
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    "Look here, Watson," Holmes said after we finished lunch. "Please sit down. I want to talk to you. I don't know what to do, and your advice is important to me. You smoke your cigar (雪茄烟) while I explain."

    "Please continue," I said, as I lit my cigar.

    "Now there're a few important points in young James' story. One, his father cries Coo-ee before he sees him. Two, he talks about a rat (老鼠). I think young James is telling the truth (真相)."

    "So why did Mr. McCarthy shout Coo-ee then?"

    "Well, he was not shouting Coo-ee to his son. It was by chance that James heard. The Coo-ee was to call the person he was meeting. But Coo-ee is an Australian cry, Australians usually say it when they meet to catch attention. Perhaps Mr. McCarthy was meeting someone from Australia."

    "I see. But why did he talk about a rat, then?" I asked.

Holmes took a piece of paper from his pocket and put it on the table.

    "This is a map of Australia," he said. He put his hand over part of the map. "Now, Watson, what can you read there?" he asked me.

    "ARAT," I read.

    "And now?" Holmes moved his hand.

    "BALLARAT," I read.

    "Yes. That was the word the dead man said. It's a place called Ballarat. His son only heard the 'rat' part of the word. Old Mr. McCarthy was trying to say where his murderer was from, the town of Ballarat. The grey cloak is point No. 3. If James is telling the truth, there was a grey cloak (斗篷). So now we have an Australian from Ballarat with a grey cloak."

    "Great!" I replied.

    "And it's someone who lives nearby, as the Boscombe Pool isn't open to the public. Only people from the farm nearby or the Turner house can go there," said Holmes.

    "That's wonderful, Holmes!" I exclaimed.

(1)、Who is "I" in Paragraph 2?
A、James. B、Watson. C、Holmes. D、Mr. McCarthy.
(2)、How many important points were there in young James' story?
A、One. B、Two. C、Three. D、Four.
(3)、What does the underlined word "murderer" mean in English?
A、Doctor. B、Killer. C、Fisherman. D、Climber.
(4)、What was the true meaning of "a rat" according to Holmes?
A、A large mouse from England. B、The bad guy from Australia. C、A very old map of Australia. D、Part of the name of a place.
(5)、What is the passage mainly about?
A、How Holmes worked out the case. B、Where Holmes and Watson had lunch. C、How Holmes studied the map of Australia. D、Who Holmes and Watson saw near Boscombe Pool.
I'm lying on my back in my grandfather's orchard (果园), looking up at the branches above me. It is one of the last days of summer. Already the days are shorter and the nights are cooler. Some kinds of apples are already ripe(成熟的). Others will be ready to pick soon. I think of my grandmother's apple pie, and how I used to make it with her. She died last year, before the apple harvest, and I have not had her pie since then. I really miss her. I hear bees busily humming about, visiting the late summer flowers. The gentle hum of their wings nearly sends me to sleep.
The sky is as blue as my grandfather's eyes. Above me, big white clouds ran across the sky like pieces of cotton blowing in the wind. School starts in another week, and time seems to have slowed down.
"Sophie!" calls my grandfather. "Is that you?" I stand up, take his hand, and tell him all about my day as we walk through the orchard. We talk about apples, and bees and Grandma. He tells me that he misses her too.
He hputs his rough, brown farmer's hand around my shoulder and pulls me close. " You know, Sophie," he says, " I spent the morning in the attic (阁楼), and you'll never guess what I found. It's the recipe(烹饪法) for Grandma's apple pie. I used to help her make it sometimes. I can't do it all alone, but you used to help her too. Maybe between the two of us, we can work it out. Want to try?"
" But it won't be the same without Grandma," I tell him.
" That's true," he says, "but nothing is the same without Grandma. Still, I don't think that she would want us never to have another apple pie. What do you say?" I nod yes, and we walk towards home…toward an afternoon in the farmhouse kitchen, making Grandma's famous apple pie.


    Joe,75,lived very happily and had a beautiful family.He had four grandchildren,and they all visited him in their holidays.

    But while he was working,he lost his favorite watch.Before they came to visit,Joe was getting ready for his home for the kids:cleaning the house, buying their favorite foods and cooking delicious food...

    The watch was a gift from his deceased(已故的)wife when their first child was born.Joe loved the watch very much.He was very unhappy.

    When his grandchildren came,they promised him they would find the watch.

    One granddaughter asked:“Grandpa,do you remember when you lost your watch?

    Joe answered:“I guess when l cleaned the barn!”

    The children looked for more than two hours but could not find it.

    One grandson went to search(搜寻) the barn again,and Joe asked why he was going there.The little boy asked the others not to follow him and to keep silent(安静的).

    He was there for about 15 minutes and then ran to his grandfather.He found the watch!

    Joe was surprised and asked how he was able to find it.The little boy said:“I sat there without making a noise,and the barn was so silent.After a few minutes,I heard the ‘tick,tick' sound and found the watch.”

    Joe hugged him and thanked the little boy.

    This shows the power(力量)of silence.If we stay calm(冷静的),we are better able to find a solution(解决方法)!


    Most of us have ever imagined the life on a desert island. We sometimes imagine a desert island to be a sort of paradise(天堂) where the sun always shines. Life there is simple and good. Ripe fruit falls from the trees and you are free to sit around without any work. This is really a beautiful picture, isn't it? However, the other side of the picture is quite the opposite. Life on a desert island is awful. You either starve to death or live like Robinson Crusoe, waiting for a boat which never comes.

    Perhaps there is some truth in both these pictures, but few of us have had the chance to find out. We can only experience it in the story like the following.

    Many years ago, two men spent five days on a coral island and they wished that they could stay there longer. They were driving a badly damaged boat from the Virgin Islands to Miami to have it repaired. During the journey, their boat began to sink(下沉). They quickly put food, matches, and cans of beer into a rubber dinghy(救生筏) and rowed for a few miles across the Caribbean until they arrived at a tiny coral island.

    There were hardly any trees on the island and there was no water, but this did not seem to be a problem. The men collected rainwater in the rubber dinghy. As they had brought a gun with them, they had plenty to eat. They caught lobster and fish every day, and they thought they lived just like a king. Five days later, a tank passed by and saved them. However, they felt sorry that they had to leave.

