
试题 试卷


题型:概要写作 题类:常考题 难易度:困难


Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

The Negative Sides of Fast Food

    With today's fast lifestyle, it is very hard to keep up with the traditional way of taking care of all human needs. Eating habits are no exception. According to an article in Success magazine(November 1994), America today eats more fast food than ever before. Ninety-six out of every one hundred Americans eat fast food on some kind of regular basis. There are many side effects related to this popular eating habit.

    The food sold in most fast food restaurants may not be all that good for us. Everything in the restaurant has to look, taste, and smell the same way. In order for the food to still taste fresh, a lot of chemicals have to be added. As if that were not enough, the main element that the fast food market advertises and competes for is not good food or fresh ingredients, but lowest prices.

    People who have the habit of eating fast food rarely even try to change their diet. Instead, people tend to get more and more used to the convenience and taste of fast food. According to a survey, out of every ten fast food eaters, only four will eat the same amount or less, and the other six will double their “loads” of fast food within four years; and out of every ten people who finally get to control their eating disorder, six will come back to eating fast food within six years.     These alarming figures seem to be contrary to today's convenient ways of cooking at home. Easy-to-make dishes like those for microwaves, soups etc., would appear to be the solution for the fast food problem, but obviously the real problem is not the trouble of cooking at home, but the addicting simplicity of fast food.

Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

The Possible Health Dangers of Air-conditioners

Although many of us may feel air-conditioners bring relief from hot, humid or polluted outside air, they pose many potential health hazards. Much research has looked at how the movement of air inside a closed environment—such as an office building—can spread disease or expose people in the building to harmful chemicals.

    One of the more widely publicized dangers is that of Legionnaire's disease, which was first recognized in the 1970s. This was found to have affected people in buildings with air-conditioning systems in which warm air pumped out of the system' cooling towers was somehow sucked back into the air intake, in most cases due to poor design. The warm air, filled with bacteria, was combined with cooled, conditioned air and was then circulated around various parts of the building. Studies showed that even people outside such buildings were at risk if they walked past air exhaust pipes.

    Large air-conditioning systems add water to the air they circulate by means of humidifiers. In older systems, the water used for this process is kept in special reservoirs, the bottoms of which provide breeding grounds for bacteria which can find their way into the ventilation system. The risk to human health from this situation has been highlighted by the fact that the immune systems of approximately half of workers in air-conditioned office buildings have developed the ability to fight off the organisms found at the bottom of system reservoirs. But chemicals called “biocides” are added to reservoirs to make them germ-free, and they are dangerous in their own right in sufficient quantities, as they often contain compounds strongly linked to cancers.

    Finally, it should be pointed out that the artificial climatic environment created by air-conditioners can also affect us. In a natural environment, whether indoor or outdoor, there are small variations in temperature and humidity. Indeed, the human body has long been accustomed to these normal changes. In an air-conditioned living or working environment, however, body temperatures remain well under 37℃, our normal temperature. This leads to a weakened immune system and thus greater exposure to diseases such as colds and flu.


How to Deal with Pressures at School

    As a high school student, if you are feeling stressed out or frustrated (沮丧的) by teachers, classmates, or schoolwork, it is important to know that you aren't the only one. Believe it or not, everyone has these feelings at some point and everyone should learn how to deal with them properly.

    First of all, you need to keep a positive attitude and not take things to heart. That someone got a better grade than you doesn't mean that they are smarter-perhaps they studied longer or knew the material more. It's easy to become frustrated if you are not doing as well as your friends, but being optimistic will help you deal with future similar situations.

    Secondly, if students at school are bullying (欺侮) you, don't let them make you feel that you are not good enough. They are simply insecure and do not know how to deal with the pressures of school. They are just trying to make others feel bad, so they can feel better about themselves. So it's of importance to know when to stand up for yourself.

    Lastly, it is necessary to keep things in perspective. For any situation that is stressful, take a second look from a different point of view. When I look back to the frustrations of my high school days, I notice that many of them seem very unimportant to me now.

    It's not easy to be confident when there are so many students who seem like they "have it all", but try to realize that you, too, are good enough. It's not a competition about who is smarter, more popular. or more beautiful- everyone is different- so embrace your individuality (个性).

Directions:Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Robotic Exoskeletons

Thanks to robotic exoskeletons, victims of spinal cord (脊髓) injury have a new reason to hope. Robotic exoskeletons, consisting of metal legs, motors, batteries, wiring, a controller and a set of strips work together like the user's bones, muscles and nerves-outside the body. Fastened into an exoskeleton and supported by sticks, users can direct the machinery to take them where they want to go.

In addition to partly restoring mobility, robotic exoskeletons offer the significant mental and physical health benefits of standing up and moving. Just being able to get up from a wheelchair gives patients a more natural, positive view of the world. It also helps relieve pressure on patients' skin and reduces the danger of pressure sores. Standing upright strengthens a disabled person's muscles and bones, improves heart health,and reduces certain other health complications (并发症). And it may actually result in partial nerve repair, something that can only happen when a patient is able to move.

As promising as this technology is, however, it is no simple cure-all for paralysis(瘫痪) or its complications. The motion is not accurate compared with natural walking, and exoskeletons are not easy to use, especially on surfaces that are not smooth. They are very expensive, costing about US$100000. Health insurance plans and government programs may not cover the cost of buying one.

Nevertheless, robotic exoskeletons, and access to them, will continue to improve. As with much modem technology, robotic exoskeletons will likely become more capable and easy to use, even as their cost goes down. Governments and insurers may increasingly see that the health benefits of these walking machines outweigh the costs, making it easier to fund them. Perhaps the day will come when nearly everyone paralyzed by spinal cord injury will be able to "walk" again.

