
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    There was once a man who had a donkey and a beautiful lapdog. The donkey was kept in a barn and had plenty of corn and hay to eat. Indeed, he was just as lucky as any donkey could be. The little dog stayed in the house and was well liked by the master. He was always playing and jumping about in an funny way and was allowed  to lie in his master's lap (膝盖). Meanwhile, the donkey had plenty to do. He pulled wood all day long and had to take his turn at the mill during the night. He often complained about his problems, and it bored him to see the lapdog living such an easy life, while he had to work so hard. Finally he thought to himself that if he acted the same way as the lapdog to his master, he would be treated the same way. So, one day he ran out of his barn and went fast into the house, where he began to kick about in a very strange way. Then, swaying his tail and imitating the funny behavior of the pet lapdog, he knocked over the table where his master was eating. He also broke all the dishes into very small pieces and did not stop until he jumped onto his master, trying to lick and paw him with his rough feet.

    Seeing their master in great danger, the servants thought it was time to help him. They beat the foolish donkey with sticks until he could not get up again. As he was about to die, he cried, "Why couldn't I have remained satisfied the way I was? Why did I try to imitate a creature who was nothing but a lazy puppy after all?"

(1)、The underlined sentence in the first paragraph probably means ________.
A、the donkey was treated well by his master B、the donkey was treated badly and cruelly C、other donkeys were satisfied with their life D、the donkey was not satisfied with his life
(2)、According to the passage, we know that every day, ________.
A、the dog turned around the mill B、the donkey jumped in the house C、the donkey imitated the dog D、the dog accompanied the master
(3)、The reason why the donkey felt angry was that ________.
A、he had to do a lot of boring work B、he envied the easy life the dog lived C、he was often beaten by the servants D、he was tied and couldn't move freely

    If you make a list of the world's top ten most challenging jobs,chances are that being a teacher will not make the cut.But think about the discouraging task millions of educators face each day as they try to shape a group of often bad-tempered,wild kids into intelligent,well-rounder individuals.That surely has to be the toughest job in the world, especially given that there is no promotion or bonus awaiting them even if they are wildly successful!

    What if there all-important individuals that we often take for granted(想当然)disappear from our lives?That was what Project Ed and Participant Media's Teach campaign asked filmmakers of all ages to imagine in their recently-held competition.Entitled "A World Without Teachers",its purpose was to inspire more young people to become teachers.However,the 62 amazing video submissions also serve as a reminder of how horrible things would be if we didn't have these selfless individuals guiding us through life.What was interesting is that even the youngest participants did not appear to be happy at the idea of not having anybody telling them what to do.

    High-school student Savannah Wakefield reflected if art as we know it today would have been different without teachers.Would Monet have discovered his talent for impressionism?Los Angeles-based Miles Horst,who won the 1000 USD prize for the best adult submission imagines a world where teachers are replaced by a “brain box” in his fun lively entry.

    Youth category winner Marina Barham's video represents a fact we all know but often forget.Teachers don't just teach,they inspire something that no electronic device,no matter how smart,can do!So the next time you think your teacher is being "mean" for trying to channel you in the right direction,imagine a life without him/her.We have a feeling it will not appear as rosy!


    Americans think that everything we British people say sounds smart. We think that they sound low-class, but secretly we think they sound cool. These are just stereotypes about British and American English, but there is some truth in them.

    What is certainly true is that the differences between British and American English continue to interest us.

    When the US was only around 20 years old, people were already saying that British accents sounded more intelligent, according to Erin Moor's book. That's Not English: Britishisms, Americanisms, and What Our English Says About Us.

    However, there are many different accents in Britain—Moor says the UK may have just as many regional accents as the US, even though the population is around one-fifth the size. In the UK, accents are much more related to class, but to many Americans, even an accent that British people think is “low class” is thought of as intelligent and superior, according to MPR News.

    American slang has been part of British people's vocabulary for a long time—the amount of American television, movies and music enjoyed in the UK means that British people have been using words like “cool” and “awesome” for years now. But sometimes words from the UK make it to the US—like “gobsmacked”.

    “Gobsmacked” started as slang (俚语) from northern England. “Gob” means mouth, so the word means “surprised as if someone smacked (掌掴) you in the mouth”. Reality television brought it to the US, Moor said. When the singer Susan Boyle became famous for her unlikely great singing voice on the show Britain's Got Talent, she used it all the time. “I'm gobsmacked,” she repeated, and it got popular.

    “Americans love a colourful piece of slang as much as anyone else,” said Moor. And this is just one example of how Britons and Americans can leave each other “gobsmacked” with their different types of English!


    You've heard the old advice that skipping meals is a sure-fire way to ruin a weight loss plan, but a new study presented this week at the annual Obesity Society Meeting in New Orleans suggests that perhaps we've overlooked the benefits of selective fasting. According to the research, eating during a smaller window of time each day and skipping your evening meal could have a positive health effect.

    The study concluded that overweight individuals who ate during the day and fasted during the evening reported fewer hunger swings and burned more fat at night, WebMD reported. However, although this diet plan results in more fat burned in the evenings, it did not seem to increase fat burning overall. Due to this, at this moment it's still unclear as to how this eating schedule can affect general weight loss.

    "At this point, we are not sure whether or not total fat burning is increased," study lead author Courtney Peterson told Medical Daily in a recent email." We will need to do a larger study to find out for certain whether or not time-restricted feeding improves fat burning."

    Still, although the results do not indicate a clear association between nighttime fasting and weight loss, they are still important for the world of nutrition. For example, Peterson told Medical Daily that she was surprised to find that participants did not report being hungrier than average, or have above-average swings in hunger levels, despite fasting daily for 18 hours.

    "So we overturned the belief that fasting for longer period each day when the same number of total calories are eaten makes a person hungrier, "wrote Peterson.

    While the effects of fasting and time-restricted feeding have been studied and proven to work in a rodent(贴齿动物)model, research on human subjects is still in its early stages. For this reason, Peterson explained that it is far too early to say, with factual evidence as backing, that time-restricted feeding will improve weight loss in humans. Still, Peterson explained that practicing this eating behavior does have obvious benefits, such as reducing overall food intake, and suggested that practicing time restricted eating a few times a week could be both practicable and healthy.

    "It could be used for short-term goals or longer-term goals,"concluded Peterson." As far as we know,it is safe for adults,although pregnant women and children should not try it."

