
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Why does most of the world travel on the right side today? Theories differ but there's no doubt Napoleon was a major influence. The French have used the right since at least the late 18th century. Some say that before the French Revolution, noblemen drove their carriages on the left, forcing the peasants to the right. Regardless of the origin, Napoleon brought right-hand traffic to the nations he conquered, including Russia, Switzerland and Germany. Hitler, in turn, ordered right-hand traffic in Czechoslovakia and Austria in the 1930s. Nations that escaped right-hand control, like Great Britain, followed their left-hand tradition.

    The U.S. has not always been a nation of right-hand drivers; earlier in its history, carriage and horse traffic travelled on the left, as it did in England. But by the late 1700s, people driving large wagons pulled by several pairs of horses began promoting a shift (改变) to the right. A driver would sit on the rear (后面的) left horse in order to wave his whip (鞭子) with his right hand; to see opposite traffic clearly, they travelled on the right.

    One of the final moves to firmly standardize traffic directions in the U.S. occurred in the 20th century, when Henry Ford decided to mass-produce his cars with controls on the left (one reason, stated in 1908: the convenience for passengers exiting directly onto the edge, especially… if there is a lady to be considered). Once these rules were set, many countries eventually adjusted to the right-hand standard, including Canada in the 1920s, Sweden in 1967 and Burma in 1970. The U.K. and former colonies such as Australia and India are among the Western world's few remaining holdouts (坚持不变者). Several Asian nations, including Japan, use the left as well—though many places use both right-hand-drive and left-hand-drive cars.

(1)、Why did people in Switzerland travel on the right?
A、They had used the right-hand traffic since the 18th century. B、Napoleon introduced the right-hand traffic to this country. C、Rich people enjoyed driving their carriages on the right. D、Hitler ordered them to go against their left-hand tradition.
(2)、Of all the countries below, the one that travels on the right is ________.
A、Japan B、England C、Austria D、Australia
(3)、Henry Ford produced cars with controls on the left ________.
A、so that passengers could get off conveniently B、in order to change traffic directions in the U.S. C、because rules at that time weren't perfect D、though many countries were strongly against that
(4)、According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A、Before the French Revolution, all the French people used the right. B、The Burmese began to travel on the right in 1970. C、People in Britain and the U.S. travel on the same side nowadays. D、All the Asian nations use the left at present.
(5)、What would be the best title for this passage?
A、Who made the great contribution to the shift of traffic directions? B、How cars have become a popular means of transportation? C、How Henry Ford produced his cars with controls on the left? D、Why don't people all drive on the same side of road?

    Owning a smartphone may not be as smart as you think. It may let you surf the Internet, listen to music and snap photos wherever you are…but it also turns you into a workaholic, it seems.

    A study suggests that, by giving you access to emails at all times, the all-singing, all-dancing mobile phone adds as much as two hours to your working day. Researchers found that Britons work an additional 460 hours a year on average as they are able to respond to emails on their mobiles.

    The study by technology retailer Pixmania reveals the average UK working day is between 9 and 10 hours, but a further two hours is spent responding to or sending work emails, or making work calls. More than 90 percent of office workers have email-enabled phones, with a third accessing them more than 20 times a day. Almost one in ten admits spending up to three hours outside their normal working day checking work emails. Some workers confess(承认) they are on call almost 24 hours a day, with nine out of ten saying they make work emails and calls outside their normal working hours. The average time for first checking emails is between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m., with more than a third checking their first emails in this period, and a quarter checking them between 11 p.m. and midnight.

    Ghadi Hobeika, marketing director of Pixmania, said, “The ability to access literally millions of apps, keep in contact via social networks and take photos and video as well as text and call has made smartphones invaluable for many people. However, there are drawbacks. Many companies expect their employees to be on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and smartphones mean that people literally cannot get away from work. The more constantly in contact we become , the more is expected of us in a work capacity(容量).”


    French surgeons have performed what they said on Wednesday was the world's first partial face transplant— giving a new nose, chin and lips to a woman attacked by a dog.

