
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

    How are you? I am fine. School is out already. On our last day, we went to a museum. It was fun until we all had to run through the rain to get on the bus. Even that was kind of fun, though.

    How was your camping trip? Dad says you're just getting back home this Wednesday. I've been taking good care of Sparky for you. The dog sleeps at the foot of my bed on most nights. He and the cat have even been getting along.

    Dad says to tell you that our yard is looking good this year. We've had lots of rain, especially last Friday— the last day of school

When are you coming to get Sparky? See you soon.



Dear Kyle,

    Our camping trip was wonderful! We've already decided to come here again next year. From Ohio. We drove south to Kentucky. We enjoy looking at rocks, so we had decided to go to Mammoth Cave National Park. I'd never seen so many rocks!

    Each day, we chose a different cave. We saw narrow(狭窄的)places and huge ones. In one cave, we were underground for more than two miles.

    We'll come to get Sparky next weekend, if that's okay.


Grandma and Grandpa

(1)、What was the weather like on Kyle's last school day?
A、Windy. B、Rainy. C、Snowy. D、Cloudy.
(2)、On most nights, Sparky sleeps _________.
A、with Kyle's cat B、with Kyle's dad C、on Kyle's bed D、at the foot of Kyle's bed
(3)、What does the underlined word "cave" mean in Chinese?
A、峡谷 B、山洞 C、悬崖 D、索道


    Mick Polly,an owner of a toy store,lives with his teenage daughter Carolina in Kentucky.He is known as the Bike Man.Over the past five years,Mick has built hundreds of bikes for needy kids.

    One day in 2012,a 13﹣year﹣old boy with a broken bike walked by Mick's house."I was working in my garage(车库),and he asked if I could fix it,"says Mick,now 53.

    The boy's bike had a broken wheel.Mick sent a post(帖子) on Facebook,asking his friends if they had the needed part.One friend saw the post and gave away two used bikes.Mick took parts from each to build a new set of wheels for the boy.

    Soon after,Mick repaired a bike for the boy's brother and fixed one for his sister.Word spread,and during the year,he had fixed up lots of bikes for local kids whose parents were not able to afford new ones

    "People are throwing away bikes day and night,"says Mick.

    Mick puts the bikes and bike parts in his garage."I take off the good tires or the handlebars or the seats and use them,"he says.

    Up to now,the bike man has repaired hundreds of bikes and given away nearly 700newly repaired bikes.They're free,but the kids must agree to two things:They have to learn how to put waste things to good use and they have to try their best to study in school.

    If a kid's grades are low,Mick requires a teacher's note"saying that you're doing your best,"Mick says.Mick also hopes the bikes will get kids off the sofa."When I was growing up,we all rode our bikes,"he says."Hopefully these kids can get some exercise."


    I believe that we can have an important effect on anyone we meet. The right words at just the right time could change someone's life. When I was three years old, my parents discovered I was deaf. After asking many doctors and parents of other deaf children, they decided to put me in a normal school.

    On my first day in the school, the other kids made fun of me because of my hearing aid. And then I saw myself as an ugly kid.

    Mrs. Jordan, my teacher changed all of that with a simple three-word phrase. One morning, she asked the class a question. I read her lips(嘴唇) and raised my hand right away. She called me. I took a deep breath and nervously answered Mrs. Jordan's question.

    I will never forget what happened next. Mrs. Jordan pointed directly at me. With a big smile she cried,

    "That's right, Stephen! "For the first time in my young life, my confidence soared(剧增).At that moment, I decided that no matter how many difficulties I may face, I can overcome(克服) them. Just from those three simple words, my life changed from that moment.

    When I was three years old, my parents discovered I was deaf. After asking many doctors and parents of other deaf children, they decided to put me in a normal school.

    On my first day in the school, the other kids made fun of me because of my hearing aid. And then I saw myself as an ugly kid.

    Mrs. Jordan, my teacher changed all of that with a simple three-word phrase. One morning, she asked the class a question. I read her lips(嘴唇) and raised my hand right away. She called me. I took a deep breath and nervously answered Mrs. Jordan's question.

    I will never forget what happened next. Mrs. Jordan pointed directly at me. With a big smile she cried, "That's right, Stephen!" For the first time in my young life, my confidence soared(剧增). At that moment, I decided that no matter how many difficulties I may face, I can overcome(克服) them. Just from those three simple words, my life changed from that moment.

