
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:真题 难易度:普通

     Life can be so wonderful, full of adventure and joy. It can also be full of challenges, setbacks and heartbreaks. Whatever our circumstances, we generally still have dreams, hopes and desires—that little something more we want for ourselves and our loved ones. Yet knowing we can have more can also create a problem, because when we go to change the way we do things, up come the old patterns and pitfalls  that stopped us from seeking what we wanted in the first place.
     This tension between what we feel we can have and "what were seemingly able to have is the niggling  suffering, the anxiety we feel. This is where we usually think it's easier to just give up. But we're never meant to let go of the part of us that knows we can have more. The intelligence behind that knowing is us—the real us. It's the part that believes in life and its possibilities. If you drop that, you begin to feel a little "dead" inside because you're dropping "you".
     So, if we have this capability but somehow life seems to keep us stuck, how do we break these patterns?
     Decide on a new course and make one decision at a time. This is good advice for a new adventure or just getting through today's challenges.
    While, deep down, we know we can do it, our mind—or the minds of those close to us—usually says we can't.
    That isn't a reason to stop, it's just the mind, that little man or woman on your shoulder, trying to talk you out of something again. It has done it many times before. It's all about starting simple and doing it now.
    Decide and act before overthinking. When you do this you may feel a little, or large, release from the jail of your mind and you'll be on your way.

(1)、It can be inferred from the first two paragraphs that we should ____.

A、slow down and live a simple life B、be careful when we choose to change C、stick to our dreams under any circumstances D、be content with what we already have
(2)、What is the key to breaking the old patterns?

A、To focus on every detail.  B、To decide and take immediate action. C、To listen to those close to us. D、To think twice before we act.
(3)、Which of the following best explains the underlined part in the last paragraph?

A、 Escape from your punishment  B、Realization of your dreams. C、 Freedom from your tension.  D、Reduction of your expectations.
(4)、What does the author intend to tell us?

A、It's easier than we think to get what we want. B、 It's important to learn to accept sufferings in life. C、It's impractical to change our way of thinking. D、It's harder than we expect to follow a new course. 
    A Korean wave issweeping across China, with many Chinese women worshiping South Korean actorsKin Soo hyun and Lee Min ho as demigods(偶像). Chinese netizens(网民) always have different opinions. Over South Korean TV dramas, but there is no doubt that programs from the neighboring country are now enjoying a new round of popularity in China, And a big part of the credit for that goes to You Who CameFrom The Star, the South Korean TV series which is on the air now.

    You Who Came FromThe Star and The Heirs (继承者们) have been subjects of hot online discussions throughout Asia. Besides, the book, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, read by the hero You Who Came From The Star was a hard to get item on Amazon for a while.

    The two TV programs have several common elements (因素): a tall, handsome, and rich hero who loves the heroine blindly and always protects her, and an equally handsome man madly in love with the same woman . Both programs describe the purity of love, which is expressed through a kiss or a warm hug. Perhaps that's the secret of their success: perhapspeople still like Cinderella type stories.

    The widening wealth gap is a matter of social concern both in South Korea and China, and the challenges that young people face in their hope for a better life might have caused many ordinary girls to dream of marrying rich, caring men. This is precisely what the popular South Korean TV drams describe. In fact,South Korean TV dramas are tailored to meet the market's demands.

    Many netizens evensaid at an earlier time that South Korean TV dramas had become popular because of their stereotyped (模式化的) themes: traffic accidents, cancer and other incurable diseases. But all that has changed with the success of You Who CameFrom The Star and The Heirs, which Chinese directors can use as examples, aswell as inspiration, to improve their productions.


    “We are good mothers,” I said to my friend, as we sat on our comfortable beach chairs under our beach umbrella and watched our children playing in the waves.

    Out of nowhere, the children took off running. About fifty yards from us, a man—maybe in his fifties—was fishing. The children stood next to him and watched with their little mouths hanging open as he cast the fishing lines. He smiled at them. They ran back to us—all except my three-year-old daughter, Drew.

    My heart beat fast with horror. “Drew! Come here! Play with your friends!” I shouted, very aware that my speeches about not talking to strangers weren't working. It seemed that many parents heard of horrible stories about children being taken away by strangers. Responsible mothers should teach their children that the world is a dangerous place. So I felt relieved (松口气) when Drew ran towards me and took hold of a shovel (铲子). Then she looked me in the eye: “I want to be with the person.”

    Again, she approached the middle-aged man, and started digging next to him.

    Several seconds later, she returned, waving something shiny.

    “Look, Mommy! A toy fish!”

    It was, indeed, a toy fish—yellow and rubber. This must have been what he was using to attract the fish. And he'd given it to Drew. The three other children were deeply impressed, and they didn't try to hide how jealous(妒忌的)they were—clearly, they all wanted the fish.

    “My friend gave me that fish!” Drew shouted loudly. The sand in front of the umbrella turned into a preschool cage match with a yellow rubber fish flying through the air. I felt like I might cry myself.

    Unexpectedly, there he was: the man, standing right next to us with three more rubber fish in hand. He handed them to each of the children. By their faces, you would have thought he was actually the really kind big brother.

    “Thank you,” I said, realizing that there is good and kindness in strangers.


    Sunday is more like Monday than it used to be. Places of business that used to keep daytime“business hours” are now open late into the night. And on the Internet, the hour of the day and the day of the week have become irrelevant(不相关的). A half century ago in the United States, most people experienced strong and precise dividing lines between days of rest and days of work, school time and summer time. Today the boundaries still exist, but they seem not clear.

