
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    May: I'm 35. I like shopping, but shopping with young children is not an easy thing. I have to look after them while I'm shopping. Shopping with my husband is not fun, either. I only go shopping with my husband when I need to buy something for him. If I look at dress for myself, he always says something like "the queue is too long" or "you don't need to buy that right now". I often go shopping with my friends. It's fun. I like shopping alone, too.

    Lisa: I'm 26. I like shopping very much, but I never go shopping at weekends. There are too many people in the shops. I don't like shopping with other people. It usually takes me a lot of time to choose things because I never buy the first things I see. I always look around other shops to find the clothes with the best price. I'm good at finding the best deals. I don't like buying food in small shops and street markets. I think food in the supermarket is fresher and cheaper. So I usually shop there.

Information Card

The thing that May has to do when she shops with children

The persons that May likes shopping with

The time when Lisa never goes shopping

The thing that Lisa is good at doing

The place where Lisa likes buying food


 There was a time when New York City buildings were almost all the same height.

3.Today you can see buildings of different heights that seem to touch the sky. They are called skyscrapers(摩天大楼). They shape the famous New York City skyline.

 It started about 90 years ago. It began like a race. This wasn't a race down the street or around a track(跑道). It was a race for the sky. Who was racing? Buildings were.Their builders were actually racing to build the world's tallest skyscraper.

 The race started slowly.

 First came the Woolworth Building, in 1913. It rose 792 feet(英尺) on the southern side of the city. Then the race heated up.In1930, two skyscrapers were nearing completion. The Bank of Manhattan Building was finished first. It rose up to 927 feet into the sky. Builders were then putting a round roof(屋顶)on the top of the Chrysler Building. It rose up t0 925 feet. The Bank of Manhattan, two feet taller, seemed to be the winner.

 A few weeks later, New Yorkers saw a strange sight(景象).  The day that the Chrysler Building was to be completed, workers raised a shiny metal, spire(尖顶)through the top of the building, adding 121 feet to the building's height! At l,048 feet,the Chrysler Building was now the world's tallest.

 But the race was not over.  A year later, in 1931, the Empire State Building became the new winner.4.At l,250 feet, it was the world's tallest building.

 In 1973, even that record was broken. Builders finished the World Trade Center. At 1,368 feet high, it rose above all other buildings in New York City.

 Time goes on. As technology improves, taller buildings are being built. The race is still on.


    Parents with high expectations for their children are nothing new to Chinese kids. However, people often don't realize that children also have expectations for their parents. What expectations do Chinese children have for parent-child relationships?

    China Youth & Children Research Center did a survey on this topic in the United States, Japan, South Korea and China. The survey found that 83.8 percent of Chinese children want to be friends with their parents, the greatest amount among the four countries. This means that they want a more equal(平等的) relationship with their parents.

    According to China Youth Daily, traditional Chinese values (价值观) such as respecting one's elders and the concept of hierarchy (等级观念) are preventing parents from becoming friends with their children. Many Chinese parents criticize (批评) and push their children, as there is lots of competition in school. It requires efforts from both parents and children to create a friendship in family. As children, what can you do to create a pleasant atmosphere (氛围) at home and make friends with your parents? Read on to find out.

    Tips to make home a happy place

    How can we get along better with our parents, and at the same time, grow into adults ourselves? Here are some tips.

    Act like an adult

    If you want your parents to give you more freedom, you should show them that you're ready to be treated differently. For example, learn to use self-control. Show them that you can manage your time well.

    Open your heart

    US psychologist (心理学家) Carl E. Pickhard wrote in Psychology Today that sharing feelings with our parents can lead to positive changes, while not sharing them can cause misunderstandings.

    Care for your parents

Do something nice or helpful for your parents. For example, help them with some home chores, make them gifts or teach them some computer skills. Their trust in you will grow.

More results from the survey





South Korea

Kids often talk to their parents





Kids think their parents understand them





Kids have arguments with their parents





Kids have the most arguments with their parents because of











    The Grand Canyon(科罗拉多大峡谷) is a large river canyon in Arizona. It is over220 miles long and over a mile deep in some places. Its widest point is 18 miles wide. The canyon is considered one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.

    Over millions of years, the Colorado River wore away rocks as it passed through the area. Slowly, the river made the path deeper and deeper. Now, the canyon is surrounded by steep walls on either side, while the river continues to flow at the bottom of the canyon.

    Besides its large size, the Grand Canyon is also known for its magnificent colors. The canyon is made of layers of rock(岩层), and each layer of rock has a different depth and color. Geologists have identified almost 40 different layers of rock exposed by the rivers erosion.

    The climate in canyon area is primarily desert, with both high and low temperatures. The upper rims of the canyon often receive snowfall. The air quality is usually very high, although dust storms and smoke from fires can change the air.

    The Grand Canyon is home to a variety of plants and animals. Plants range from various species of cactuto pine forests. Many types of animals live in the area, including the bald eagle, bobcats, bats and gila monsters. Six different kinds of rattlesnakes have been found in the area.

    Today, the canyon is part of the Grand Canyon National Park. About five million tourists visit the park each year.

⑴{#blank#}1{#/blank#}   ⑵{#blank#}2{#/blank#}   ⑶{#blank#}3{#/blank#}   ⑷{#blank#}4{#/blank#}   ⑸{#blank#}5{#/blank#}


    Making the most of time is important in our life. Here are some tips that might be of help to you.

    Make a plan. You should make a plan every week. The plan includes things you want to finish. You should know what the most important ones are, and try your best to do them first.

    ⒈Control your stress. No matter what kind of stress you have, try to keep cool. When you have a lot of things to do, too much stress may make you slow. Don't work all day without breaks.

    ⒉Close your door. When working under a plan, do your important things with your door closed. This will give you a better-quality time.

    ⒊Focus on one thing at a time. Don't try to do many things at a time! You will lose your focus, and it will take you longer to finish your work.

    ⒋Just say "no". If you really don't have the time to help out, just say "no". You're only one person, and you can't save the world by yourself!

    ⒌Stop wasting time on the phone. While talking on the phone, keep your conversations short. In this way, you'll waste much less time.

    ⒍Relax. The most important thing is to take time to relax. Even if it's a 10-minute walk, get away from your work and get relaxed.

{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Tips to Make the Most of Time

Make a plan.

Make a {#blank#}2{#/blank#} of what you want to finish every week.

Devote yourself {#blank#}3{#/blank#} the most important things first.

Control your stress.

Take breaks instead of {#blank#}4{#/blank#} all day long.

Close your door.

Make sure that your door is {#blank#}5{#/blank#} while doing your important things.

Focus on one thing at a time.

If you try to do many things at a time, you will need to {#blank#}6{#/blank#} more time finishing your work.

Just say "no".

Learn to {#blank#}7{#/blank#} others if you are really busy.

Stop wasting time on the phone.

Much time will be {#blank#}8{#/blank#} if you keep your conversations long while talking on the phone.


{#blank#}10{#/blank#} away from what you are doing for a short while is the most important thing.

