will then vote on whether to accept the choice.

    Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States are the five permanent members of the Security Council. Experts say they are likely to have more influence on who will be the new secretary-general than the 10 non-permanent nations on the council.

    The Security Council will begin to discuss who will be named the next secretary-general in July. A new secretary-general may not be confirmed until as late as November.

    The U.N. has a tradition of choosing its new leader from a part of the world different from its current leader. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is from Asia. The previous U.N. chief was Kofi Annan, who was from Africa.

    Dan Thomas is a spokesman for the president of the General Assembly. He says there is no rule that says where a new secretary-general must come from. But most observers say the new U.N. chief will not be from Asia or Africa.

(1)、What do the first two paragraphs imply?
A、All the Secretary-Generals of the U.N. have been chosen privately. B、Women haven't been allowed to apply for the Secretary-General. C、The next Secretary-General of the U.N. might be a woman. D、The process of choosing a new secretary-general is being made public.
(2)、Which of the following has the final decision on who will be the next secretary-general?
A、The five permanent members of the Security Council. B、The Security Council. C、The 10 non-permanent nations on the council. D、The current Secretary-General.
(3)、Which of the following is NOT the factor affecting whether a candidate will become the next U.N. chief?
A、Whether he is concerned about the human right. B、Where he is from. C、What his background is. D、Male or female.
(4)、What is the best title of the passage?
A、U.N. Seeks New Secretary-General B、The First Female Secretary-General of the U.N. C、A Hard Decision in U.N.'s History D、Who can be the Secretary-General of the U.N.

    Cancer researchers urged people on Wednesday to take more vitamin D to lower risk of cancer, saying studies showed a clear link. “Our suggestion is for people to increase their intake, through diet or a vitamin supplement. ” Dr.Cedric Garland said in a telephone interview.

    Garland's research team reviewed 63 studies, including several large long-term ones, on the relationship between vitamin D and certain types of cancer worldwide between 1966 and 2004.

    “There's nothing that has this ability to prevent cancer,” he said, urging governments and public health officials to do more to fortify foods with vitamin D. Garland is part of a University of California at San Diego Moores Cancer Center team that published its findings this week online in the American Journal of Public Health. Vitamin D is found in milk, as well as in some fortified orange juice, yogurt and cheeses, usually at around 100 international units(IU) a serving. People might want to consider a vitamin supplement to raise their intake to 1000 IUs per day, Garland said, adding that it was well within the safety guidelines established by the National Academy of Sciences.

    The authors said that taking more vitamin D could be especially important for people living in northern areas, which receive less vitamin D from sunshine.

    African Americans, who don't produce as much of the vitamin because of their skin colour, could also benefit significantly from a higher intake, the authors said.


    “Can I hug you?” community nurse Joyce Jebambula asks with a smile as she welcomes me back to her village. “Of course,” I say as I put my arms around her. It's an unbelievable moment. Just at the height of the outbreak more than a year ago, there was an “avoid body contact” rule here. It's now been removed.

    One of the most challenging parts of reporting this outbreak over the past 18 months is that I haven't been able to touch anyone in the worst-affected countries. When Ebola(埃博拉病毒) survivors described in tears describing losing their families, I had to almost sit on my hands to avoid reaching out to comfort them.

    The outbreak was declared over in Sierra Leone on 7 November. I returned for the celebrations. But despite reaching this long-awaited milestone, all is not well.

    Ibrahim Koroma, 21, clings to (紧紧抓住) his survivor's certificate (证明) outside the home. All 17 of his family are now dead. The certificate is one of his most prized possessions. "He does not pose any risk to the community" it reads.

    Ibrahim tells me how his landlord has allowed him to stay in one of the rooms of his former family home until the end of the year. He says he doesn't know what he'll do after that. He does some part-time work, relying heavily on help from neighbors. His two little sisters and little brother died in the very room where he now sleeps. He says he often lies awake thinking about them, feeling very bad.

    The Ebola outbreak in West Africa was the worst on record. In past outbreaks there had only been a few hundred deaths and a few hundred survivors. It was thought Ebola could live for only three months. But research has now shown it can linger for at least nine months. Scientists are still trying to find how long it could be infectious.


    The Children's Groundwater Festival, first organized by the Groundwater Foundation 19 years ago, is celebrated every year in Nebraska, a state of the central United States in the Great Plains. After organizing the festival for 16 years, the foundation passed the program on to the local community of Grand Island, Nebraska. The festival is an annual event for fourth and fifth graders of Nebraska. It is an interesting and energetic day filled with hands­on education. Water magic, folk singers and musicians, storytellers, and bird shows add to the happy atmosphere during the festival. There are also some educational activities:

    Gooey Garbage: Children build a landfill (废物填埋场) and learn how a properly­built landfill can protect groundwater.

    Water Races: Children learn about water pollution by racing a drop of water through a model.

    Well in a Cup: By building a small aquifer (蓄水层) in a cup, children learn about aquifers and drinking water wells.

    Taster's Choice: Children drink different types of water, from tap water to bottled water. Then they are taught about the treatment process of each type of water.

    There's No New Water: Students are taught to make a special glass container and learn about the water cycle.

    The Children's Groundwater Festival not only has a great influence on Nebraska's people. So far, similar festivals have been held in nearly 40 American states, Mexico City, several provinces in Canada, and New Delhi, India. People everywhere are realizing the importance of educating young people to learn and care about groundwater.

    For more information about this festival, remember to watch our program tomorrow evening. I'll be waiting for you.