    The law in almost all states used to require stores to close on Sunday; in most, it no longer does. It used to keep the schools open in all seasons except summer; in most, it still does. And whether the work week should strengthen its legal limits, or whether it should become more “flexible,” is often debated. How should we, as a society, organize our time? Should we go even further in relaxing the boundaries of time until we live in a world in which every minute is much like every other?

    These are not easy questions even to ask. Part of the difficulty is that we rarely recognize the “law of time” even when we meet it face to face. We know as children that we have to attend school a certain number of hours, a certain number of days, a certain number of years — but unless we meet the truant officer (学监), we may well think that we should go to school due to social custom and parents' demand rather than to the law. As adults we are familiar with “extra pay for overtime working,” but less familiar with the fact that what constitutes(构成)“overtime” is a matter of legal definition. When we turn the clock forward to start daylight-saving time, have we ever thought to ourselves: “Here is the law in action”? As we shall see, there is a lot of law that has great influence on how we organize and use time: compulsory education law, overtime law, and daylight-saving law — as well as law about Sunday closing, holidays, being late to work, time zones, and so on. Once we begin to look for it, we will have no trouble finding a law of time to examine and assess.


    Your next ca might drive itself. After years of trials on city streets, driverless vehicles are now nearing the live phase. Last moth, a driverless bus began carrying passengers through Lyon, France, Most in the automobile industry think self-driving vehicles will be on the road by 2020 or before.

    Driverless cars will at first be huddled with human-driven cars. But the first places where they will become dominant(统治的)are dense urban areas — precisely the spots most damaged by the automobile age. Many advanced cities are already reducing the role of human-driven cargo. Driverless cars will quicken that process and will bring us enormous benefits.

    Driverless cars will reduce accidents by around 90 percent. That's big—the annual death toll on the world's roads is about 1.2 million a year. Pollution and carbon emissions will drop, because urban driverless cars will be electric. The old, otherwise they would stay at home most of the time and the disabled and teenagers will suddenly gain mobility.

    On the other hand, driverless cars will bring catastrophe. The best thing about the automobile age was that it employed tens of millions of people to make, market, insure and drive vehicles. Over the next 20 years, the mostly low-skilled men who now drive trucks, taxis and buses will see their jobs reduced. Carmakers are especially scared. The few cars of the future might be made by tech companies such as Apple, Baidu and Google. Imaging the impact on Germany, where the automotive sector is the largest industry.

    Dramatic change is coming, and driverless cars could arrive by 2020. But governments have barely begun thinking about it. Only 6 percent of the biggest US cities have factored them into their long-term planning.

    A decade ago anyone hardly saw the Smartphone coming. It has bought an epidemic of mass addiction. Let's hope we do a better job of handling the driverless car.


                                                                                           Taktak tabulaba?

    You probably don't know how to answer that question ─ unless you happen to be one of the about 430 people in the world who speak a language called Matukar Panau. Then you would know it means “ What are we doing?” Matukar Panau is one of the world's rarest languages. It is spoken in just two small coastal villages in Papua New Guinea.

    Several years ago, David Harrison, a language expert, didn't know much about Matukar Panau either. No one had ever recorded or even studied its words and rules. With so few speakers, the language risked disappearing soon. It was endangered.

    Harrison didn't want that to happen to Matukar Panau. So in 2009, he set out for Papua New Guinea. His goal: use modern technology to help the remaining speakers preserve their native tongue.

    But Matukar Panau is not the only language facing loss. Studies suggest that by the end of this century,nearly half of the 7,000 languages now spoken worldwide could disappear. They're in danger partly because the only people left speaking them are elderly adults. When those old men die, their language will die with them. In addition, children may discard a native language and instead use more common global languages, such as Chinese, English or Spanish.

    In the United States alone, 134 native American languages are endangered. “Language hotspots” exist all over the world. These are places with endangered languages that haven't been recorded. They include the state of Oklahoma, pockets of central and eastern Siberia, parts of northern Australia and communities in South America.


    The new president of Harvard University is the son of an Eastern European refugee and Auschwitz (奥斯威辛) survivor—Lawrence S. Bacow. His father worked full time while attending a state college in Detroit at night to earn his degree.

    Bacow, the former president of Tufts University, has taken over Harvard at a time when higher education is under attack for being financially out of reach to many Americans. But Bacow said his family's journey had reflected the power of college education to transform generations and the opportunities that have historically been available in the United States.

    "My parents came to this country with almost nothing," Bacow said. "I wouldn't be here if this country had not been open to people like my parents at that time. Nor would I if my father hadn't had the opportunity to get the college education."

    Bacow grew up in Pontiac, Michigan. His father's family fled anti-Jewish (反犹太的) violence in Minsk, then part of the Soviet Union, before the start of World War II and went to the United States. His mother arrived in Brooklyn at age 19, having survived Auschwitz concentration camp. She was the only Jew from her town to have survived the war. Yet Bacow, who is married with two sons, said that while growing up in Michigan, he had a happy childhood, entering science fairs as a child and building radios like his dad.

    Bacow has spent most of his professional career at MIT, Harvard and Tufts. He was a professor of environmental studies at MIT, and later a principal at the university. He led Tufts from 2001 to 2011. At Tufts, Bacow earned a reputation for shaking up a sleepy university that was being overshadowed by its peers in Boston. He is also credited with leading it through both 9/11 and the 2008 financial crisis.

    As the Tufts president, Bacow traveled around the country, reaching out to alumni (校友), and he urged his faculty and deans to do the same, in an effort to boost donations to finance Tufts' academic ambitions. He raised more than $20 million for faculty recruitment, attracting up-and-coming professors by offering junior faculty perks (福利), such as long academic leaves that they couldn't get elsewhere.

    Under Bacow's leadership, Tufts spent millions on labs and libraries. He also made addresses nationally about the need to make higher education more accessible and affordable to low-income students.

