
试题 试卷


题型:书面表达 题类:模拟题 难易度:困难


Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s)of the passage in no more than 60 words, Use your own words as far as possible.

    Peter woke up one morning with all the usual signs of a nasty cold: severe headache and blocked nose. Then he did what almost everyone does on a day like this. He got up and went to work. Such is the state of what the human resources industry has come to call presenteeism.

    Many experts claim that presenteeism is now a bigger problem in the UK than absenteeism and could even help explain the country's weak productivity growth. A growing number of companies are realizing presenteeism and doing something about it. This generally takes the form of programmes full of once unimaginable sweets: cheap gym membership, veggie salads in the canteen, stand-up desks and the odd massage, of course, there's nothing against lunchtime dentistry or free workout. They do more good than harm. But such welfares alone won't do much to stop people from presenteeism.

    The chief reasons why people soldier on have nothing to do with how fit they are. They work for leaner, more stressed companies where dismissals are common. This makes some people worried that they will be targeted in the next round of job cut if they have taken a lot of time off. Others worry about troubling stretched colleagues with more work in their absence. How annoying it is to be faced with cold faces when you return to office after two days' rest at home.

There is not much to be said for "silly things" like ping-pong tables and office bean bags. The key to dealing with presenteeism lies in training managers to be better at spotting swifly when employees are under too much stress or ill, and dealing with the situation sensibly—putting the sick employee to sick leave although he is reluctant. Of course, work has to be done to eliminate employee's concern about his job prospect thereof.


    Henderson Island is a tiny, unpopulated(无人居住的)island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean,3,000 miles from major city centers. Though it is half the size of Manhattan, more than 19 tons of plastic waste litter its white, sandy beaches.

    Researchers estimate(估计) that it has the highest concentration of waste of any place in the world with a total of over 37 million pieces of trash in all on the small island. For every square meter you walk, on average you'll find 672 pieces of trash.

    Mismanaged waste from land goes into waterways, which feed into larger rivers, which in turn empty into ocean. In this way, plastic from far inland can travel many miles to the coastline, bringing an estimated 9 million tons of plastic every year.

    Meanwhile, ocean plastic is estimated to kill millions of animals every year. Nearly 700 species have been reported to be affected by it. Species of all sizes, from zooplankton(浮游动物)to whales, now eat microplastics, the bits smaller than one-fifth of an inch across.












阅读下面的材料, 然后按要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。

    On a busy highway a serious traffic accident has just occurred. A motorcycle is lying on the road in flames. A badly damaged car is stopped near the motorcycle, and the fire is beginning to spread to the car. The motorcycle driver is stuck under the car He might already be dead, but not for sure. The fire is spreading toward him. What are you going to do?

    The passers-by who were very brave took immediate action and they rushed in to help. The fire was moving closer. A few people tried to lift the car, but hardly moved it. Luckily, by their joint efforts, they finally lifted the 3,000-pound burning vehicle up onto two wheels while another person pulled the young driver out.

    The young man survived, with only broken bones to show for his brush with death. He has one other thing: a thankful heart. He knows that there were angels out there saving his life as the people came together and risked their lives to save him.



2)用 120词以 “Unity is power” 为题发表自己的看法, 包括如下内容要点:





1)作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事, 也可以参照阅读材料的内容, 但不得直接引用原文中的句子。





    I went up to the roof for a break after studying for an hour and watched the 50 or so people swimming in the natural rock pool below our house. It was a sunny day-a blue, cloudless sky over a calm sea. But then, as I looked in the distance, I discovered a series of three or four big waves heading towards the shore. I'd seen these mini- tsunamis(海啸) many times before. They were heading at speed in the direction of the pool. Most people knew how to look out for them, but from the screams that started coming from the beach, I could tell someone was in trouble.

    Without thinking, I ran down into the street, holding my body board(俯伏冲浪板) on the way and shouted at a stranger to go inside my house and call the coastguard. My neighbor Moises had heard the screaming as well and was also outside with his body board, so together we rushed to the steps that led down to the sea.

    Once we got closer, we discovered the waves had pulled a boy and a girl from the pool and into the open sea. I knew that the nearest boat would take at least 30 minutes to reach us. Waiting for help wasn't a choice. I wasn't used to this sort of emergency- I'd never been trained as a lifeguard-but I didn't think twice about trying to save them. I supposed in a way I wanted to impress everyone: at 19, a deal like that can seem like a good opportunity to show off.

    Moises and I dived into the water and it took us 10 minutes to get to them. When we finally reached them, they were almost lifeless with only their heads coming in and out of the water. We could tell they were still alive from their small breaths but it was clear they wouldn't have been able to stay there much longer. I hold the boy and pulled him over my board. Moises moved the girl on to his board. We discussed pushing them back to the shore, but we were too far out.

    We had to wait,


    That night, word came from the hospital that the two people were in good condition.






