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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Everything about nuclear energy seems terrifically big: the cost, construction and decommissioning—and the fears of something going badly wrong.

    The future, however may well be much smaller. Dozens of companies are working on a new generation of reactors that, they promise, can deliver nuclear power at lower cost and reduced risk.

    These small-scale plants will on average generate between 50MW and 300MW of power compared with the 1,000MW-plus from a conventional reactor. They will draw on modular manufacturing techniques that will reduce construction risk, which has plagued larger-scale projects. Supporters believe these advanced modular reactors (AMRs)—most of which will not be commercial until the 2030s—are critical if atomic power is to compete against the rapidly falling costs of solar and wind.

    "The physics hasn't changed. It's about much cleverer design that offers much-needed flexibility in terms of operation," said Tim Stone, long-term industry adviser and chairman of Nuclear risk Insurers, which insures nuclear sites in the UK.

    Since the Fukushima meltdown in Japan in 2011, safety fears have threatened nuclear power. But the biggest obstacle today is economic. In western Europe, just three plants are under construction: in the UK at Hinkley point in Somerset; at Flamanville in France; and at Olkiluoto in Finland. All involve the European Pressurized Reactor technology of EDF that will be used at Hinkley Point. All are running years late and over budget. In the US, the first two nuclear projects under way for the past 30 years are also blowing through cost estimates.

    The UK, which opened the world's first commercial nuclear reactor in 1956, is one of the few western nations committed to renewing its ageing fleet to ensure energy security and meet tough carbon reduction targets. It is seen as a proving ground, by many in the industry, of nuclear power's ability to restore confidence.

    However, the country's agreement with EDF to build two units at Hinkley Point—which together will generate 3.2GW of electricity—has come under severe criticism over its cost. The government is looking at different funding models but said it still sees nuclear power as vital to the country's future energy mix. Small reactors, it believes, have the potential to generate much-needed power from the 2030s.

    A nuclear sector deal, unveiled last month, promised up to £56m in funding for research and development into AMRs and attracted interest of start-ups from around the world. The government hopes the funding will give the UK a lead in the global race to develop these technologies, helping to provide energy security while also creating a multibillion-dollar export market for British engineering companies.

(1)、Which of the following is true about the advanced modular reactors (AMRs)?
A、AMRs produce more power than traditional reactors. B、So far, most AMRs have not been put into use yet. C、Small in scale, AMRs rose more safety risks. D、Governments prefer energy of solar and wind to that of AMRs.
(2)、In paragraph 5, the author mentions the plants in Western Europe and the US to ________.
A、prove that nuclear power has been threatened by safety concern B、indicate the construction of nuclear plants are slow in speed C、show that the construction of nuclear power plants cost more than the budget available D、point out that most power plants have adopted the latest nuclear technology
(3)、What can be inferred from the passage?
A、A kind costs for small modular reactors would be higher relative to large nuclear reactors. B、The UK government seeks to reduce the negative impact of nuclear power on its economy. C、The plan to build two power plants in Hinkley Point has been deserted. D、Some people have lost confidence in the development of nuclear plants
(4)、Which of the following can serve as the best title of this passage?
A、Britain counts on nuclear energy to keep lights on B、Traditional nuclear plants boom with mini reactors C、Nuclear power looks to shrink its way to success D、Nuclear's share of power generation remain stead

    Picture the scene: You come home after work feeling too exhausted to cook –only to find a delicious meal worthy of a Michelin-starred restaurant waiting for you. It sounds like a fantasy, but it could be about to come true thanks to a robot chef developed by British scientists.

    Those scientists have come up with a set of robotic arms so smart that they are capable of cooking meals all by themselves. The device will be sold from as early as 2017 as part of a purpose-built high-tech kitchen.

