
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Do you have a hobby? Something you look forward to spending your time with? Something you love to do? Or making model airplanes. Sketching. Or making useful things out of waste material. It could be a musical instrument that you love playing. Or singing and dancing.

    There are many things that a hobby can give you, apart from an enjoyable time. Sashay was a shy boy but through his interest in model airplanes he learned the value of sticking to a task until it was finished. His model airplane club brought him to get into touch with similar souls.

    Having a hobby helps you relax and get away from the routines of school. You really need this well deserved one, too! It gives you focus, self dependence, confidence and builds your personality. This is an opportunity to lose yourself in an enjoyable activity, away from the pressure of school, so at the end of it, you feel relaxed and yet, mentally charged.

    Your hobby defines you.And it also shows you what you are good at, and how far you can go, when you apply yourself.

     For a hobby is: Happiness: something which you look forward to doing. Opportunity: to nurture and develop your special and unique skills and celebrate them. Believe in yourself: makes you understand your strong advantages and improves your confidence. Best in you: brings out your best—for in each one of us there is a best that is only ours. YOU gives you a unique character, and makes you YOU!

A. So go ahead and develop a hobby.

B. It gives you a break.

C. It proves your ability.

D. Hobbies show your character.

E. It shows your special skills.

F. It could be collecting something.

G. He learned to make friends for the first time.


    You walk into the classroom, look at that white piece of paper in front of you and are told you've got an hour and a half to do it. That can make anyone nervous, but here is the guide to stay calm.

    Get a good night's sleep the night before the test, and eat a healthy breakfast next day. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} If you're too tired, you won't remember what you learnt the night before.

    Get to class a little earlier. If you get there early, you'll make sure to get your favorite seat. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Breathe. Before the test, breathe in through your nose deeply and slowly. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Repeat this several times. If you experience a sudden panic during the test, perform the exercise again.

    Skip questions if necessary. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} If you come across a difficult question, skip the question and move on. You can come back to it at the end of the test if you have time, and later questions may help you get the answer(s) to the one(s) you skipped.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Don't panic if you notice other students writing very quickly or handing in their tests early. Tell yourself it's just a test. Really, it is. No matter what happens, everything will be OK.

A. Avoid staying up the night before the exam.

B. Act like you are the only person in the room.

C. Don't spend too much time on any one question.

D. If you believe you can do it, you will find you can!

E. A little exercise will help you remain calm during any stressful situation.

F. Then, hold your breath for 3-4 seconds and blow out slowly through your mouth.

G. You'll not also feel more relaxed if you don't get there in time or worse yet, late.


Get a Thorough Understanding of Oneself

    In all one's life time it is oneself that one spends the most time being with or dealing with. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    When you are going upwards in life you tend to overestimate(高估) yourself. It seems that everything you seek for is within your reach. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} It's likely that you think it wise for yourself to stay away from the outer world. Actually, to get a thorough understanding of oneself, you may as well keep the following tips in mind.

    Gain a correct view of oneself. You may look forward hopefully to the future but be sure not to expect too much, for dreams can never be fully realized. You may be courageous to meet challenges but it should be clear to you where to direct your efforts. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Self-appreciate. Whether you compare yourself to a towering tree or a blade of grass, a high mountain or a small stone, you represent a state of nature.  {#blank#}4{#/blank#} If you earnestly admire yourself you'll have a real sense of self-appreciation.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} In time of anger, do yourself a favor by releasing it in a quiet place so that you won't be hurt by its flames; in time of sadness, do yourself a favor by sharing it with your friends so as to change a bad mood into a cheerful one; in time of tiredness, do yourself a favor by getting a good sleep.

    Get a full control of one's life. Then one will find one's life full of color and flavor.

A. But it is precisely oneself that one has the least understanding of.

B. So long as you have a perfect knowledge of yourself, there won't be difficulties you can't overcome.

C. When you are going downhill you tend to underestimate yourself for your own incompetence.

D. It has its own value.

E. Especially if it is well within your reach, you are just too blind to see it.

F. Do oneself a favor when it's needed.

G. Do yourself a favor when you resist the attack of illness.


    Speaking in public is most people's least favorite thing. The reason is that we are all afraid of making fools of ourselves.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    But stop biting your finger-nails. Public speaking is easy. It's just plain talking, and you talk all the time. Although I'm basically shy (honest!), I've been making speeches and talking on radio and television for more than 30 years, and I can tell you that public speaking is not a “gift” like musical talent.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} Here are some of the lessons I have learned:

    Your audience is going to come away with one or two of your main ideas. One or two. Not ten or 20.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} And if you don't have a clear idea of what you want to say, there's no way your audience will.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}— how you are going to open, what major points you want to make and how you're going to close.

    When I do a radio or TV piece, I often write the last sentence first.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} A strong close is critical: the last thing you say is what your audience will most likely remember.

    The standard length of a vaudeville (杂耍) act is usually 12 minutes. If all those performers singing and dancing their hearts out couldn't go on longer without boring the audience, what makes you think you can?

