
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:真题 难易度:普通



    Tourism (旅游业) is one of the world's largest industries. Many countries depend heavily on tourism as an important part of their economy (经济), while other countries-such as some of the smaller Caribbean island nations-are almost completely dependent on tourism.

    Despite its economic advantages, tourism has disadvantages, too. While countries spend millions attracting tourists, they are also under the pressure that tourism brings.

    One of the biggest problems is environmental. The building of roads and hotels can quickly destroy those very beautiful places. Development on wetlands, for example, influences wildlife; forests disappear as they are cleared to make way for buildings and to provide fuel (燃料). In addition, the tourist industry also puts a huge pressure on water people need. In dry Mediterranean areas, tourists use almost twice as much water as local people when swimming in the pool.

    Tourism is also responsible for producing plenty of waste. Cruise ships in the Caribbean produce a lot of rubbish-more than 70, 000 tons each year. It even has an influence on places far away like the Himalayas, the word's highest mountain, which has more than 100 tons of rubbish sitting on it.

    In spite of these problems, tourism can be good for communities and the environment. The park-entrance fees (费用) are paid for the protection of places of interest or the animals. What's more, tourism brings people closer to nature, and can give them a better understanding of the environment and the result of destroying it. This leads to pressure on local governments to protect these beautiful areas, and can result in the protection of endangered plants and animals. Also, it can provide people with more opportunities to find jobs in the tourist industry.

    Although tourism has many advantages, it clearly has a bad influence as well. The challenge for local and national governments is to manage tourism so that communities can benefit economically, and yet at the same time, make sure that the tourist areas are kept for all to enjoy.

(1)、Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4 mainly talk about the ________ of tourism.
A、disadvantages B、development C、importance D、survey
(2)、The writer shows the waste problem is serious by ________.
A、telling stories B、listing facts C、asking questions D、making comparisons
(3)、According to Paragraph 5, which of the following are the advantages of tourism?

①The money from tourism is used to protect the environment.

②Tourism can help people better understand the local culture.

③People can get more chances to find jobs related to tourism.

④Humans and nature are becoming closer with the help of tourism.

A、①②③ B、①②④ C、①③④ D、②④
(4)、The writer advises the government to ________ at the end of the passage.
A、attract more tourists B、care about the economy C、develop the tourist industry D、manage tourism well

    We always think that it's OK for us to leave our plants home during our vacation as plants won't scream like pets, right?

    A recent study done by a group of scientists at the Tel Aviv University has discovered that some plants will scream when they are under stress.

    The research was carried out on tomato plants and tobacco plants by cutting their stems (茎) and depriving (剥夺) them of water. A microphone was placed 10cm away from them. When their stems were cut, the plants started "screaming" between 20 and 100 kilohertz, and the scientists guess that this scream is probably meant to warn other plants nearby.

    When the tomato plants' stems were cut, 25 ultrasonic (超声的) pain sounds were recorded in an hour, and at the same time, 15 ultrasonic pain sounds were recorded from the tobacco plants. When they were deprived of water, the tomato plants recorded even more pain sounds with 35 pain sounds in an hour while the tobacco plants recorded about 11 pain sounds.

    The plants also acted differently to different kinds of stresses. For example, the tobacco plants gave out a stronger "scream" when they were deprived of water than when their stems were cut. But plants that were in no immediate (立刻的) danger gave out less than one ultrasonic sound per hour.

    The group of scientists said that plants are not as quiet as we had always thought, but in fact their voices are so high-pitched that we just can't hear them.

    Last year, another study has found out that plants feel pain when they are touched or hurt and they will give off a terrible smell.


Gardening is a popular activity all around the world. But what about people who do not have the space to garden? Not to worry! Today, we will give you information about growing beautiful window boxes. 

Location and safety

Window boxes are not just for the outside edge of the window, they can also sit on other places such as, walls, porches, or front steps. This window box can be on the front steps to a home and the owners can entered their window boxes. 

But safety first: People do get killed by falling window boxes. Make sure your window boxes are safe so they will not come down in a storm. If you feel your window box could be unsafe, you can have an indoor window box.

Light and water

Before you choose plants, check your window box location for light and rain. Window boxes dry out faster than in-ground plants, so they need more water. And if a window box is close to a wall or other structure, it may not get enough rainwater. 

Even if all your windows get little sun, do not give up. You can get a great look using plants that love the shade. Many shade-loving plants like spiderworts and verbenas,have leaves in beautiful colors and interesting shapes. 

The "wow" factor

What gives some window boxes their "wow" factor while others are just so-so? Create a theme! This is a central idea for the plants. For example, you may have a window box that is all cactuses or all edible plants. Or you could select only purple violets or green basil, then you'll have a color-themed window box. 

Besides having a theme, upkeep is also important. You should cut off anything dead, water your window boxes often and change things a lot. 

