
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    A DREAM, for me, is like a torch to light up my insipid (平淡的)life and a pair of wings to fly me into the sky. The uncertainty of my future and the heavy burden of schoolwork had driven me into a negative situation and not until I had a dream did I get out there. I decided to become a hostess.

    It was last summer. I went to Jinan, which is famous for its natural springs, and started to learn broadcast hosting. However, I found that it was not easy.

    The weather was bad. It was too hot to stay calm, which made me homesick. I called-my parents at least five times a day. But as I tried my best to adapt to the weather and living conditions there, I became more independent.

    Another thing bothered me, too. My teacher criticized all my mistakes. Grievance (委屈)and exhaustion often reduced me to tears and sweat flowed down my checks. To get her recognition, I practiced my voice skills in a park every day, even on rainy days. You can't imagine how happy I was when she praised me for the first time.

    My dream enabled me to change a lot. Without my dream, I wouldn't have had the courage and the confidence to host the New Year party at our school. On stage, I knew that it was a good beginning to my hosting dream.

    I took the arts examination in the winter. To my delight, I did well. And I was more than excited when I received the offers from Shandong Normal University, Yunnan Normal University and Yunnan Art Institute.

    My dream has powered so much energy in me that my life has become colorful every day. So, however hard it will be to stick to my dream, no way will I give it up!

(1)、Why did the author feel her life was insipid in the beginning?
A、Because she desired a better future. B、Because she was scared of pressure. C、Because she felt that life was dull. D、Because she had no goal.
(2)、How did the writer overcome the difficulties she met in Jinan?
A、By calling her parents often. B、By practicing her voice in a park every day. C、With her persistence and adaptability. D、With her courage and confidence.
(3)、What does the underlined "it" in the 5th paragraph refer to?
A、Her courage and the confidence to host the party. B、Her getting the teacher's praise for the first time. C、Her becoming more independent. D、Her doing well in the arts examination.
(4)、Which is the best title for the passage?
A、Dreams are difficult to develop. B、How to achieve your dream. C、Realizing Your Dream Is Not Easy. D、A Dream will light your approach to success.

    Summer time is a great opportunity for kids to learn how to work and earn a little bit of spending money. If your child needs a summer job, here are a few options to consider:

Lemonade/Cookie Stand


    Creates a concept of running a business: Your child will be his own boss, set his own price , and run the show. It's a great introduction to running his own business.

    Limited Start-Up Costs: The things used to make lemonade are cheap, so your child should be able to get back his investment with a handful of sales.

    What Kids Learn About Money: Your child will learn a very valuable lesson about pricing. The price of his lemonade will decide how much he can sell, if he will recover his investment and the amount of profit.

Yard Work


    Repeated Customers: If a homeowner needs help raking (耙地) this year, he'll probably want help again next year. Your child should be able to maintain a regular set of customers after one season.

    Safety: Yard work is generally safer than a lawn-mowing job. Without having to operate machines, your child will be much safer.

    What Kids Learn About Money: Because of the variability (变动) in pay, your child will need to learn how to negotiate(谈判) a fair price with homeowners if they ask.



    Responsibility: Kids learn a lot about responsibility when lifeguarding. They are within rights to tell whether a certain activity is safe and are allowed to take action as they see fit.

    Exercise: Lifeguards need to be proficient at swimming and must exercise to stay in shape.

    What Kids Learn About Money: To be a lifeguard, one must be certified. Your child may have to pay for lifeguard training, although some employers provide it on-site.


    Not all bodies of water are so evidently alive as the Atlantic Ocean, an S-shaped body of water covering 33 million square miles. The Atlantic has, in a sense, replaced the Mediterranean as the inland sea of Western civilization. Unlike real inland seas, which seem strangely still, the Atlantic is rich in oceanic liveliness. It is perhaps not surprising that its vitality has been much written about by ancient poets.

     “Storm at Sea”, a short poem written around 700, is generally regarded as one of mankind's earliest artistic representations of the Atlantic.

