
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Nowadays there are many people going from villages or small towns to big cities to realize their dreams, but there are also people doing the opposite.

    Janet Lincoln moved to St Louis five years ago. Here's what she said:

    "I used to live in a small town called Bertrand. I grew up there. After I graduated (毕业) from high school, I worked in a supermarket. There were about 800 people in my town, and I knew most of them. Most of them knew me, too. At the age of 21, I got a chance (机会) and moved to St. Louis. I love it. I don't know as many people now as I used to, but that's OK. I live in an apartment and have a few good friends. There are a lot of fun things to do in the big city."

    Troy Henson has the opposite experience. He, his wife and their two children moved from St. Louis to Bloomfield three years ago. Here's what Troy said:

    "Both Darla and I grew up in St. Louis. We met at college and got married. Then the kids came along and life got difficult. We didn't know any of our neighbors. We both had good jobs, and we were always very busy. But it seemed there was never enough money. That all changed when we moved to Bloomfield. We don't make as much money as we used to, but we don't have as many expenses (开支) as we did and we are relaxed. It's good.

(1)、When Janet was in Bertrand, she ________.
A、made lots of money B、lived in an apartment C、worked in a supermarket D、knew everyone in the town
(2)、Janet moved to St. Louis ________.
A、with her family B、at the age of 21 C、to help her friends D、to get a better education
(3)、How many people are there in Troy's family?
A、Three B、Four C、Five D、Six
(4)、According to Troy, living in Bloomfield is ________.
A、boring B、interesting C、tiring D、relaxing
(5)、In which part of a newspaper can we find this passage?
A、Life B、Health C、Travel D、Education
     I was in line waiting to pay. In line there were two people before me. A little boy was buying some rather strange clothes. He chatted with anyone who was interested in the clothes and soon we learnt that he was going to a kindergarten(幼儿园) party. He had done a great job of putting together interesting costumes.
    I noticed that the little boy was paying mostly with change(零钱). It seemed that he had robbed his pig bank(猪形储蓄罐) to do this shopping. However, the cashier told him he was short after counting all the money. The boy thought for a moment and said, “Please keep the shirt and I will come back with more money. “
    It was clear that he had already used all the money he had and he was $ 8.00 short. The lady in front of me said, “Well, I could pay half of that. “I told the boy that I could pay the other half. We dug into our handbags. However, both of us only had ten-dollar bills(纸币) and we needed the cashier to get the change for us. Other shoppers began digging into their pockets to find some change. It was amazing and touching as all these strangers seemed to react(反应) with the same mind. All wanted to be of help. Within minutes the cashier said, “I have too much money.” The cashier didn't need our ten-dollar bills. Then the lady in front of me, who had been the first to offer help, said, “Wait! I didn't even get a chance to give anything!”
    I smiled at her and said, “You did your share, because it was your idea and you started all this. “ The little boy smiled and thanked us. We wished him the best and he left. I was left with a good feeling. I had seen the love and goodness of others all around me. The woman in front of me smiled and said, “It sure feels good to give, doesn't it?” I smiled back and said, “Yes !”

Some time ago I received a gift from both of my children. It had nothing to do with Father's Day. Yet, at the same time it had everything to do with Father's Day.
My son was studying in a high school in Colorado. He lived in the school. While we were talking on the phone he shared some wonderful news with me.
He said, “You know Dad, I am really happy with my life. I can't think of a thing that I would change about the way that I grew up, or the way that my life is now. ”
My daughter was living with her mother in Northern California at that time. She said almost the same thing to me just a few days later.
Of course, I was delighted to hear this from both of them. And I told them both how happy I was, not only that they were happy ,but that they expressed it to me.
And that was the gift that they were giving me —with the heart to communicate. Certainly I hope for good news when I hear from them. But mostly I love that they will share their real feelings with me. Happy or sad, I love to be touched(感动)by their real thoughts and feelings.
For a child, Father's Day isn't really about giving Dad a gift. It is about understanding the love that fathers express when they help put food on the table, teach their child to ride a bike, cheer at a soccer game, etc.
For a father, Father's Day isn't so much about receiving gifts for a job well done. Remember, the greatest gift that we give our children is the real expression of our love. It isn't enough for them to feel love inside ourselves: we need to express that love.


Lasting a Lifetime

      Sidney Wilson's watch was old and it did not work well. It was either too fast or too slow. It spent more time in the repair shop than on his wrist (手腕). So he decided to buy himself a new watch.

      He went into a jewelry shop and said to the saleswoman behind the counter.

      “I want to buy a new watch, please. Show me the best watch you have.”

      The saleswoman smiled happily. This was the kind of customer she liked.

     “Certainly, sir,” she said, and showed Sidney a gold watch.

      “This watch is made of gold and has twenty-four jewels,” she explained.

      “How much is it?” Sidney asked.

      “$5,000,” the saleswoman said.

      “Oh,” Sidney said. “I'm sorry. You did not understand me. I want to see the best watch you have for under $100.”

      The sales woman now lost interest in Sidney. She pushed some cheap watches at him. “Choose one from these,” she said rudely.       “They are all under $100.”

      Sidney picked up one of the watches, “Will it last me a lifetime?” he asked.

     “Of course,” the saleswoman said.

     “Then I'll buy it,” Sidney told her. He paid for the watch and left the shop.

      Two days later the watch stopped. Sidney could not make it work again. He took it back to the shop.

      “This watch is broken,” he said to the saleswoman. “You told me it would last me a lifetime.”

     “When you bought it, sir,” the saleswoman said, “you didn't look very well.”

Choose the best answer to each question about the story.


    David walked down the street. All he wanted to do was to play basketball with Jim. But his mother told him to return his sister's books to the library on his way to Jim's house.

    In his eyes, books and summertime just don't go together. He thought he had read a lot during the school year. And he had never set foot inside a public library. Today he'd just drop the books off in the outside return box, but it was locked. He had to go inside to return them.

David walked inside the building a few minutes before closing time. He put the books into the return box. After a quick drink of water and a short stop in the toilet, he'd be on his way to meet Jim. He walked out of the toilet. The library lights were turned off. He was locked — in a library.

David tried to use the telephone, but he couldn't find one. As the sun began to set, he searched for a light and found a little one on the desk. He used a pencil to write a note on a big piece of paper. It read, “I'm locked inside. Please call for help.” He put it on the front door. Surely, someone passing by would see it. He then turned his attention to the library itself.

    He was surprised to discover that this place was not so bad. Rows and rows of books! When he saw a book about Michael Jordan on the desk, he picked it up. He opened the book and began to read. He felt that being locked in the library didn't seem to be such a terrible thing.

