
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

北师大版英语九年级全册 Unit 1 Language 单元测试卷


    Animals, including insects, do not have a language like ours. They do not talk to each other in words and sentences. But if we watch them, we can see that they do have ways of communicating with each other.

    Can you see the rabbit's tail which is moving up and down? When rabbits see this white tail moving up and down, they run too. They know that there is danger. The rabbit has told them something without making a sound. It has done this by using its body language.

    Many other animals use this kind of language. When a cobra is angry, it raises its hood and makes itself look fierce. This warns other animals. When a bee has found some food, it goes back to its home. It cannot tell the other bees where the food is by speaking to them, but it does a little dance in the air. This tells the bees where the food is.

    Some animals say things by making sounds. A dog barks, for example, when a stranger comes near. A cat purrs when pleased. Some birds make several different sounds, each with its own meaning. Sometimes we human beings speak in the same way. We make sounds like "Oh" or "Ah!" when we are frightened or pleased or when we drop something on our toes.

    But we have something that no animals have—a large number of words that have the meanings of things, actions, feelings or ideas. We are able to give each other all kinds of different information in words and sentences, which no other animals can do. No other animals have so wonderful a language as we have.

(1)、It can be learned from the text that                 .
A、animals do have a language like that of human beings B、all animals have their own ways of communicating with each other C、some animals say things by words as human beings do D、animals know how to protect themselves
(2)、A rabbit uses its tail to                 .
A、warn other rabbits of danger B、tell other rabbits where food is C、make itself look fierce D、help itself to run fast
(3)、What does the underlined phrase “this kind of language” refer to?
A、Moving up and down B、Making no sound C、Body language D、Doing a little dance
(4)、Which of the following is not true according to the passage?
A、Animals don't have a language like ours B、A cobra shows his anger by body language C、Some animals can make sounds D、Man is unlucky because of their language

    All over the world the need for more laptops and computers increases each year. Networks have been part of our life. Probably everyone with a portable device (移动设备)has once logged on to a public WiFi network without paying for it, while they are having a coffee, on a train, in a shopping mall or at a hotel. However, is this kind of public WiFi network safe?

    Some networks are better protected than others because encryption (加密)methods are used. Therefore, they are safer than others. But a survey in 2015 showed that more than 950 million records were not protected, including addresses, emails, birth dates, phone numbers, passwords and so on. These open WiFi networks are really not safe, because it is very easy for hackers (黑客) to break into the operating system and get people's private information.

    Most smartphones and laptops, by themselves, search and connect to WiFi networks. They usually prefer a network with a connection that has been used before. Hackers' devices are able to record these searches and look like the trusted WiFi networks. When these smartphones and laptops log on to the networks which are not real, hackers can easily steal their private information.

    So next time, when we want to use our laptops or our smartphones in public places which offer free WiFi networks, please think it twice or take safe measures before using them.


    What was discovered by accident? The answer is penicillin (青霉素). It kills germs. By killing germs, it saves lives. Suppose you are sick. You go to a doctor. She examines you. She says you have a “staph” infection (葡萄球菌感染). She gives you some medicine. You take it. The medicine knocks out the staph. Soon you are well. Before penicillin, this would not happen. Staph was almost sure death.

    Everyone wanted a medicine. Laboratories worked day and night. They grew the staph in small dishes. Then they tried to kill it. Nothing worked.

    The laboratory dishes had covers on them. They kept things from falling into dishes. Molds (霉菌) were a big worry. They are always in the air. You can't see them. They're too small. There are thousands of different molds. Molds can make an experiment (实验) fail. That's why dishes are covered.

    Dr. Alexander Fleming was working to kill the staph germ. He worked for years. One day he took a cover off a dish. He looked inside. There was a thick growth of staph germ. There was also some mold. Then he saw something strange. Where the mold was, there was no growth of staph. This is what Fleming probably thought. “By accident, I found a mold to kill the dreaded staph.”

    This is how penicillin was found. But here's the real miracle (奇迹). There are thousands of kinds of molds. But only one kind can kill staph. The mold must have fallen into the dish a few days before. The cover was probably off only a few seconds (秒). In those few seconds the right mold fell into the right dish. Another man might have thrown the dish away. But Fleming was very careful and smart. He understood what the mold did. How lucky the humans were!


    Smartphone apps certainly make our lives easily. However, sometimes they can also cause problems.

    Recently, the Ministry of Education(教育部) announced that teacher should not use Wechat or QQ to give homework or ask parents to grade kids's homework.

    Many teachers in China depend heavily on apps to give homework. The kids have to do their homework, stare at a phone screen. For example, Liu Yanming, a sixth-grade student in Shanghai, usually has to use his mother mobile phone to do his homework. Liu Yong, his father is afraid that apps could distract kids by encourage them to watch something unrelated(无关) to homework. "He is just 12 years old, and I do not want to buy him a cellphone," Liu told China Daily. "I also worry that my son's eyesight will be hurt because of staring at the phone for too long."

    However, Bai Yueping, president of Shanghai Tangzhen Middle School, defended (辩护) using apps for homework. Parents can understand their kids' learning situation and supervise (监督) them to finish the homework, Bai told China Daily.

    Zhang Siqi is a student from Renmin University of China.       "The use of WeChat or QQ to give homework is convenient," Zhang told China Daily. "We're living in an Internet era (时代). It's unwise to refuse to take advantage of technology."

    Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the National Institute of Education Sciences, believed that it is impossible to stop the use of electronic devices(设备) in the Internet era. However, students should use them when it's necessary, such as when they do listening exercises. "We don't want to stop outline education models, but they must be used carefully. Modern technologies are good... but they should not steal the show(喧宾夺主) ," he told China Daily.

