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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Gift Guide


    The weather outside may be frightful but the smiles and smells inside are abundant! For all those special people on our Christmas girl list, send the sweat treats to help spread the joyous holiday cheer. What is the perfect gift for any occasion? Chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate!

    La Place Collection

    Location: Suite 3, 41 Xinyuanjie, near Beijing Chateau

    Tel: 010-64668090

    Comptoirs de France Bakery

    Location: Rm 102, 1/F, Building 15, China Central Place, 89 Jianguolu.

    Tel: 010-65305480

    Awfully Chocolate

    Location: 108, Building 2, Beijing Wanda Plaza, 87 Jianguolu.

    Tel: 010-58205826

    Recipe books

    A recipe book from a different culture provides a chance to change up a Christmas dinner. Think about sitting down to a table of Mexican wedding cookies, Norwegian lefse, Chilean salmon, cream cheese lart and Chinese dishes. If you can't find the right one in time, search online, print the page and bind them into a book yourself. Nothing says, "I really care!" more than making an effort.


    Get to the nearest Carrefour, and seize a bottle of good wine from among the 600 choices available there from Italy, Spain, the United States, Argentina, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Switzerland. 150-3, 000 yuan a bottle.

    Location: Wine section on 2/F, Carrefour Shuangjing Branch, 31 Guangqu Lu, Chaoyang District.

    Opening hours: 9 a. m.- 10p. m.

    Tel: 010-51909508/09


    The top level of Hongqiao Market has strand upon strand of pearls in every shape and color imaginable. Pearls never go out of style and make for a good gift for women with classic tastes.

    Hongqiao Market

    Location: Tian Tan East Road, east of the Temple of Heaven

    Opening hours: 8: 30 a. m.-9 p. m., open daily

    Tel: 010-67133354

(1)、Which of the following may be the most common Christmas present?
A、Chocolate B、Pearls C、Recipe books D、Wine
(2)、What is Carrefour according to the passage?
A、Carrefour is probably a company doing wine business only. B、Carrefour is a branch of a wine company. C、Carrefour has branches in different places. D、Carrefour locates its center in Chaoyang District.
(3)、If you want to buy your girlfriend a present with classic tastes, you may ________.
A、go to the Temple of Heaven at 9: 30 p. m. B、go to Hongqiao Market C、dial 010-6.7133354 during the daytime D、dial 010-67133354 at any time
Book 1 : Brack Obama
Grades: 3-5
Our Price: $ 8.95
    His mother came from Kansas. His father came from Kenya. He grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia, far from the center of American politics. Few people had even heard of Brack Obama before 2004. But one powerful speech in Boston changed all that for the Illinois senator(参议员). In 2008, this inspiring leader ran for the country's top job, President.
Book 2: Danica Patrick
Grades:  3-5
Our Price: $ 8.95
    Growing up, Danica Patrick dreamed of racing in the Indianapolis 500. In 2005, her dream came true. Danica finished the race in fourth place, the best ever result by a woman. Three years later, she became the first female to win an IndyCar race. As a woman competing in a sport dominated by men, Danica faced many obstacles. But she never stopped believing in herself, no matter what the difficulties.
Book 3: Ellen Ochoa
Grades: 3-5
Our Price: $ 8.95
    Some people dream of becoming stars. Ellen Ochoa dreamed of living among them! She worked hard to make her dream of becoming an astronaut come true. On April 8, 1993, she strapped (用带子系好)herself in for the ride of her life aboard the space shuttle Discovery. Ochoa aimed high and boldly went where no Hispanic woman had gone before. Find out about Ochoa's amazing journey in her own words and photos from her personal collection!
Book 4: LeBron James
Grades:  3-5
Our Price: $ 8.95
    Fans, teammates, and opponents know him as King James. Many people consider LeBron James to be the most talented basketball Player of his generation. But there is much more to his story. He overcame hard times as a kid and rose to national fame as a teenager. He then jumped right from high school to the pros.  Along the way, LeBron never lost sight of where he came from or who he is.

    Stephen Hawking, the brilliant British theoretical physicist who published wildly popular books exploring the mysteries of the universe, has died, according to a family spokesman. He was 76.

    Considered by many to be the world's greatest living scientist, Hawking was also a cosmologist, astronomer, mathematician and author of numerous books including the landmark“A Brief History of Time,” which has sold more than 10 million copies.

    With fellow physicist Roger Penrose, Hawking combined Einstein's theory of relativity with quantum theory(量子理论) to suggest that space and time would begin with the Big Bang and end in black holes. He also discovered that black holes were not completely black but emit(释放) radiation and would likely eventually evaporate(蒸发) and disappear. “It will be difficult enough to avoid disasters on planet Earth in the next 100 years, let alone next thousand, or million. The human race shouldn't have all its eggs in one basket or on one plant. Let's hope we can avoid dropping the basket until we have spread the load.”