A. Some people are born to be good at making speeches.

B. Anybody who can talk can speak in public.

C. Try to relax yourself before making the speech.

D. The more important the speech is, the more frightened we become.

E. If you can't express in a sentence or two what you intend to get across, then your speech is not focused well enough.

F. When you know where you're headed, you can choose any route to get there.

G. No matter how long or short your speech is, you've got to get your ducks in a row.


Rich and Famous

    Twenty years ago the most common ambition of American children was to be a teacher, followed by working in banking and finance, and then medicine. But today's situation is quite different. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Instead they most commonly say they want to be a sports star, or an actor—in other words, they hope to become a celebrity.

    According to experts, young people desire these jobs largely because of the wealth and the fame. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Let's take athletes and singers as an example. Their careers are short-lived. Many athletes' best time only lasts a few years and singers can have a very limited career. The field that was once the focus of their lives becomes something they have little or no involvement in. As a result, they'll have a feeling of worthlessness and a lack of control. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} The truth is quite simple: they have been so far removed from it for so long.

    In spite of these disadvantage, there is greater ambition than ever among young people to achieve that status. They are not satisfied just making a living—they want to be rich and famous. Globally, more and more TV shows provide talent competitions where winners can achieve their goals in just a few weeks or months. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} They unrealistically believe that this lifestyle is easily obtained and leads to great satisfaction.

    While many people argue that there is nothing wrong with having such ambitions, others feel that this trend will finally lead to dissatisfaction as more and more people are unable to reach their goals. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} That means they ignore the simple fact that great effort is needed before success. As a result, many people won't realize their childhood dreams, which could have a negative effect on their happiness.

A. The younger generation don't favor these professions any more.

B. In many ways this has been brought about by the celebrity culture.

C. Unfortunately, they do not always have a positive effect on people's life.

D. Besides, it can be difficult for them to adapt back to a normal everyday life.

E. People no longer have a sense of satisfaction once their goals have been achieved.

F. This quick way of gaining wealth and fame creates a celebrity culture among people.

G. The reason is that they don't realize it takes talent and hard work to be rich and famous.


    Long, long ago people couldn't write and they had no books. But they had stories. People learned the stories by heart and taught new ones to one another. Sometimes it was hard to remember them all. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    The ancient Egyptians wrote their stories on something made from papyrus (纸沙草) plants. People in other places wanted to learn from the Egyptians to use papyrus.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} So, parchment (羊皮纸), made from goatskin, later took its place.

    In ancient China books looked a little different. People there used ink to write on bamboo or silk. And then they invented paper. Made of trees, paper was easier and cheaper to make than papyrus or parchment.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Paper-making later spread to the West, but there was a big problem with these early books. Every single one had to be copied and written by hand.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} They carved (雕刻) a page of words into a piece of wood or stone. They could then print the page by spreading ink on the wood or stone and putting it against paper. But it wasn't until a German printer invented movable, metal letters that books became fast and easy to make. The letters could be used to print copy after copy, and the letters put together again and again to print different pages of words.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Once a luxury (奢侈品) only the rich could buy, they soon became a treasure everyone could enjoy.

A. It took years to finish making just one book.

B. But papyrus grew mainly in Egypt.

C. Things grew a little easier when writing was invented.

D. Finally books could be printed by the thousands.

E. The Chinese were the first to think of a way to speed things up a little.

F. Books in the West didn't change for a long time after that.

G. Its surface was smoother and better for writing on too.


A. Good manners always count

B. Take time off work for the interview

C. Take a little more time at each step

D. The filled out application makes the data entry easier

E. Count on it, especially in small- to mid-sized organizations

F. The purpose of the interview is to determine if you and the organization are a good fit

G. Don't blow your chances by behaving rudely to people you believe unimportant

    You've done the right things right. Your materials and certificates made a good impression. You passed the interview phone screening and you've been invited to the company for that important interview. How do you continue to build the relationship with the potential employer that will lead to an eventual job offer?

    ●{#blank#}1{#/blank#}. Don't expect the potential employer to extend their day by several hours to accommodate your schedule. If you're currently working and looking for a new position, hopefully, you've chosen the most ethical path that your employer knows. A recruiting employer is often willing to interview a good candidate late in the afternoon, but rarely will the interview extend past 6 p. m.

    ●Make the right, positive impression. Arrive early, dress up for the position for which you are applying and bring an additional resume with references. Remember to treat every person you encounter with dignity and respect. The receptionist is reporting his impressions of you to the HR Director. Be polite as much as possible throughout every interaction you have with the company. Each person is assessing your potential fit within their organization. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}.

    ●Bring your resume and other needed information, for you will be asked to fill out an application. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. It also allows the company to obtain your written permission to check your references, employment history, and do criminal background checks, etc. if you are hired.

    ●Follow up after the interview with a thank you letter, and perhaps a phone call. I received three thank you letters and a couple of phone calls from the 23 people who participated in a first interview with us. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}.

    Doing the right things right will result in more interviews, better job offers, and a more successful career. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}, and your application will rise above the pack. I promise.