    Scientists at Moley Robotics spent almost 18 years developing the hands. According to its creators, the arms can chop, stir, whisk and baste well enough to recreate almost anything you would care to eat, whether it is a simple home-cooked supper, or a complicated creation designed by a world-class chef. The hands move a little slowly, hovering strangely above the work surface whenever they are not busy, but they imitate human movements closely enough that they can do things such as wiping a spoon on the edge of a pan to prevent drips.

    Mr Oleynik, who is leading the project, said, “All the things which are possible with the hand are possible here. There is no limitation. A lot of people want to go to Michelin-starred restaurants, but they are quite expensive and may be quite far from the home. This is an opportunity for people to enjoy very good food, and for a reasonable price. ”

    The only cuisine that is off the robot's menu at the moment is sushi, which requires extremely steady pressure and nimble(敏捷的;敏感的) fingers to make, but the team plan to conquer that as well by the time it goes on sale.

People have problems
    People have to remember passwords for everything, from their email to online banking and internet shopping. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} A leaked Yahoo database showed that the most popular passwords were still “123456” and “password”. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} 
    These people are trying to make life easy for themselves. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Hackers(黑客) have gotten very good at what they do, with more capable tools than ever, and those tools can work so well because we are still really bad at choosing and remembering passwords.
    Researchers from the UK's Lancaster University, as well as the Peking and Fujian Normal universities in China, tested passwords. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} They guessed passwords for more than 73 percent of ordinary users, accounts. Hackers could even guess a third of the harder passwords in 100 tries, reported the Daily Mail.
    According to researchers from Bloomberg Businessweek, using upper and lower cases(大小写) in your password is a good way to make is safer. Adding numbers and/or symbols to your password can also be of great help. Choose a nine-letter password that includes numbers and/or symbols; this would take a hacker's computer hundreds of years to break, Also, never use personal information as a password. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Experts suggest that a user should change his or her password every 90 days to keep hackers guessing.
A. Passwords were short.
B. Use different passwords for different accounts.
C. A password must be difficult to be guessed by others.
D. Many people used simple combinations of their name, age or birthday.
E. They tried to guess passwords based on people's personal information.
F. But they are also making it easy for hackers to break into their accounts.
G. So it's easy to understand why many of us would pick something simple and easy for our passwords.

    A few years ago, a company called Space Marketing came up with a plan to send a mile–long advertisement into space. To advertising agencies (机构), it would have been “a dream come true”. However, advertising standards agencies finally decided not to allow Space Marketing to go ahead with their plans and they were forced to give them up.

    Space may indeed be the final place for advertisers, because on Earth we are already surrounded by advertising wherever we are and whatever we are doing. Apart from the obvious adverts that we see every day on TV, and in newspapers and magazines, there is a whole 'other world' of advertising messages for our attention. There are ads that we see on the side of the bus we catch to work, for example. And what about the logos (商标) we see on the clothing of the people we walk past in the streets?

    Most of the time, we are probably not even aware of (意识到的) these less obvious advertising methods, but that doesn't mean that they don't work. Take 'product placement', for example. You are in a cinema, watching the latest Hollywood movie. Look carefully at the make of car your favorite actor is driving. And what about his watch? Can you see what brand it is? Chances are, you can, and the company that owns the brand is likely to have paid thousands for it to appear in the film.

    So, whether Space Marketing finally succeeds in sending ads into space or not is perhaps less important than it might seem. This would not change a thing. Our everyday lives are already strongly influenced by advertising whether we realize it or not.


    The technique can lead to new ways to produce medicines, the researchers from the universities of Istanbul and Hawaii hope.

    As part of an effort to improve treatments for life-threatening illnesses, a team of scientists have created rabbits that glow(发光) in the dark.

    Their efforts produced two rabbits out of a litter of eight that went from being a normal, fluffy white to glowing green in the dark. The rabbits were born at the University of Istanbul as part of a collaboration(合作) between scientists from universities in Turkey and Hawaii.

    The rabbits glow to show that a genetic manipulation technique can work efficiently, though the specific color is more cosmetic than scientific. "The green is not important at all – it's just a marker to show the experiment can be done successfully," said University of Hawaii associate professor Stefan Moisyadi.

