
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Giving Directions in Different Places

    If you ask people of different countries "Could you tell me the way to the post office?", you will get different answers.

    In Japan, people use landmarks(路标) instead of street names. For example, the Japanese will say to travelers," Go straight down to the corner. The post office is across from the bus stop."

    In Kansas, America, there are no towns or buildings within(在……之内) miles. So instead of landmarks, people will tell you directions and distance. For example, people will say, "Go north two miles(英里). "

    People in Greece sometimes do not even try to give directions. They will often say, "Follow me."

    Sometimes if the person doesn't know the answer to your question, he or she, like a New Yorker, might say, "Sorry, I have no idea." But in Yucatan, Mexico, no one answers "I don't know." They usually give an answer, but often a wrong one. A visitor can always get lost in Yucatan!

    You might not understand a person's words, but maybe you can understand his or her body language. He or she will usually point to the correct direction. Go on in that direction and you may find the direction.

A. Turn east, and then go another mile.

B. But one thing will help you everywhere.

C. People there think "I don't know." is not polite.

D. Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market.

E. Then he or she will take you through the street of the city to the post office.


School BBS   About life in England

A: Many English people live in houses, not in apartments. Most houses have gardens. Many young people don't live with their parents.

B: School starts at about nine o'clock in the morning and finishes at about three o'clock in the afternoon. All the children go to school when they are four or five years old.

C: Most office workers start to work at about nine in the morning, and finish work at about five or six in the afternoon. Most people don't go home for lunch, and they just have a quick meal!

D: Most shops open at about nine o'clock in the morning and close at about eight o'clock in the evening. People can buy fast food or life things in the shops.

E: In the evenings, I usually do my homework before watching TV. Mum helps me with my homework. My family like to watch Coronation Street (an English soap opera).

F: The second most popular activity in England is visiting friends or relatives. Mum and Dad go out and visit friends at least once a week.

①They usually go to work by bus, and they work with computers. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

②I have to help Mum wash the dishes after meals. I also have to clean my bedroom. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

③On weekends, many families go to the open market. People sell vegetables, clothes, toys, and anything else out on the street. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

④Most families have a car, a computer, a washing machine, etc. Almost everyone has a mobile phone. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

⑤Most children take a lunch box to school. There are usually things like sandwiches, fruit and a bag of French fries in it. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

信息归纳: 阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容完成下面的信息卡。

    Here is a story of a dog. It saved his owner, Audrey Stone, who was a lady and had poor vision (视力).

    Figo, an eight-year-old dog, is Audrey Stone's third service dog. "He protects me and loves me. We are friends," Stone said.

    On a Monday, Stone and Figo were on their way back from their "usual daily walk". When they prepared to cross a street, "I gave him the order to cross the street," Stone said.

    "I said, 'Forward.' And we were in the middle of the street and it happened so quickly, but people said he just jumped at the school bus and saved me," Stone said.

    The school bus was carrying two children to a learning center. Luckily they were not injured. Stone said she didn't remember much of the accident, but one image (画面) stayed with her: a wounded Figo staying by her side, holding up his wounded right paw (爪子).

    "I knew he was hurt," she continued. "I remember Figo standing there, looking at me, trying to get close to me, but he didn't know what to do. Because he knew I was hurt." Figo had an operation (手术) on his right front leg. Figo's vet (兽医) said his leg was getting better.

    Stone said she was sure of one thing, "I'd have been sad if he had got killed." But, she added, they both lived to tell the story.

Information Card

⒈The name of the dog's owner


⒉The age of the dog


⒊The time when the story happened


⒋The reason why Stone had to have service dog


⒌The man/thing that saved Stone



    Once upon a time, there lived a generous and kind-hearted king. But, the people weren't happy with their king because he was too lazy and wouldn't do anything other than eating and sleeping. He spent days, weeks and months in his bed. The king became a couch potato and the people started to worry about him.

    One day, the king realized that he couldn't even move his body. He invited famous doctors from various parts of his country and offered them generous rewards to make him fit. Unfortunately, none could help the king gain his health or fitness.

    One morning, a man called Rishi visited the land of the king. He heard about the illness of the king and told one minister that he could easily cure the king. Hearing these promising words, the minister became very happy.

    Since he couldn't move his body, the fat king asked the minister to bring Rishi to the palace, but Rishi refused and ordered the king to come to meet him. After a lot of effort, the king met the man. Rishi encouraged him and said he was good and very soon the king would gain his health. He asked the king to come for treatment every day from the next day on. Also, Rishi told the king that he would treat him only if he came on foot to his place.

    The king was unable to walk even a few steps on the road, but accompanied by his followers, he reached Rishi's place. Unfortunately, Rishi wasn't available there and his friend said the king could come and meet him the next day for treatment. This was repeated for two weeks and the king never met Rishi and never had any treatment. Suddenly, the king realized that he was a lot lighter, lost a lot of weight and felt more active than before. He realized the reason why Rishi asked him to reach his place by walking.

    Very soon, the king regained his health, and the people were very happy in his kingdom. The king had a lot of wealth, but no amount of wealth could make him healthy.

