
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Unbelievable Stories of Animals Acting Just Like Humans

    Horses are picky eaters

    Horses have an even better sense of smell than humans do. When horses raise their noses and open their nostrils (鼻孔) , their nervous system allows them to sense smells we can't sense. This might explain why they refuse dirty water and carefully move around meadows, eating only the tastiest grasses, experts say.

    Whale says thanks

    In 2011, a whale expert spotted a humpback whale trapped in a fishing net and spent an hour freeing it. Afterward, in an hour-long display of thanks, the whale swam near their boat and leaped into the air about 40 times.

    Pandas like to be naughty

    Is there anything more lovely than a baby panda, except maybe a human baby? In fact, baby pandas sometimes behave like human babies. They sleep in the same positions and value their thumbs. Pandas are shy by nature for its shy behaviors such as covering its face with a paw of ducking its head when confronted by a stranger.

    A cat honors its owner

    Paper towels, and a plastic cup are just a few of the gifts that Toldo, a devoted three-year-old gray-and-white cat, has placed on his former owner Iozzelli Renzo's grave every day since the man died in September 2011. Renzo adopted Toldo from a shelter when the cat was three months old, and the two formed an inseparable bond. After Renzo passed away, Toldo followed the coffin to the cemetery, and now "stands guard" at the grave for hours at a time.

(1)、What can horses do to pick delicious grasses?
A、Feel them. B、Taste them. C、Smell them. D、Observe them.
(2)、What do the whale and the cat have in common according to the passage?
A、They are clever. B、They have a grateful heart. C、They are active and lovely. D、They have a good sense of smell.
(3)、Which of the following acts like a human baby according to the passage?
A、The whale. B、The cat. C、The horse. D、The panda.

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English Conversation

    Leader:Mandi Ashmore english @ iwc­lausanne.org

    We meet on Mondays at 14:30 at the IWC clubhouse. We chat for about an hour and discuss everything. Mandi asks "students" to contact her on Monday to confirm the class as sometimes she needs to cancel for various reasons or occasionally she may choose to hold the class at a different venue (举办地点) or at an earlier time for us to be able to have lunch together.

    French Conversation, Advanced Beginner

    Leader:Marielle Sulmoni frenchconvo@ iwc­lausanne.org

    I'm French (born in Bordeaux) and Swiss by marriage. I hold an advanced beginners' French conversation class on Tuesday afternoons from 14: 30—16: 00. We meet weekly at the clubhouse in a friendly atmosphere. I hope to help you use your knowledge of French, allowing you to speak with no fear of making mistakes, which in time will become fewer and fewer.

    French Language Lab, Beginner

    Leader:Malja Remlinger frenchlab@ iwc­lausanne.org

    The group meets on Thursday afternoons from 15: 00—16: 30 at the clubhouse. The first half of the class is devoted to reading out loud from the book "Easy French Reader", working on proper pronunciation and phrasing. During the second half, we listen to audio recordings from "New French with Ease" and work on oral comprehension.

    French Conversation, Advanced

    Leader:Juliette Brull french@ iwc­lausanne.org

    We meet every Tuesday at the IWC clubhouse from 9: 30—11: 00. Most of our time is devoted to very lively discussions about current events and various topics. We also read a book written by a French author and sometimes we see a French movie.


    A person can use all five senses while spending time with dolphins. We can see them play in the waves, hear them call, and feel their skin. Dolphins can sense you, too, but not in all the same ways. They have good eyesight, for example, but no sense of smell. Sensory biologists try to understand connections between animal behaviors and the senses. One team of these scientists recently made an unexpected discovery about certain dolphins.

    The researchers found that Guiana dolphins can detect electric fields, an ability that may help them find fish to eat. The secret to this newly found sense, say the scientists, is hidden in the dolphins' snouts (口鼻部).

    "We were really surprised to find this in the dolphin. Nobody had expected it," said Wolf Hanke, who led the new dolphin study.

    Hanke and his team suspected the dolphin's electro-sense might have something to do with small dimples (酒窝) on the animal's snout. "We thought they must have some functions," Hank said. To find out for certain, his team studied two Guiana dolphins.

    The scientists first studied the dimples of a 29-year-old dolphin that had died of natural causes. Under a microscope, the dimples looked familiar: they were similar to the sensors used by other animals to detect electric fields.

    Next, Hanke and his team tested a live dolphin, a 28-year-old named Paco, to see if he could recognize an electric field. They taught Paco to swim close to a device that could create a weak electric field in the water. Then the team taught Paco to swim away from the device if he detected any changes. When the scientists created an electric field, Paco swam away—showing that he knew something had changed. When there was no electric field, Paco stayed there. When Paco's snout was covered in plastic, he didn't react to the electric field.

    Paco's behavior told the scientists that the dolphin used his snout to detect the tiny electric field. "This is a major breakthrough," Peter Madsen, a sensory biologist, said.


    Science Advances published a new research report, saying bees are capable of addition and subtraction (减法)in Arithmetic(算术) learning—using colors in the place of plus and minus symbols.

    It isn't unusual to see the ability to count—or at least distinguish between differing quantities in the animal kingdom—Such ability has been seen in frogs, spiders, and even fish. But solving equations (方程式) using symbols is rare, so far only achieved by famously brainy animals such as chimpanzees. The previous research says the social insects, ants, can count to four and understand the concept of zero and researchers wanted to test the limits of what their tiny brains can do.

    The experiment goes like this. Scientists trained 14 bees to link the colors blue and yellow to addition and subtraction, respectively. They put the bees at the entrance of a Y-shaped maze (迷宫), where they were shown several shapes in either yellow or blue. If the shapes were blue, bees got a reward if they went to the end of the maze with one more blue shape (the other end had one less blue shape); if the shapes were yellow, they got a reward if they went to the end of the maze with one less yellow shape.

    The testing worked the same way: Bees that "subtracted" one shape when they saw yellow, or "added" one shape when they saw blue were considered to have aced the test. The bees got the right answer 63% to 72% of the time, depending on the type of equation and the direction of the right answer—much better than random guesses would allow.

    While the results came from just 14 bees, researchers say the advance is exciting. If a brain about 20,000 times smaller than ours can perform maths using symbols, it could pave the way to novel methods in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Just don't ask the bees to do your homework anytime soon.

