
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:真题 难易度:普通



    For many years, sales of garlic in California had been little because of the much cheaper garlic from China. This year, however, California garlic sales are rising because American government increases tariffs (关税) on Chinese products.

    Christopher, a garlic grower in California, is manager of his company and he said, "In a perfect world, we would love to see the tariffs on China."

    Tariffs on Chinese garlic rose from 10% to 25% on May 9, 2019, and the reason is that U.S President Donald Trump increased tariffs on Chinese products worth of $200 billion. Since then, Chinese buyers have almost stopped buying soybeans from the United States and American soybean farmers are now getting worried.

    Not everyone likes the garlic tariffs in the U.S. Last July Christopher expressed his support on Trump's policy (政策). However, officials from McCormick and Company Inc. didn't agree with the policy. McCormick's CEO, Lawrence told Reuters (路透社) that without Chinese garlic America can't go. Actually ,the trade war (贸易战) between China and America is a sign of American hegemony (霸权), and it will destroy American economy and U.S government will lose its trust from other countries in the world.

(1)、From the passage we infer (推理) that ________.
A、America is buying garlic from China as much as before B、American soybean farmers make money as much as before C、China is still buying crops from America as much as before D、Garlic growers in California are making more money than before
(2)、Why is less Chinese garlic bought by America this year?
A、Because enough garlic is grown in California. B、Because American government has increased tax (税收) on Chinese garlic. C、Because China is not buying soybeans from America. D、Because companies support American government.
(3)、What does the underlined word "it" in the last paragraph refer to?
A、China B、the trade C、American hegemony D、a sign
(4)、How much tariff did American government increase on Chinese garlic On May 9, 2019?
A、15% B、25% C、10% D、35%
(5)、According to the passage, who disagrees with the America policy of having tariffs on Chinese products?
A、Christopher B、Donald Trump C、California garlic growers D、Lawrence
