
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

新目标(Go for it)版初中英语八年级上册Unit 8自主检测



Planning ()


o Cooking()

Cleaning( )

Reporting ()


Cutting up the chicken Heating up the oil Putting in the chicken Adding some salt


2 kg of chicken 0.5 kg of carrots 1 bottle of cooking oil 1 bottle of cooking wine


Taking pictures Doing interviews Making a report…


Starting a discussion

Making a decision

Telling group members what to do



Washing the dishes

Cleaning the table

Sweeping the floor

Taking away the trash


Have you ever wondered why birds sing? Maybe you thought that they were just happy. After all, you probably also sing or whistle when you are happy.
Some scientists believe that birds do sing some of the time just because they are happy. However, they sing most of the time for a very different reason. Their singing is actually a warning to other birds to stay out of their territory.
Do you know what a “territory” is? A territory is an area that an animal, usually the male, claims(宣称)as its own. Only he and his family are welcome there. No other families of the same species(物种)are welcome. Your yard and house are your territory where only your family and friends are welcome. (1) If a stranger should enter your territory and want to hurt you, you might shout. Probably this would be enough to frighten him away.
If so, you have actually frightened the stranger away without having to fight him. (2)一只鸟也将会做同样的事. But he expects an outsider almost any time, especially at nesting (筑巢)season. So he is screaming(尖叫)all the time, whether he can see an outsider or not. This screaming is what we call a bird's song, and it is usually enough to keep an outsider away.
Birds sing loudest in spring when they are trying to attract a mate(同伴)and warn others not to enter the territory of theirs.
You can see that birds have a language of their own. Most of it has to do with attracting mates and setting up territories.
{#blank#}1{#/blank#} 根据 (1) 处划线部分的意思来完成下面句子。(每空一词,共2词)
You might frighten a stranger away by _______ _______ him if he should enter your territory and want to hurt you.
{#blank#}2{#/blank#} 根据文章,给下列问题选择最佳选项。
What is a bird's “territory”? ( )

A.A place where other families of the same species are welcome.
B.A place where a bird can sing loudly.
C.An area where birds often fight against each other.
D.An area which a bird considers to be its own.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#} 将 (2) 处划线句子翻译成英语。
{#blank#}4{#/blank#} 从文中找出一个与“establish” 同义的短语,并填在横线上。
{#blank#}5{#/blank#} 概括本文的中心大意(不超过10个单词)。

    What will the home of the future look like? A team of architects (建造师) in Hong Kong say that city homes will be tiny, as populations continue to grow and space becomes more expensive. They have designed “space flats”. 83它们只有30 平米大。These flats have three small rooms, a living room, a bathroom and a bedroom, as well as a balcony (阳台),but everything is carefully planned to make good use of the limited space.
    The living room is the main room of the flat. It can be used as an office, a kitchen or even a second bedroom. There is a sofa that can be changed into a bed. The dining table can be changed into a computer desk. And, if not needed, both the sofa-bed and the table can be folded away and stored into a small apace in the wall. There is a flat-screen TV, which can also serve as a computer monitor. In one corner of the room, a small cooker, a microwave oven and a miniature refrigerator are hidden out of sight.
    The other rooms are small but useful. The bathroom contains a toilet and a shower. The double bed in the bedroom can also be a sofa, if necessary, The balcony has enough room for two people to sit and enjoy the view from the block of flats. All the rooms have high ceiling to provide as much storage space as possible, while the flat has large windows to let in plenty of sunlight.
    “Space flats “are now being tested in a building in Hong Kong. “It's wonderful,” said one resident(居民) “84. The flat is so well designed that you feel that there is plenty of space” .


    Typing(打字) is one of the most important and basic work skills of the 21st century. Because mobile phones are now so popular, there is a new kind of typing-thumbing. Thumbing means people use one or more thumbs(拇指) to touch the keys.

    Most people can type between 20 and 35 words a minute. Some typists, however, can work very quickly, at more than 110 words a minute. And people's left hand usually does 56 percent of the typing.

    The most common international English keyboard is QWERTY. People name it after the first letters on the top left side of the keyboard. It is more than 140 years old. Other keyboards include QWERTZ (in Central Europe) and AZERTY (used by most French speakers in Europe). Countries with non-Roman alphabets(字母系统), such as, Arabia, Russia or Japan, have their own keyboards.

    People practise the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" to make their typing better. That's because it uses every letter of the English alphabet.

    Thumbing and typing can hurt you. RSI (repetitive strain injury) is the name of a medical condition you get if you type too much. However, most people do not understand what RSI is or how serious it can be. Anyone who uses a computer a lot is at risk and should know about RSI.

Thumbing-using one or more thumbs to {#blank#}1{#/blank#} the keys


●In the 21st century people have realized the {#blank#}2{#/blank#} of typing.

●People type by touching the keys {#blank#}3{#/blank#} at least one thumb.

Typing {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

●Most people can type between 20 and 35 words a minute. Some can type over 110 words a minute. And people's left hands do {#blank#}5{#/blank#} typing than right hands.


●The most common international English keyboard is QWERTY. It is {#blank#}6{#/blank#} after the first letters on the top left side of the keyboard.

●People practice the sentence 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' to {#blank#}7{#/blank#} typing. That's because it uses every letter of the English alphabet.

●There are different kinds of keyboards for different language{#blank#}8{#/blank#}.

Bad points

●It is {#blank#}9{#/blank#} to people's fingers if they type too much.

{#blank#}10{#/blank#} people understand what RSI is or how severe it can be.


    Here are two old stories from Chinese history. The Chinese people have told them for many years.

    One is a story about Cao Cao's son, a clever boy named Cao Chong. One day, Cao Caogot a huge elephant from Sun Quan and he wanted to know the weight of it. Because there wasn't a scale large enough, some soldiers advised him to(A)it up. But Cao Cao didn't want to kill the elephant. Just then, Cao Chong came up with a great idea. He asked some soldiers to lead the elephant onto about. As the heavy animal walked onto it, the boat went lower into the water. After Cao Chong drew a line on the side of the boat to mark how low it went, the elephant was taken off the boat. (B)The boat was filed with rocks until the water reached the line on the boat. Cao Chong then weighed the rocks. The rocks and the elephant were of the same weight. (C)曹操对他的儿子生常满意

    The other story is about a wise man named ZhugeLiang. He was asked to make 100, 000 arrows (箭)within 10days. He told (D) his soldiers to fill 20 large boats with many straw men. In the early morning of the third day, the soldiers said the boats towards the camps of Cao Cao's army on the other side of the river. They shouted and boat their drums loud. When Cao Cao's soldiers heard the sounds, they thought they were (E)attack. However, they could not see through the thick tog on the river. Cao Caoordered his soldiers to shoot arrows towards the sounds of the drums and the shouting. Zhuge Liang got enough arrows and then sailed back successfully.