    Specialists from two French hospitals carried out the operation on a 38-year-old woman on Sunday in the northern city of Amiens by taking the face from a brain-dead woman, who had hanged herself just hours before the operation. Her family agreed on the operation.

    “The patient is in an excellent state and the transplant looks normal,” the hospitals said in a brief statement after waiting three days to announce the pioneering surgery.

    The woman had been left without a nose and lips after the dog attacked her last May, and was unable to talk or chew properly. Such injuries are “extremely difficult, if not impossible” to repair using normal surgical techniques, the statement said.

    The statement did not say what the woman would look like when she had fully recovered, but medical experts said she was unlikely to resemble the woman who had been the source of her new face.

    The operation was led by Jean-Michel Dubernard, a specialist from a hospital in Lyon who has also carried out hand transplants.

    Skin transplants have long been used to treat burns and other injuries, but operations around the mouth and nose have been considered very difficult because of the area's high sensitivity to foreign tissue.

    Teams in France, the United States and Britain had been developing techniques to make face transplants a reality.

    There was a short-term risk for the patient if blood vessels became blocked, a medium-term danger of her body rejecting the new skin and a long-term possibility that the drugs used could cause cancers.

    Experts say that although such medical advances should be celebrated, the transplant had thrown up moral(道德的)and ethical(伦理的) issues. Little is known about the psychological effect of the transplant.


    My family recently did our first major road trip, traveling from our Maryland home to Disney World in Florida. Though we're no strangers to travel, a trip of this length was a new experience for us with three children. What helped us enjoy our trip so much? Our schedule, of course! So keeping a schedule when you travel can help make your trip a success.

    Don't sleep the day away.

    I know you're on vacation. The kids have a break from school, and you're excited to be out of the office. Let everyone sleep for a bit, but still make it a point to rise at a reasonable hour and get active to start the day. Not only will you see and do more on your trip, but it will make it easier to eat regularly, get the kids down at nap time (午觉), and then go to bed without a struggle.

    Eat regularly.

    Time is easy to go by while you're running through a theme park, or exploring (考察) a museum. Be prepared for meals because hungry kids are often quick to turn into a headache for you. Pack a snack and drink bag and make sure to stop regularly for a bite to eat while you're out. Keeping a regular meal schedule can help everyone keep up their energy and enjoy the day.

    Take a nap.

    Does your baby take a daily nap? Naps are very important for baby's development. They also help little ones to pick up their strength, or vacations can be exhausting (疲惫的) for little minds and bodies.

    Go to bed at a reasonable hour.

    Everyone can get tired out on vacation. Don't allow anyone to stay up late every night. Mom, dad, and kids are all sure to be miserable if they don't get enough sleep. If bedtime gets delayed (推迟), adjust your travel plans accordingly.


    Opening week specials at Munchies Food Hall

    At the corner of Green and Brown Streets in the city

    Monday, 7th of January until Sunday, 1 3th of January 2008

    Feast until you're full!

    Come down to Munchies this week to enjoy the special dishes on offer at all of our food outlets. Order from the following:

    Succulent chicken rice     • Spicy satay beef            •DeliciOus noodle dishes

    Plump pork chops            • Seafood specialties         • Crunchy vegetables

    Sweet tropical fruit

    10% discount on all orders above $ 20.00

    Halal food is available at the stall Malay Food Heaven.

    Win Prizes and Gifts!

    Spend $ 20.00 or more and win instant prizes from our lucky draw box.

    Collect a free party balloon and whistle for each young diner.

    Enjoy a free meal if you are the first customer of the day at any of our stalls.

    Win a holiday to Westem Australia. A free raffle ticket is given with every receipt. Just fill in your information and place your entry in the box provided.

    Winner to be announced in The Straits Times on the 15th of January.

    Join in the Fun!

    Between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm each evening until the 10th of January, your favorite Channel 3 television actors and singers will entertain you:

    May Lee      • Jackie Chen       • Kim Yap             • Kamal

    Autograph sessions will follow each performance! And who will be our extra special mystery star? Come down on Saturday at noon to find out.