    When the wind is from the west

    All the waves that cannot rest

    To the east must thunder on

    Where the bright tree of the sun

    Is rooted in the ocean's breast.

    As the poem suggests, the Atlantic is never dead and dull. It is an ocean that moves, impressively and endlessly. It makes all kinds of noise—it is forever thundering, boiling, crashing, and whistling.

    It is easy to imagine the Atlantic trying to draw breath—perhaps not so noticeably out in mid-ocean, but where it meets land, its waters bathing up and down a sandy beach. It mimics(模仿) nearly perfectly the steady breathing of a living creature. It is filled with symbiotic existences, too: unimaginable quantities of creatures, little and large alike, mix within its depths in a kind of oceanic harmony, giving to the waters a feeling of heartbeat, a kind of sub-ocean vitality. And it has a psychology. It has personalities: sometimes peaceful and pleasant, on rare occasions rough and wild; always it is strong and striking.


    If a woman has an extra piece of cake, don't blame it on greed, blame it on her brain.

    Scientists have found that women's brains react to food very differently—and much more strongly—than men's. Academics found that decades of dieting pressure on women and advertising have programmed certain parts of the female brain to react strongly when faced with any kind of food. Men, on the other hand, are not usually as obsessive (着迷的) about what they eat.

    Dr. Rudolf Uher and his colleagues at the Institute of Psychiatry in King's College London used brain scanning technology, known as functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI), to look at the brains of eighteen men and women.

The volunteers were given images of food to look at, as well as food to taste. Their brain reactions were observed by the scientists.

    They found that the female brains reacted much more strongly than those of males.

    The same reaction did not happen when they were shown non-food images. The team believe this means women think more about food than men tend to do.

    Dr. Uher said, “This could be related to biological differences between men and women. But the more likely explanation is that women have a more complicated reaction to food because of social pressure.

    Professor Carey Cooper, psychology and health professor at Lancaster University, said, “For centuries women have had a providing role — preparing and cooking food for their families. And it is part of that rule to make sure the food is safe. They will therefore be much more sensitive to food than men are, and I would not be surprised if that was now built into their DNA. If the female brain reacts to food because it historically has developed neural (神经的) pathways to do this, then food will be the way they express their stress. Food actually, is a comfort for women.”

    But other experts have said that more research must be done before the results can be proved. American scientist Angelo del Parigi of the John B. Pierce Laboratory in New Haven, Connecticut, said, “Looking at an FMRI alone cannot make sure whether the stronger reaction in women is due to innate (天生的) differences or a learned process.


    Years ago, the American writer Kurt Vonnegut often said there was one story that would always make a million dollars: "Cinderella"(《灰姑娘》).

    "Cinderella" made more like $70 million in ticket sales when it opened last weekend. But the movie got a mixed reaction. David Rooney of The Hollywood Reporter praised the movie and said, "Anyone will find something to enjoy in it." Steven Rea of The Philadelphia Inquirer called the movie "a winning re-do." Richard Corliss of Time magazine wrote that "Disney finally got Cinderella right." Other people were not as happy with the movie. Sara Stewart of the New York Post wrote, "This Cinderella is all dressed up with nowhere very interesting to go."

    Although different people think differently towards the movie, what is clear, however, is the movie's business success. It is not only popular in the theaters but also in sale. And Disney has widened its usual market for "Cinderella" products.

    There are products connected to the Disney movie targeted(面向) not only at little girls, but women, too. For example, the famous shoe designer Jimmy Choo worked with Disney to create "Cinderella's shoes." You can buy them for about $5,000. At that price, you would not want to lose one at the party, even if that is the way you get your prince(王子).

    The makeup(化装品) company MAC quickly sold all its products connected to "Cinderella." HSN is a popular website selling clothing and objects for the home. The marketer is now also selling "Cinderella" products.

    So, is there anything left for the children, those people we think of as the traditional audience for the age-old tale? Yes, you can find toys and other children's products at the American store JC Penney. Of course, you can also visit a Disney store.

