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题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:困难

新目标(Go for it)版初中英语九年级Unit 8 自主检测(含听力音频 )


    The unknown world's mystery

    The sea is the biggest unknown part of our world. It covers about seventy-one percent of the earth. There is still much to be discovered about this huge part of water. If the waters of the ocean could be removed, the sea floor with its wide valleys(峡谷), tail mountains and long rivers in the sea would be a special sight.

    Tourism under the deep blue sea

    From tourist submarines(潜艇) to underwater dining, undersea tourism is making a big splash.

    Tourists can now explore(探索) the world under the sea without ever getting wet.

    Tourist submarines

    The popularity of submarine tours has grown fast during these years. Now, submarine tours have been on in more than 20 places worldwide, including the waters around Okinawa and Taiwan's Green Island. The submarines carry nearly 2 million tourists each year. Large windows give passengers special views as the submarines explore colorful coral reefs and sunken ships. Most one-hour tours cost about $ 80.

    Underwater dining

    For a more fantastic experience, tourists can enjoy fine dining under the sea. In 2016 the Hilton Maldives Resort & Spa opened the world's first underwater restaurant, Ithaa. Tourists walk down a staircase into the restaurant, which rests 35 feet in the Indian Ocean. You can have a great ocean view. But this excellent view doesn't come cheap. The dinner costs about $ 400 per person. Be sure to book it early, too, The restaurant seats only 14 people.

(1)、What does the author want to tell us in Paragraph 1?
A、The sea is the biggest unknown part of our world. B、The sea covers about seventy-one percent of the earth. C、The reasons for researching undersea tourism. D、The sea is a part of the unknown world's mystery.
(2)、Which of the following statements about tourist submarines is TRUE?
A、There are tourist submarines in every part of the world now. B、Tourist submarines have carried about 2 million tourists so far. C、People can enjoy tourist submarines in the waters around Okinawa. D、The Hilton Maldives Resort & Spa opened the world's second underwater restaurant.
(3)、The walls of the restaurant Ithaa are most probably made of ________.
A、stone B、metal C、glass D、wood
(4)、From the passage, We can infer that the author ________.
A、is worried about underwater tourism B、shows great interest in underwater tourism C、is a little nervous about underwater tourism D、doesn't think underwater tourism is a good idea


    You probably know many of the things that you can do with the hundreds of different muscles(肌肉) in your body. But have you ever thought about how the muscles in an animal's body are different from yours? An animal's muscles are made to do the things that are the most important for its life.

    Lions are hunters. They depend on their ability to catch other animals. Lions must be fast in order to catch their prey(猎物). The powerful muscles in their back legs allow them to run at speeds of more than 30 miles per hour. They can also jump a distance of more than 35 feet. The strong muscles in their front legs help them catch their prey.

    Snakes also use their muscles for hunting prey and for movement, but their muscles work in very different ways than lion's do. Because snakes do not have any legs, they use their muscles to push against the ground or other objects to move themselves forward. Their muscles also allow them to eat things that seem much too large. For example, a snake may eat an egg that is larger than the width of its body. How does this happen? The snake's strong neck muscles work together to push the egg down the mouth.

    The elephant's long nose has a lot of muscles. Scientist believe that the nose alone has more than 100, 000 muscles! This is because the elephant uses its nose much in the same way that people use their hands and fingers. Even though the nose is large, it can perform surprisingly tasks. For example, an elephant can pick up a tree by its roots or even to lift a baby elephant.

    The great muscles of these animals seem pretty unbelievable. But the muscles in your body work exactly the way you need them to. After all, it might be fun to be able to jump a distance of 30 feet, but as a human being, there is just not much need for it.



    In the future, your automobile will run on water instead of gas! You will be able to buy a supercomputer that fits in your pocket! You might even drive a flying car!

    For each prediction(预言) that has come true today, several others have missed by a mile. Many of these predictions didn't consider how people want to use the technology, or if people really needed it in their lives or not. Let's look at some predictions from the not-too-distant past.

    Robot helpers

    Where's the robot in my kitchen? Nowhere, of course. And he's probably not coming any time soon. Robots do exist today, but mostly in factories and other manufacturing environments.

    Back in the 1950s, however, people said that by now personal robots would be in most people's homes.

    So why it hasn't happened? Probably because robots are still too expensive and clumsy. And maybe the idea of robots cooking our dinners and washing our clothes is just too weird. At home we seem to be doing fine without them.

    Telephones of tomorrow

    In 1964, an American company introduced the video telephone. They said by the year 2000 most people would have a video phone in their homes. But of course the idea hasn't caught on yet.

    Why? The technology worked fine, but it overlooked something obvious: People desire for privacy. Would you want to have a video phone conversation with someone after you just stepped out of the shower?

    Probably not—it could be embarrassing! Just because a technology available(可利用的) doesn't always mean people will want to use it.

    Flying cars

    And finally, how about that crazy prediction of the flying car? It's not so crazy any more! But a flying car remains one of the most fascinating technology ideas to capture our imagination. Keep watching the news or perhaps the sky outside your window to see what the future will bring.


    A study of sleep in sparrows suggests the relationship between sleep and the ability to learn may be more complicated (复杂) than realized.

    Niels C. Rattenborg of the University of Wisconsin—Madison wanted to find out how the sparrows were able to deal with getting so much less sleep.He and his team brought eight wild birds into a lab and watched them for one year.They invented a game to check how well the birds could learn.In the game, the sparrows had to peck (啄) three buttons (按钮) in a certain order to get a food treat.The scientists discovered that the birds' ability to learn the right button order depended on (依靠) two things, the time of year and the

amount of sleep the birds had.

    During the migration (迁徙) season, the sparrows were restless at night and got much less sleep than usual.Even so, they were able to understand how to get the food quickly as if they'd had a regular night of sleep.Outside the migration season, they found the sparrows that got less sleep than usual had much more difficulty learning how to get the food treats than birds that had a regular sleep.

    The results show that the sparrows can deal with much less sleep during the migration season than usual.If scientists can find out why, they may learn from sparrows and find ways of helping people deal with getting much less sleep.Until scientists fully understand the relationship between sleep and learning, it's better to get plenty of sleep when preparing for an exam.

