
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Luke has always been my closest and constant companion these past five years. In fact, he is very friendly to me especially when I take care of other furry friends in our shelter.

    There have been a lot of forest fires during the summer season. Not far from our shelter, a forest caught fire during this hot summer. Luke rushed towards the forest where flames send out a terrible heat. There's no longer any hope at the moment to wait for Luke to come back to the shelter. In fact, I was waiting for the firemen to announce me his death in the forest. Suddenly, a fireman burst into my office and informed me that my dog Luke succeeded in saving four cats which were trapped by the flames. Luke seized the kittens, one by one moving them to a safe place.

    I immediately accompanied the fireman to the forest to pick up the rescued kittens, but Luke was not there. Then we heard the sound of a dog came from the forest barking furiously. The firemen followed the tracks of the dog until they found him barking loudly by the side of an injured fireman who was lying on the ground.

    That day, I was very proud of Luke for his two heroic actions. I paid a visit to the fireman accompanied with my adorable Luke. What a memorable scene when the fireman hugged Luke tightly to his chest! “One thousand thanks, Luke, for saving my life,” the fireman said.

    This true story of love shows us that pets are kind, loving, and caring. We should love and protect them. Don't belittle them. Little animals can make enormous things for humans.

(1)、What did the author think had happened to Luke?
A、Luke ran away from the shelter for ever. B、Luke was afraid of big fire. C、Luke was killed by the big fire. D、Luke was able to save all the people.
(2)、Why was the author proud of the Luke?
A、Luke rescued four cats and a fireman from the fire. B、Luke warned people of the coming fire. C、Luke took care of other furry animals in the shelter. D、Luke has always been my closest and constant companion.
(3)、What does the underlined word “belittle” in the last paragraph probably mean?
A、Make things small. B、Look down upon. C、Live up to. D、Think highly of.
(4)、What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?
A、To stress the role of pets in people life. B、To persuade people to keep pets. C、To call attention to the danger of big fire. D、To share a story of love and care from pets with us.

    I had arrived at the airport to catch an early flight home.It had been a very busy three days for me on an interstate trip with lots of meetings,business to do and new customers to meet.Then came the announcement that the flight had been delayed due to a technical problem.I could see a group of technicians and ground staff rushing about,obviously trying hard to fix the problem.I watched and listened as many of the passengers sitting near me shared their frustration about the inconvenience.

    As I sat waiting,I reflected on my last meeting for the day.It was not a business meeting but rather a very enjoyable and brief lunch with an old business associate and friend I had not seen for over 12 years,and who I had worked with for nearly 15 years before we lost in touch.I had been given his phone number by a customer I had visited on the first day of my trip,so I called him out of the blue and made a time for us to meet.

    Our lunch was spent recollecting(回忆) times gone by and as well filling each other in on what had happened in our lives over the last 12 years.Our conversation was frequently interrupted with statements such as 'remember when we did...','whatever happened to...' and of course the one we all liked to hear...'you know you haven't changed one bit,except for a few more grey hairs.'

    We both laughed and smiled as we recalled the good times and the great experiences we had shared over the 15 years we had worked together. Each event we discussed caused another recollection and everything we talked about centered on the good times.Almost at the same time,right at the end of our time together,we both said how much we both enjoyed it and that we must do it again.We agreed to catch up when I was next in town,then said our goodbyes and I was off to the airport.

    So with this extra time on my hands as I waited for my flight,it was great to revisit and replay in my mind all that we had talked about over lunch.I realized at that moment just how important it is to have regular reminders of the good times in your life and to be able to take the time to recall the past,for so much of what we have done in our past,shapes us and makes us who and what we are today and beyond.

    At the end of my busy trip with the focus on getting all the business done,I was indeed fortunate enough to have had the chance to take a short break and reflect on the good things that had happened in my life over 12 years ago.It was somewhat like looking at an old photo album that you have found stored away in a cupboard in your house.There before your eyes are lots of wonderful memories in print that take you back to that time and place,and most importantly to those people who are in the photos.It also made me realize that when you get caught up doing what has to be done in the moment,it is easy to forget the people you have met in your life who have made a positive effect on and enriched you,often in only the smallest of ways.

    My flight home was finally called nearly three hours later and yes as you would have expected many of the passengers cheered when the announcement was made.I smiled as I boarded the plane and realized that I was not at all upset about the delay,as I had been able to spend much of my time reflecting on the good times from days gone by and now eagerly look forward to many more opportunities to recall the past.


    Do you want to live with a strong sense of peacefulness, happiness, goodness, and self-respect? The collection of happiness actions broadly categorized as “honor” help you create this life of good feelings.

    Here's an example to show how honorable actions create happiness.

    Say a store clerk fails to charge us for an item. If we keep silent, and profit from the clerk's mistake, we would drive home with a sense of sneaky (暗中的) excitement. Later we might tell our family or friends about our good fortune. On the other hand, if we tell the clerk about the uncharged item, the clerk would be grateful and thank us for our honesty. We would leave the store with a quiet sense of honor that we might never share with another soul.

    Then, what is it to do with our sense of happiness?

    In the first case, where we don't tell the clerk, a couple of things would happen. Deep down inside we would know ourselves as a type of thief. In the process, we would lose some peace of mind and self-respect. We would also demonstrate that we cannot be trusted, since we advertise our dishonor by telling our family and friends. We damage our own reputations by telling others. In contrast, bringing the error to the clerk's attention causes different things to happen. Immediately the clerk knows us to be honorable. Upon leaving the store, we feel honorable and our self-respect is increased. Whenever we take honorable actions we gain the deep internal rewards of goodness and a sense of nobility.

