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新目标(Go for it)版初中英语九年级下学期Unit 14 I remembermeeting all of you in Grade 7. 第4课时Section B 2a~2e同步练习


    When we mention summer, most of us think of fun in the outdoors. So it seems easy to lose weight in summer. But in fact, it's quite possible for us to put on weight. The good news is that we can avoid these problems if we know how to keep summer weight away.

Here are some ways to keep summer weight away.

    When we don't have a plan, it's easy to spend summer moving from beds to computers. So it is necessary to make a work or study plan, like doing a part-time job or learning a new skill.

    Because we don't have to go to school, it's easy to sleep late, watch too much TV and eat more snacks. So it's necessary to make you're your summer days follow a schedule as usual- getting up at the same time each day and eating meals as usual.

    Whenever you are free, find something special to do,like making diner for your family. But remember: limit your screen time, no more than two hours.

    If it's too hot outside or you don't like going to a gym, you can do exercise indoors. Don't let the heat stop your plans.

A. Beat the heat

B. Make a work or study plan

C. Put everything in a schedule

D. Stay busy

(2)、Which is the best title for the passage?
A、Stay fit in summer B、Put on weight in summer C、Spend the whole summer doing exercise D、Make a summer plan

阅读以上信息, 用恰当的词完成下面的表格, 每空一词。

      Have you ever asked your relatives or friends if there is Wi-Fi in their houses? Have you ever searched for Wi-Fi when you are at restaurants or hotels? The answers will probably be "Yes". Most of us want Wi-Fi everywhere as if we can't live without it. But we can only use free Wi-Fi in some public places. We still have to spend some money accessing(连接)the Internet at most time. Here comes a piece of good news.

      A rich, powerful organization in the USA called the Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF) has decided to change the age of online computing (计算) completely by giving free Wi-Fi to every person on Earth. They will send up hundreds of satellites into low Earth orbit(轨道)in 2015.

     This is because they have made a survey and found that only 60% of the world's population have been able to get information on the Internet. And this is also because many countries are unable to offer people the necessary infrastructure(基础设施)to access the web.

We can expect to use free Wi-Fi everywhere in the near future.

 Present situation

●{#blank#}1{#/blank#}of us want Wi-Fi everywhere as if we can't live {#blank#}2{#/blank#} it.

●Accessing the Internet {#blank#}3{#/blank#}us some money.

What the organization will do

●MDIF has made a {#blank#}4{#/blank#} to send up hundreds of satellites into low Earth orbit in 2015 so that for every {#blank#}5{#/blank#} on Earth, there will be free Wi-Fi {#blank#}6{#/blank#}.


●Only 60% of the world's {#blank#}8{#/blank#} have been able to get information on the Internet.

●Many countries can't {#blank#}9{#/blank#} people with the necessary infrastructure to access the web.

What we can expect

●Free Wi-Fi will {#blank#}10{#/blank#} the world in the near future.


    One year, two Australians,Adam and Stephen,decided to go to Jamboree(童子军大会)by bike.It was in Sweden,about 20,000 kilometers from their home in Adelaide! They didn't take normal bikes;they took bikes with three wheels instead.These are more comfortable and easier to ride up hills.

    They took everything they needed.They had a tent each,things to cook with,clothes,maps,computers and phones,and things to repair the bikes.They also took their passports (护照)because they planned to travel through 22 different countries.

    The journey began in Australia but it didn't go well.After just a few days,Adam's bike broke.He left Stephen and went back home by coach (长途汽车).He got a new wheel for his bike,then bought a plane ticket and flew to Perth.In Perth, he took a train to a town called Merridien.After he got off the train,he put his bike together and rode to meet Stephen.

    After that,they flew to Johannesburg and then they began their bike ride though Africa. They slept in tents by the road,and in some places they saw a lot of wild(野生的)animals .One night, they could hear lions ,and another night , an elephant walked past their tents.

In Europe, they rode up some very high mountains.And the most wonderful  thing, they thought,was that they saw snow for the first time in their lives.

    In every country,along the way,Adam and Stephen met a lot of interesting people and had lots of interesting people and had lots of adventures(奇遇).The journey took 269 days.


    Being healthy means a person eats well, gets a lot of exercise, and has a healthy weight. Here are some rules for a kid who wants to be healthy. Try your best to follow the rules.

    Eat All Kinds of Food

    You may have your favorite food, but the best choice is to eat all kinds of food. If you eat different food, you are able to get the things your body needs.

    Drink Water and Milk

    When you're really thirsty, cold water is the best. And there's a reason some schools offer milk. Kids need calcium to build strong body, and milk is a great choice.

    Listen to Your Body

    When you're eating, notice how your body feels and whether(是否)your stomach feels comfortably full. Sometimes people eat too much because they don't notice when they need to stop eating. Eating too much can make you feel uncomfortable.

    Limit(限制)Screen Time

    What's screen time? It's the amount of time you spend watching TV, playing video games and using the computer. The more time spend on these sitting-down activities, the less time for active exercise.

Rules for Being Healthy

Eat All Kind of Food

 If you eat {#blank#}1{#/blank#}food, you can get the things your body needs.

Drink Water and Milk

Cold water is the best when you're really thirsty. Milk helps build {#blank#}2{#/blank#}body.

Listen to Your Body

Stop eating when your stomach feel {#blank#}3{#/blank#} full.


 Spend less time watching TV, playing {#blank#}5{#/blank#} and using the computer. Do more active exercise.


The Art of Paper

    Chen Zijiang is a paper cutting expert whom I interviewed for my article on Chinese Art. Paper-cutting is something that he learned to do from an early age.

    "It is a Chinese folk art with a long history," Mr. Chen told me, "Paper cuts of animals have been found in tombs. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}" He added that by the Southern Song Dynasty, paper-cutting had become an important part of everyday life.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}They are paper cuts for decoration, for religious purposes (宗教目的) and for design patterns.

    Paper cuts for decoration are often seen, on windows and gates. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}They are also used on presents. A present for parents whose child has recently been born might show a paper cut of children, for example. Paper cuts which show the Chinese character for double happiness are often used to celebrate weddings.

    Paper cuts for religious purposes are often found in temples{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    The third kind of paper cuts are these used to make patterns on clothing. They are also sometimes used to decorate jewelry (珠宝) boxes. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

A. They are usually put up during holidays to bring good luck.

B. They are also used as offerings to the dead.

C. Dragons are very popular patterns for these designs.

D. They can date back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty.

E. Mr. Chen went on to explain that there are three types of paper cuts which people still make today.

