
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:真题 难易度:普通

        Suppose you become a leader in an organization. It's very likely that you'll want to have volunteers to help 

with the organization's activities. To do so, it should help to understand why people undertake volunteer work and

what keeps their interest in the work.

       Let's begin with the question of why people volunteer. Researchers have identified several factors that 

motivate people to get involved. For example, people volunteer to express personal values related to unselfishness, 

to expand their range of experiences, and to strengthen social relationships. If volunteer positions do not meet these 

needs, people may not wish to participate. To select volunteers, you may need to understand the motivations of the 

people you wish to attract.

         People also volunteer because they are required to do so. To increase levels of community service, some 

schools have launched compulsory volunteer programs. Unfortunately, these programs can shift people's wish of

participation from an internal factor (e.g., “I volunteer because it's important to me”) to an external factor (e.g., “I

volunteer because I'm required to do so”). When that happens, people become less likely to volunteer in the future.

People must be sensitive to this possibility when they make volunteer activities a must.

          Once people begin to volunteer, what leads them to remain in their positions over time? To answer this 

question, researchers have conducted follow-up studies in which they track volunteers over time. For instance, one 

study followed 238 volunteers in Florida over a year. One of the most important factors that influenced their 

satisfaction as volunteers was the amount of suffering they experienced in their volunteer positions. Although this

result may not surprise you, it leads to important practical advice. The researchers note that attention should be 

given to “training methods that would prepare volunteers for troublesome situations or provide them with 

strategies for coping with the problem they do experience”.

         Another study of 302 volunteers at hospitals in Chicago focused on individual differences in the degree to 

which people view “volunteer” as an important social role. It was assumed that those people for whom the role of 

volunteer was most part of their personal identity would also be most likely to continue volunteer work. 

Participants indicated the degree to which the social role mattered by responding to statements such as 

“Volunteering in Hospital is an important part of who I am.” Consistent with the researchers' expectations, they

found a positive correlation (正相关) between the strength of role identity and the length of time people continued 

to volunteer. These results, once again, lead to concrete advice: “Once an individual begins volunteering, 

continued efforts might focus on developing a volunteer role identity.... Items like T-shirts that allow volunteers to 

be recognized publicly for their contributions can help strengthen role identity”.

(1)、People volunteer mainly out of ______ .

A、academic requirements  B、social expectations C、financial rewards   D、internal needs
(2)、What can we learn from the Florida study?

A、Follow-up studies should last for one year.  B、Volunteers should get mentally prepared. C、Strategy training is a must in research.  D、 Volunteers are provided with concrete advice.
(3)、What is most likely to motivate volunteers to continue their work?

A、Individual differences in role identity.  B、Publicly identifiable volunteer T-shirts. C、Role identity as a volunteer.   D、Practical advice from researchers.
(4)、What is the best title of the passage?

A、How to Get People to Volunteer B、How to Study Volunteer Behaviors C、How to Keep Volunteers' Interest D、How to Organize Volunteer Activities

    We all know what a brain is. A doctor will tell you that the brain is the organ of the body in the head. It controls our body's functions, movements, emotions and thoughts. But a brain can mean so much more.

    A brain can also simply be a smart person. If a person is called brainy, he is smart and intelligent. If a family has many children but one of them is super smart, you could say, “He's the brains in the family.” And if you are the brains behind something, you are responsible for developing or organizing something. For example, Bill Gates is the brains behind Microsoft.

    Brain trust is a group of experts who give advice. Word experts say the phrase “brain trust” became popular when Franklin D. Roosevelt first ran for president in 1932. Several professors gave him advice on social and political issues(问题)facing the U.S. These professors were called his “brain trust”.

    These ways we use the word “brain” all make sense. But other ways we use the word are not so easy to understand. For example, to understand the next brain expression, you first need to know the word “drain”. As a verb, to drain means to remove something by letting it flew away. So a brain drain may sound like a disease where the brain flows out the ears. But, brain drain is when a country's most educated people leave their countries to live in another. The brains are, sort of, draining out of the country.

    However, if people are responsible for a great idea, you could say they brainstormed it. Here, brainstorm is not an act of weather. It is a process of thinking creatively about a complex topic. For example, business leaders may use brainstorming to create new products, and government leaders may brainstorm to solve problems.

    If people are brainwashed, it does not mean their brains are nice and clean. To brainwash means to make some accept new beliefs by using repeated pressure in a forceful or tricky way. Keep in mind that brainwash is never used in a positive way.


    Crown shyness (树冠羞避) is a mysterious natural phenomenon in which the crowns of some tree species do not touch each other, but get separated by a gap clearly seen from ground level. The effect usually occurs between trees of the same species, but has also been observed between trees of different species.

    There are many theories going around, most of which make sense, but no one has been able to prove without the shadow of a doubt why some trees avoid touching each other.

    In his 1955 book Growth Habits of the Eucalypts, Australian forester M. R. Jacobs writes that the growing tips of the trees are sensitive to abrasion (擦伤), which results in crown shyness phenomenon. This theory was also supported by Dr. Miguel Franco. Some experiments have shown that if trees displaying crown shyness are artificially prevented from swaying (摇摆)in the wind and touching each other, they gradually fill up the gaps between them.

