
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Seal Island is a 200-meter long island off the coast of South Africa, which is surrounded by 55 to 57 degrees Fahrenheit waters and covered with over 60,000 seals and some birds. This island has been home to many birds and seals. You may think this island is a paradise. In fact, the island is not famous for the seals or birds. However, the real stars are the great white sharks that leap out of the water to catch the seals they are hunting.

    You may think that there is no way for a 15-foot long, 3000-pound shark to hurl its body out of the water and catch a seal in midair. Actually, these sharks are called "Air Jaws".

    Over the years, the seals have gotten smarter. Now, they go out in groups of seven and eight to feed. They swim down on the sea floor, which gives them extra cover. When they have to swim near the surface of water, they swim in a zigzag pattern(Z字形). But with all these tricks, they can still be cleverly beaten by the sharks. Usually, the sharks will take one seal away from its group and force it to swim on the surface, where it is easy to hunt. Sometimes, the seal is fortunate and gets away, but most of them die in the process of trying to survive.

    Every year, tourists go to see these amazing animals leap out of the water, sometimes flinging their whole bodies into the air when they want to catch the seals. This is the reason why this island attracts thousands of tourists from around the world every year.

(1)、Which of the following statements is true?
A、Seal Island is covered with only 6000 seals. B、Great white sharks always catch seals under the water. C、The way the great white sharks hunt makes Seal Island famous. D、Seal Island is a 200-meter-long island in North Africa.
(2)、Why do the seals swim in a zigzag pattern?
A、To prove they are smart. B、To play in groups. C、To search for food. D、To avoid the white sharks.
(3)、According to Paragraph 3, we can know_______.
A、the seals have learned how to escape. B、the seals usually swim near the water surface. C、the sharks are often successful in hunting the seals. D、the sharks are less intelligent than the seals.

    Free energy is everywhere around us. There are many ways to make and collect energy from various sources like sun, wind and water. People also realize that everyday stuff can be a source of energy too. For example, riding a bike, running or just walking, etc. We simply have to change our way of thinking if we want to change the world.

    So comes the idea of solar roadways. Are they the road of future? Why use roads just for driving and collecting tolls (过路费)? Why don't we use them for collecting energy?

    The US Department of Transportation recently awarded $100,000 to Solar Roadways to build the first ever Solar Road Panel. So how do these future roads work?

    The Solar Road Panels will contain embedded (嵌入的) LEDs which “paint” the road lines from beneath to provide safer nighttime driving as well as to give drivers instant instructions such as detour (绕行) ahead. The road will be able to sense wildlife on the road and can warn drivers to “slow down”. There will also be embedded heating elements in the surface to prevent snow and ice buildup, providing safer winter driving.

    Replacing asphalt (沥青) roads and parking lots with Solar Roadway Panels will be a major step toward stopping climate change. Fully electric vehicles will be able to recharge along the roadway and in parking lots, finally making electric cars practical for long trips.

    We just can't wait to see more of these roads all over the world in the near future.


    Have you ever found yourself in this situation:You hear a song you used to sing when you were a child-a bit of nostalgia(怀旧)or "blast from the past,"as we say.But it is not a distant childhood memory.The words come back to you as clearly as when you sang them all those years ago.

    Researchers at the University of Edinburgh studied the relationship between music and remembering a foreign language.They found that remembering words in a song was the best way to remember even one of the most difficult languages.

    Here is what they did. Researchers took 60 adults and randomly divided them into three groups of 20.Then they gave the groups three different types of "listen-and-repeat" learning conditions.Researchers had one group simply speak the words.They had the second group speak the words to a rhythm,or beat.And they asked the third group to sing the words.

    All three groups studied words from the Hungarian language for 15minutes.Then they took part in a series of language tests to see what they remembered.

    Why Hungarian,you ask ? Researchers said they chose Hungarian because not many people know the language.It does not share any roots with Germanic or Romance languages,such as Italian or Spanish.After the tests were over,the singers came out on top.The people who learned these new Hungarian words by singing them showed a higher overall performance.They did the best in four out of five of the tests.They also performed two times better than those who simply learned the words by speaking them.

    Dr.Katie Overy says singing could lead to new ways to learn a foreign language.The brain likes to remember things when they are contained in a catchy 3,or memorable 4,tune 5.

    Dr.Ludke said the findings could help those who struggle to learn foreign languages.On the University of Edinburgh's website Dr.Ludke writes,"This study provides the first experimental evidence that a listen-and-repeat singing method can support foreign language learning,and opens the door for future research in this area."


    Japan has long been known for both its strong traditions and being on the cutting edge of technology, and this new inn combining the classic Japanese surroundings with high-tech slippers and furniture is a perfect reflection of this.

    Nissan Motor Co. developed a system in which slippers park themselves at the entrance of the traditional inn, called “ProPilot Park Ryokan,” waiting for guests to use them upon arrival. When guests have finished using them, the slippers will drive themselves back to their original position. Each slipper features two tiny wheels, a motor, and sensors to drive it across the wooden floor.