    Hawking suffered from ALS (amyotrophic latcral sclerosis), a disease which is usually fatal within a few years. He was diagnosed in 1963, when he was 21, and doctors initially gave him only a few years to live. The disease left Hawking wheelchair-bound and paralyzed. He was able to move only a few fingers on one hand and was completely dependent on others or on technology for everything—bathing, dressing, eating, even speech. “I have been lucky that my condition has progressed more slowly than is often the case. But it shows that one need not lose hope.” Dramatically, he even guest-starred in the “Star Trek”, “The Simpsons” and the 2014movie “The theory of Everything”.

    Hawking leaves behind three children and three grandchildren. “We are deeply saddened that our beloved father passed away today,” Hawking's children, Lucy, Robert and Tim, said in a statement. “He was a great scientist and an extraordinary man whose work and legacy will live on for many years. His courage and persistence with his brilliance and humor inspired people across the world. “We will miss him forever.”


    My motivation for starting our family tradition of reading in the car was purely selfish: I could not bear listening to A Sesame Street Christmas for another 10 hours. My three children had been addicted to this cassette on our previous summer's road trip.

    As I began to prepare for our next 500-mile car trip,I came across a book Jim Trelease's The Read Aloud Handbook. This could be the answer to my problem, I thought. So I put Roald Dahl's James and the Giant Peach into my bag. When I began to read aloud the tale of the boy who escapes the bad guys by hiding inside a giant peach, my three kids argued and wrestled in their seats. But after several lines, they were attracted into the rhythm of the words and began to listen.

    We soon learned that the simple pleasure of listening to a well-written book makes the long miles pass more quickly. Sometimes the books we read became highlights of the trip. I read Wilson Rawls's Summer of the Monkeys as we spent two days driving to the beach. We arrived just behind the power crews restoring(恢复)electricity after a tropical storm. The rain continued most of the week, and the beach was covered with oil washed up by the storm. When we returned home, I asked my son what he liked about the trip. He answered without hesitation, “The book you read in the car. ”

    Road trips still offer challenges, even though my children now are teenagers. But we continue to read as we roll across the country. And I'm beginning to see that reading aloud has done more than help pass the time. For at least a little while, we are not shut in our own electronic worlds. And maybe we've started something that will pass on to the next generation.


    When you cross deep water driving too fast, you risk splashing water up into the air box and having it get sucked into the internal engine, which is more common than you think. There are a few steps you should take to clear the water out before you try to start it:

    ⒈First, drain the fuel tank, fuel lines and the oil. While it's draining, put a fan on the wiring and dry it out. Remove and clean the carburetor (化油器).

    ⒉Take the plugs out of the engine and turn it over to force any water out. Water will come out with the oil. Add oil to the engine and turn it over again, without the plug in. Let it sit for a while, then observe the oil to tell if there's any water in it (it will look like a white milky substance if there is water mixed with the oil). If it's there, drain it again and start over until there is little or no white showing in the oil.

    ⒊Now re-install the spark plug, add gas, then try to start the engine. You should have a can of ether (乙醚) handy just in case it's stubborn, but don't use too much. If it starts, let it run for a few minutes without making it work faster.

    ⒋After it runs for several minutes, shut it off, drain the oil and change the filter(过滤网). Run it again for a few minutes then shut it off and checks again for milky colored oil. If you have none, you should be good to go.

    ⒌If you cannot start the engine, you may have already ruined it and you will probably need to seek a professional to repair it, or, more likely, you'll have to replace it.


    Scientists at the University of Oxford have developed new artificial intelligence(AI) software to recognize and follow up the faces of chimpanzees(黑猩猩)in the wild. The new software will allow researchers and wildlife conservationists to significantly cut back on time spent analyzing videos, according to the new paper published in Science Advances.

    For species(物种)like chimpanzees which have complex social lives and live for many years, getting photos of their behavior taken from short-term field research can only tell us so much," says Dan Schofield, researcher and DPhil student at Oxford University's Private Models Lab, School of Anthropology. "By taking advantage of the power of machine learning to unlock large video files, it makes it possible to measure behavior over the long term."

    The computer model was trained using over 10 million images(影像):from Kyoto University s Primate Research Institute(PRI) video files of wild chimpanzees in Guinea, West Africa. The new software is the first to continuously track and recognize individual a wide range of poses, performing with high accuracy in difficult conditions such as low lighting and poor image quality.

    "Access to this large video file has allowed us to use deep neural networks to train models to a degree that was previously not possible," says Arsha Nagrad, co-auther of the study and DPhil student at the Department of Engineer Science, University of Oxford." Additionally, our new software differs from previous primate face recognition software in that it can be applied to videos with limited manual intervention(人工干预), saving hours of time."

    The technology can be potentially used to monitor species for conservation Although the present application focuses on chimpanzees, the AI software provided will be applied to other species, and help drive the adoption of AI systems to solve(解决)a range of problems in the wildlife sciences.