    But while the above theory is arguably the most widespread, it's certainly not the only one. Some scientists have suggested that crown shyness is a mechanism to stop the spreading of leaf-eating insects. The gaps mean pests wouldn't be able to reach other trees, so they are the tree's natural defense method.

    One Malaysian scholar studied many trees, but found no traces of abrasions, despite their clear crown shyness. Instead, he suggests that the growing tips of the trees were sensitive to light levels and stopped growing when they got too close to other trees. Plants are able to sense how close they are to other plants and in order to get more light, they give off some chemical to stop other trees from growing too close.

    Whatever the reason, one thing is for sure, plants are more intelligent than people.


    I receive many letters from children and can't answer them all – there wouldn't be enough time in a day. I'll try to answer some of the questions that are commonly asked.

    Where did I get the idea for Stuart Little and for Charlotte's Web? Well, many years ago, I went to bed one night in a railway sleeping car, and during the night I dreamed about a tiny boy who acted rather like a mouse. That's how the story of Stuart Little got started.

    As for Charlotte's Web, I like animals and my farm is very pleasant place to be – at all hours. One day, when I was on my way to feed the pig, I began feeling sorry for the pig because, like most pigs, he was going to die. This made me sad. So I started thinking of ways to save his life. Three years after I started writing it, it was published. (I am not a fast worker, as you can see.)

    Sometimes I'm asked when I started to write, and what made me want to write. I started early – as soon as I could spell. Children often find pleasure through trying to set their thoughts down on paper, either in words or in pictures. I was not good at drawing, so I used words instead. As I grew older, I found that writing could be a way of earning a living.

    Well, here is the answer to the last question. No, they are imaginary (虚构的) tales. In real life, a family doesn't have a child who looks like a mouse and a spider doesn't write words in her web. Although my stories are imaginary, I like to think that there is some truth in them, too – truth about the way people and animals feel, think and act.


The hottest cities in the world

    The locations below are the hottest and also travel destinations on the planet.


    According to the data, Bangkok is the hottest city on the planet﹣not because of any particularly impressive high temperatures, but because it is consistently hot all the year round. The city has an average annual temperature of 29℃, coupled with high dampness and an average of 128rainy days per year; while the highest temperature on record is 40℃.

    Timbuktu, Mali

    Located on the southern edge of the Sahara Desert, the African city of Timbuktu is similar to everything remote. It's also one of the hottest cities in the world, with a hot, dry climate offering record highs of 49℃. Throughout April, May and June, average maximum temperatures are beyond 40℃. Modern﹣day Timbuktu is slowly being swallowed by the desert and is certainly a shadow of the trade center that it once was.

    Ahvaz, Iran

    Built on the bank of the Karun River, Ahvaz is an industrial city with average highs of around 46℃ during July, its warmest month. The city's record high is 54℃, making it one of the world's hottest cities during the summer. Frequent sand and dust storms and an absence of rain from July to September mix with its sky﹣high temperatures.

    Kuwait City

    The wealthy capital of Kuwait is another competitor for the title of the world's hottest summertime city with average highs of over 45℃ from June to August. Nightfall brings little respite(缓解), with after﹣dark low temperatures often over 30℃ during the summer months. Kuwait City's record high is 52℃, while it rains on an average of just 19 days per year.


    There is an old Chinese proverb that states "One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade," and this is how it should be with mothers and daughters. The relationship between a mother and a daughter is sometimes confusing. The relationship can be similar to friendship. However, the mother and daughter relationship has unique characteristics that distinguish it from a friendship. These characteristics include a hierarchy (等级) of responsibilities and unconditional love, which preclude mothers and daughters from being best friends.

    Marina, 27 years old, said, "I love spending time with my mom, but I wouldn't consider her my best friend. Best friends don't pay for your wedding. Best friends don't remind you how they carried you in their body and gave you life! Best friend: don't tell you how wise they are because they have been alive at least 20 years longer than you." This doesn't mean that the mother and daughter relationship can't be very close and satisfying.

    While some adult relationships are still troubled, many find them to be extremely rewarding. This generation of mothers and adult daughters has a lot in common, which increases the likelihood of shared companionship. Mothers and daughters have always shared the common experience of being homemakers, responsible for maintaining and passing on family values and traditions. Today contemporary mothers and daughters also share the experience of the workforce and technology, which may bring them even closer together.

    Best friends may or may not continue to be best friends, but for better or worse, the mother and daughter relationship is permanent, even if for some unfortunate reason they aren't speaking. The mother and child relationship is closer than any other. There is not an equal relationship. Daughters should not feel responsible for their mother's emotional well-being. It isn't that they don't care deeply about their mothers. It's just that they shouldn't be burdened with their mother's well-being.

    The mother and daughter relationship is a relationship that is not replaceable by any other. Mothers never stop being mothers, which includes frequently wanting to protect their daughters and often feeling responsible for their happiness. Mothers always "trump (胜过)" friends.

