
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    While waiting to pick up a friend at the airport in Portland, Oregon, I had an experience which happened only two feet away from me.

    Trying to locate my friend among the passengers coming through the jet way, I noticed a man walking toward me carrying two light bags. He stopped right next to me to greet his family.

    First he kissed his three children one by one and said, "It's nice to see you. I missed you so much!" Then he hugged his wife, "I've saved the best for last!" giving her the longest, most passionate (狂热的) kiss I ever remember seeing. They stared at each other's eyes, smiling at one another, while holding both hands. For an instant they reminded me of newlyweds (新婚夫妇), but I knew by the age of their kids that they couldn't possibly be.

    Full of admiration, I asked, "Wow! How long have you two been married?" "Being together for fourteen years total, married twelve of those." He replied, without breaking his gaze from his lovely wife's face. "Well, then, how long have you been away?" I asked. "Two whole days!" "Two days?" I was astonished. By the intensity (热烈) of the greeting, I had thought he'd been gone for at least several weeks —if not months. I knew my expression betrayed me, so I turned away my eyes and said quietly, "I hope my marriage is still that passionate after so long!"

    The man suddenly stopped smiling and looked me straight in the eye. With forcefulness he told me something that left me a different person. "Don't hope, friend. Decide!" Then he smiled again, shook my hand and said, "God bless!"

    With that, he and his family turned and walked away together.

    I was still watching that man and his special family walk just out of sight when my friend came up to me and asked, "What are you looking at?" Without hesitation, and with a curious sense of certainty, I replied, "My future!"

(1)、The best title of the passage may be ________.
A、Long Loving Hugs B、My Future C、Don't Hope. Decide D、Love Is Everywhere
(2)、Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A、The man replied to the author, with his eyes still fixed on his wife's face. B、After being away for several weeks, the man missed his family very much. C、It was fourteen years since the couple had got married. D、Their three kids reminded the author of newlyweds.
(3)、By saying "my expression betrayed me" (in Paragraph 4), the author means that ________.
A、he failed to express his ideas to the man B、the man felt his real feelings from his expression C、he didn't believe in his expression any more D、his expression was not faithful to him
(4)、From the passage, we can infer that ________.
A、the experience may be easily forgotten by the author B、the author will live a passionate life from now on C、the author will be away from his family and hug them passionately upon his return D、Americans prefer to save the best for last
(5)、What did the writer see at the airport?
A、He saw a happy family with four children B、He saw his future wife C、He saw the man give the best kiss to his wife D、He saw a newly-married couple
“I hate school, and I'm not going back!”Have you ever had that thought.

Lots of kids have had. Usually this feeling doesn't last long. But what if you feel this way too much? If you are stressed out, you might have a hard time making decisions. In the morning, you can't decide what to eat, what to wear, or what to take for lunch. Sometimes it's a problem with your classes and schoolwork. Maybe the work is too easy and you get bored. Or maybe the work is too hard, or you don't feel as clever as the other kids. Reading may be difficult for you, but you are asked to do a lot of it. You may be getting farther and farther behind, and it may seem that you will never catch up with others. When you know why you don't like school, you can start taking steps to make things better
It's a good idea to talk to someone about your problems at school. Your mom, dad, friends, teachers, or even classmates will be able to help you.
Another good idea is to write down your feeling about school. For instance, keep a diary or just write in a notebook. It's a great way to let out emotion that may be stuck inside you. And you don't have to share(分享)what you have written with others.
The next time you find yourself disliking school, this will also help you:
Make a list of everything you dislike or enjoy—even there is only one thing. See what you can change on “don't like” list. Could you find a way to show off your special interests and talents on what you like? Which activities could you try that would help you solve these “don't like” problems? Focus on what you can change and you might be able to put the good feeling back in school!


    Martina looked out of the window. A robin was singing a lively song in the tree. At this time, Grandpa, who lived with the family since Grandma had died, came in. He looked at the floor as if looking for something. He said, "When the robin sings..." he stopped, trying to remember what he had started to say.

    "Spring is here," Mum finished the sentence. "And I'm thinking of our spring cleaning," Mum suggested. "Martina, you can help me, right?" Martina agreed unwillingly.

    They cleaned the house. They cleaned upstairs, downstairs, inside, outside, until everything was clean. Then Mum pointed to Grandpa's sofa and shouted. "That old sofa has got to go. We'll buy Grandpa a new one."

    It was true and Martina had to agree. The sofa was really old. As they tried to move the sofa, Grandpa stood in their way. "You can't take my sofa," he shouted.

    "It's old," Mum said. Grandpa tried to push his sofa back into place. "We'll buy you a new one," Mum promised.

    "I don't want a new one," Grandpa insisted. Mum let go of the sofa. "We'll talk about it tonight when John gets home." John, Martina's dad, was still at work.

    "Why don't you let us take away the sofa? It's too old!" Martina asked when the family were having supper. Grandpa shook his head and said, "I sat in this sofa, with your grandma right here, when I asked her to marry me. It was so long ago, but when I sit in this sofa and close my eyes I feel she is near."

    "It's amazing," Martina thought, "how Grandpa can remember things from the past. These days he forgets almost everything."

    The old man smiled to Martina and went on. "And the night your father was born, I sat in this sofa. I was nervous when they placed the little baby into my arms."

    "I think I'm beginning to understand," Martina said. "Many years later," Grandpa continued, "I sat in this sofa when the doctor called and told me that your grandma was ill. I was lost without her, but the sofa gave me the comfort."

    "I do see now," Martina looked at Grandpa. "This is not just an old sofa. This sofa is more like a friend." "Yes," Grandpa added. "We've got through a lot together." The whole family agreed that the living room would be boring without the old sofa.


    Who were your best friends five years ago? Is there anyone you would really like to see again? In 1999, Julie Pankhurst, a computer programmer from London, was thinking about her past-and especially the people she used to go to school with.

    Julie looked on the Internet for a website to help her find her old school friends. But there was nothing. So Julie and her husband, Steve, started their own website. They called it Friends Reunited.

    The site grew slowly at first, but soon they received their first "thank you" email. The man wrote, "Thank you so much. Using your website, I found an old friend from thirty years ago!"Julie and Steve were very excited about this and continued to improve their website. By the end of 2000, there were 3,000 members.

    The next year was really hard work for the couple.

    In January, a national radio station mentioned their website. Their membership doubled in one week! People were talking about the website all over the country, and it became a full-time job for Julie and Steve. In a year, they had four million members!

    Now, over fifteen million people in lots of different countries use Friends Reunited to find old school friends, work colleagues and neighbors. Some of the stories which people tell Julie and Steve are amazing. For example, David Webster lost his memory in a car crash. He used the website to find old school friends, and they helped him remember his past.

    Julie's simple idea gave us a national obsession(痴迷)-getting in touch with old friends and hearing their news. And it made her and Steve very rich in 2005, they sold Friends Reunited for £120 million!