    The same technology features in Nissan's all-battery electric Leaf car. High-tech sensors and cameras allow the vehicle to safely back into parking spaces without any input from the driver. Four cameras and 12 sensors assess the vehicle's surroundings. ProPilot Park handles the accelerator, braking and steering (转向) input when the car is parking. Drivers operate the system with the press of a button, which they must hold down the entire time. Lifting a finger off the button will result in the car stopping immediately.

    The inn, located in the resort town of Hakone, about 75 kilometers southwest of Tokyo, is currently most famous for its view of Mount Fuji. However, the new self-driving slippers, released by Nissan in March, is the unique feature of the high-tech inn.

    “The self-parking slippers are meant to raise awareness of automated driving technologies, and their potential, non-driving applications,” Nissan spokesman Nick Maxfield said in a statement.

    In addition to the slippers, office chairs, floor cushions and traditional low tables in the inn also wheel themselves back into place after use.


A planet the size of Jupiter has been discovered and it is one of the hottest ones known to us. This has made scientists think about how planets are formed.

Planets such as Earth have more oxygen than carbon, but what if the composition(组成)is just the opposite? This is a question opened up by a recent discovery of a diamond planet by US and UK scientists. The planet is 1200 light years away from Earth and was observed using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. Dr Marek Kukula explained that researchers initially used the Super WASP(Wide Angle Search for Planets) robotic observatories operating continuously, all year around. They detected the planet, then it was observed with the Spitzer Space Telescope, which detected the heat coming from the planet, and from that heat signature they can tell what this planet is made from.

The planet is very different to Earth. "It's giant planet," explains Dr Kukula, "a gas planet, a bit like Jupiter in our solar system. But the interesting thing that they've discovered is that it has a very different composition to the planets in our solar system. This planet has more carbon than oxygen." This suggests that there is more than one way to make a solar system and the range of planets in the universe could be much wider than previously thought.

Dr Kukula says that if there are smaller planets in the same solar system with a similar composition, rich in carbon, their rocks could be rich in minerals such as carbon and diamonds, unlike Earth which has silica (硅石), the sand that rocks on Earth are made from. "This is where this diamond planet idea comes from; they haven't actually detected a diamond planet yet," explains Dr Kukula.it' s hypothetical (假设的), "but you can imagine strange landscapes with black graphite rocks lying around and the surface could be covered with sticky liquids instead of water".


You've probably heard it a dozen times by now. But here it goes again: Sleep is important. Your mental health and immune (免疫时)system are connected to your sleeping habits. So are your grades, a new study finds. Sleep accounts for nearly one-fourth of the difference among students' grades in a class. So even if you spend hours studying for a test but get too little sleep, you might still do poorly.

Typically, people's sleep schedules are messy and can not be known in advance. Professor Jeffrey Grossman of Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge wanted to see if sleep links to people's learning performance even when a study was done with people who kept such true-to-life schedules at home. So he turned to Fitbits, which can check how long people sleep and how frequently they wake up. And the researchers looked for 100 students. They focused on these students' sleep patterns in the days and weeks before exams and then compared them to these students' test scores.

"How much time a person sleeps the night. before an exam doesn't affect that person's grade," Grossman says. "A student who sleeps 7 hours every night will do better than a student who sleeps 7.5 hours one night and 6.5 hours another night."

"It's important for people to know that if their Fitbits tell them that they have terrible sleep, that may not actually be so," Michael Scullin, a sleep scientist at Baylor University says. Grossman also raises this point. Fitbit, Inc. makes this advanced tool. But it doesn't share how its tool works. This leaves a question about whether the tool is really correct when checking a student's sleep. Even so, Scullin emphasizes that there are enough data supporting ties between sleep and how well someone performs.

"Students need more sleep and less late evening use of phones and other screens. Even with after-school activities and schoolwork, they need to get enough sleep," Grossman says.


The popularity of ancient towns in the south of the Yangtze River, such as Zhouzhuang and Wuzhen, has aroused a nationwide trend in the construction of ancient towns. Lin Peng, the director of China's Institute of Ancient Cities and Cultural Studies, pointed {#blank#}1{#/blank#} that there are more than 2,800 developed or developing ancient towns in our country, {#blank#}2{#/blank#} is definitely the highest number globally.

In ancient towns, {#blank#}3{#/blank#} immersive(沉浸式) experience being mentioned here is historical and cultural characteristics—the "ancient" of ancient towns. Apart from visible "special buildings", characteristics also include invisible "culture". Tourists in ancient towns want to see the living {#blank#}4{#/blank#} (condition) of local people, feel the vitality of town life, try characteristic local snacks {#blank#}5{#/blank#} (influence) by geography and folk customs, and understand how long history {#blank#}6{#/blank#} (shape) local culture. Out of modern fast-paced work and life, tourists want to awaken their inner softness with a slow-moving ancient town.

Touring ancient towns is for recreation, relaxation, and pleasure, {#blank#}7{#/blank#} if all the ancient towns in different places are the same and cannot find their own {#blank#}8{#/blank#} (unique), then ancient town tourism will {#blank#}9{#/blank#} (eventual) decline. Let every ancient town become a unique historical imprint(印记), so that tourists can find their "poetry and distance" while {#blank#}10{#/blank#} (wander) through the ancient towns. This is the soul that ancient towns need to regain.