    To produce the glowing effect, researchers injected jellyfish DNA into a mother rabbit's embryos. Those altered embryos(胚胎). Those altered embryos were then inserted back into the mother. Similar experiments have resulted in glowing cockroaches and cats.

    Eventually, the researchers hope the technique can lead to new ways to produce medicines, Moisyadi said. “The final goal is to develop animals that act as barrier reactive to produce beneficial molecules in their milk that can be cheaply extracted, especially in countries that can't afford big pharma plants that make drugs, that usually cost $1bn to build, and be able to produce their own protein-based medication in animals," Moisyadi said.

    The rabbits are expected to have the same life span as their non-glowing counterparts(副本), but Moisyadi said he understands people can object to this kind of experimentation involving live animals.

    "To the people against, I say: think about, what are the benefits and what are the injuries?" Moisyadi said. "And if the benefits outweigh the injuries, let's go with the benefits."

    Moisyadi, a native of Turkey who is now with the University of Hawaii, started developing the project in 2006, and researchers are now waiting to see if pregnant sheep produce similar results.


    Here are four tourist attractions in Havana in Cuba.

    Museum of the City

    The Museum of the City was built in 179L The building once served as the Presidential Palace and home to colonial governors. The museum's exhibits include collections of weapons, history and art as well as rooms documenting wars for Cuban independence.

    +53-7-861-6130 .

    Open: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Saturday.

    Admission: $ 3

    Revolution Square

    Revolution Square is one of the largest open public spaces in Cuba and one of the largest public squares in the world. The site is home to the 138-foot Jose Mart Memorial, the tallest structure in Havana, which celebrates the national hero. Cuba's important leaders, including Fidel Castro, usually use the platform in front of the memorial to address the large crowds that gather on the square. The Jose Marti Memorial also includes a museum and an elevator that takes tourists to the top of the monument.


    Open: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday.

    Admission: $ 5

    Cigar Factories

    Cubans famous cigar-making factories are open to the public. Three cigar factories in Havana offer public tours that show how Cuba's cigars are hand-rolled in the traditional way. The Partagas Cigar Factory, founded in 1827, is the oldest in Havana. The other two factories open for tours are La Corona and Romeo Julieta, and they include gift shops.


    Open: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday through Friday.

    Admission: $ 10

    Old Havana

    Old Havana is the capital's historic district, which dates back to 1519 when Spain used the city as a colonial port. Old Havana was important Spanish naval (海军的)base. Presently, Old Havana's stone streets are home to museums, hotels and restaurants among the grand colonial buildings that once housed Spanish power.


    Open: daily.

    Admission: free


    Mr. Guo is a teacher from Xi'an. He asked his students to hand in their homework through a QR code (二维码)."We spent an hour or two in class learning how to generate (使产生) the codes, and in the end everything gets easier." Said Guo, "When students finish the homework, they keep it on WeChat. Then, each student makes his own QR code and gives it to me. So I can check their work anywhere using my computer or telephone."

    The QR codes can be sent to Mr. Guo by email, QQ and WeChat. When Guo scans his students' QR codes, their homework appears on his phone. He finds that their homework becomes more creative, with many pictures, music and even videos.

    Guo's students like the new way and think it is interesting. "We are living in the information age. Many students like to work with computers, which makes learning more fun." said Tingting, a student of Guo's.

    "The paper is not easy to keep, but the code is easy to keep and share." Guo said, "It is worth trying to use new technology in education. Education itself is a kind of creation. I don't want my students to fall behind the times."

    However, some parents are worried. They are afraid that their children will spend too much time surfing the Internet and less time communicating with teachers. But in fact, it's unnecessary. Students still need to look up information in books and write it down when they do their homework. They only use the codes when they hand in their work, which doesn't take them too much time. Also for teachers, it allows them to check the students' work at any time. And it's also an easy way to share homework with other students.