    There is a beautiful positive cycle that is created by living a life of honorable actions.

    Honorable thoughts lead to honorable actions. Honorable actions lead us to a happier existence. And it's easy to think and act honorably again when we're happy. While the positive cycle can be difficult to start, once it's started, it's easy to continue. Keeping on doing good deeds brings us peace of mind, which is important for our happiness.



    As scientists in the Netherlands tried to figure out how to build a super flying robot, they learned from one of nature s flyers: the humble fruit fly(果蝇).And by building this robot, they've gained new insights into how the fly carries out one of its dangerous tasks.

    The robot is called the DelFly Nimble Its wingspan(冀展)is about a foot wide. It has four wings that can beat at 17 times per second, which appear very delicate because they're made of the same material as space blankets.

    In the previous designs, they always had a tail, like a traditional airplane tail, said the robots main designer Matej Karasek. He's based at the Micro Air Vehicle Laboratory at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, and he and his colleagues published their findings on Thursday in Science

    “In the previous generations", he said, "flapping wings drove the robot forward while the tail helped to guide and stabilize it. But now the DelFly Nimble is completely controlled by the wings. The challenge then was actually combine the control into the wing movement, and that's what we achieved, Karasek said

    In the latest generation. the wings can each move individually or rotate(旋转)around the body of the robot in order to maximize the machine s agility(灵活 ) The robot can remain in one place in the air for about five minutes on a full battery or fly for more than a kilometer", Karasek said, "And because the scientists are controlling all the movements, they can use the robot to learn more about how fruit flies actually carry out their dangerous tasks, which has caught the attention of biologists.”


    Peter Skyllberg, a Swedish man, was trapped in his car for two months, with temperatures reaching -30oC, with no food or water, and yet he survived. The best explanation was that his vehicle created an “igloo (snow house) effect” and protected him from the extremely low temperatures and that his body would hibernate(冬眠) during this time.

    Can humans get into a low-energy consumption state like a bear by reserving energy, and reducing body temperature? Chinese scientists are looking for the key to regulating body temperature.

    Scientists have found the hypothalamus (下丘脑), an area in the central lower part of the brain, is responsible for regulating body temperature. Wang Hong, a brain scientist at the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, led her team to mark the neurons (神经元) responsible for regulating body temperature in mice by means of a cutting-edge genetic biology technique. In the experiments, they injected (注射) drug into mice to make the body temperatures of the mice drop rom 37℃ to 27 in two hours. The team found the change in body temperature caused no harm to the health of the mice. “We don't know if we can develop a drug that can control human body temperature. We still need a lot of study.” Wang said.

    Chinese scientists are not alone in such research. Body-cooling techniques are being used in pioneering hospitals around the world. Dutch doctors are now using low temperatures for patients who have suffered brain injuries in accidents, According to doctors working in Florence, it may even help to save the brains of babies who are born suffering from severe epileptic fits (癫痫病发作).


A Lesson Plan from Life Planning Education: A Youth Development Program

    Purpose: To learn about body language and how to use body language.

    Materials (材料): Cards; container

    Time: 25-35 minutes

    Planning Notes:

    ·Write the words below on cards:

    angry disappointed shy afraid sad happy nervous excited bored

    ·Place the cards in the container so volunteers can draw them out one at a time.


    First make sure that all volunteers know what body language means (expressing feelings through body movement and facial expressions). Go over the following instructions:

    ·I'll need at least 9 volunteers to play a game similar to charades (猜词游戏).

    ·The first volunteer will draw a card with a feeling written on it and act out the feeling without using words.

    ·The rest of the group will guess what feeling is being communicated. Once someone correctly guesses the feeling, the next person in line will draw a card and act out what is written on it, again without words.

    ·The game will continue until there are no more cards or until time is up.

    At last, end the activity using the discussion points below:

    ·Can you give examples of when someone's body language communicated a different message from what he/she actually skid?

    ·Sometimes one person is offended (冒犯) by another's body language. How can you work to keep that from happening? Answers may include: be honest and direct; match your nonverbal messages to your verbal ones; be aware of (清楚) cultural attitudes toward different kinds of body language.


    A robot created by Washington State University (WSU) scientists could help elderly people with dementia (痴呆) and other limitations live independently in their own homes.

    The Robot Activity Support System or RAS, uses sensors installed in a WSU smart home to determine where its residents are, what they are doing and when they need assistance with daily activities. It navigates (定位) through rooms and around obstacles to find people on its own, provides video instructions on how to do simple tasks and can even lead its owner to objects like their medication or a snack in the kitchen.

"RAS combines the convenience of a mobile robot with the activity detection technology of a WSU smart home to provide assistance in the moment, as the need for help is detected," said Bryan Minor, a postdoctoral researcher in the WSU School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

    Currently, an estimated 50 percent of adults over the age of 85 need assistance with every day activities such as preparing meals and taking medication and the annual cost for this assistance in the US is nearly $2 trillion. With the number of adults over 85 expected to triple by 2050, researchers hope that technologies like RAS and the WSU smart home will relieve some of the financial strain on the healthcare system by making it easier for older adults to live alone.

    RAS is the first robot researchers have tried to incorporate into their smart home environment. They recently published a study in the journal Cognitive Systems Research that demonstrates how RAS could make life easier for older adults struggling to live independently.

    "While we are still in an early stage of development, our initial results with RAS have been promising," Minor said. "The next step in the research will be to test RAS' performance with a group of older adults to get a better idea of what prompts, video reminders and other preferences they have regarding the robot."

