
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:困难



    After a while attention to Tom ended, and the usual school murmur(嗡嗡读书声) rose upon the boring air once more. Now the boy began to steal secret glances(偷看) at the girl. She noticed it, made a face at him and gave him the back of her head for the space of a minute. When she slowly faced around again, an apple lay before her. She pushed it away. Tom gently put it back. She pushed it away again, but with less animosity(敌意). Tom patiently returned it to its place. Then she let it remain. Tom wrote on his paper, "Please take it. I got more." The girl glanced at the words, but made no sign.

    Now the boy began to draw something on the paper, hiding his work with his left hand. For a time the girl refused to notice, but her human curiosity soon began to show itself by hardly noticeable(明显的) signs. The boy worked on, seemingly not aware. The girl made some non-committal(含糊的) efforts to see, but the boy did not display that he was aware of it. At last she couldn't bear it and whispered: "Let me see it."

    Tom partly uncovered the picture of a house with some smoke rising from the chimney(烟囱). Then the girl's interest began to fasten itself upon the work and she forgot everything else. When it was finished, she gazed a moment, then whispered:

    "It's nice! Draw a man."

    The artist created a man in the front yard. She was satisfied, and whispered:

"It's a beautiful man—now draw me in it."

    Tom drew an hour-glass(沙漏) as the body, a full moon as her head and some arms added to it. The girl said:

    "It's ever so nice. I wish I could draw. No one has ever taught me that."

    "It's easy," whispered Tom, "I'll teach you."

    "Oh, will you? When?"

    "At noon. Do you go home for dinner?"

    "I'll stay if you will."

   "Good, that's a deal. What's your name?"

(1)、What probably happened in the classroom before this passage?
A、The girl introduced herself to the boy. B、Something noticeable happened to the boy. C、They had a lesson on how to draw. D、The boy drew an apple for the girl.
(2)、What most probably happened to the apple finally?
A、Eaten by the boy because the girl didn't accept it. B、Eaten by the boy because it was the last one he had got. C、Eaten by the girl because they finally became friends. D、Eaten by the girl because the boy was drawing all the time.
(3)、What in this passage made Tom succeed in making friends with the girl?
A、Using her curiosity. B、Showing off his drawing ability. C、Teaching her how to draw. D、Inviting her to dinner.


    On August 21st, 2016, our Chinese National Women's Volleyball Team won the gold medal at 2016 Rio Olympics, 12 years after the last gold medal. All of Chinese were so excited. Thanks to the great coach named Lang Ping whom Chinese people are so proud of. Lang Ping was born in Tianjin. She was once a volleyball player of the Chinese National Volleyball Team. They won the gold medal at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles. Lang was seen as one of the most respected  people in modern Chinese sports history. Because of her excellent skills and main role in the success of the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team in the 1980s, she is known as the "Iron Hammer ".

    In 1995, Lang as a coach led the national team and guided them to win the silver medal at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. But in 2005, she became coach of the USA's women's team. In the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Lang led the Americans to play against Chinese National Team. In 2013, Lang became coach of China again. It could be difficult to train for the Rio Olympics. In order to get ready for it, she tried her best to teach girls skills, and she is also friendly, just like girls' mother. They get on well with each other and work together. She encouraged them all the time and told them "never give up". In fact, everyone had a strong will for their dream. Now the dream really came true.

    Their success showed the world about their great spirit. Though the success did not come easily, they can make it. Lang is regarded as the most amazing star all the time.


    On Monday, I stopped my car in front of my daughter Juliet's middle school. She jumped in the front seat, feeling down. She asked me to help her study for her science test.

    "Dad I need to memorize a unit about the Reproductive Cycle of Plants. And I can hardly make it."

    "You know memorizing seems like the best way to study, but in fact you can do better in tests if you work on trying to understand the material."

    Juliet was open to my advice. It was Monday afternoon and we had two nights to study before the test on Wednesday. I suggested a plan. "Tomorrow night, you are going to teach the material to me. Tonight, read the unit. Prepare to teach."

    Asking her to teach me was an unusual idea but I was determined to do it. Studies show teaching somebody else is a very useful way to lean, Even if you don't do the teaching, the act of preparing to teach leads to more learning than just trying your best to memorize the material.

    On Tuesday afternoon, Juliet sat down with her Science book facing me said, "Okay Dad, let's study." I wanted her to teach me. But false starts happened. I couldn't be too hard on her. So instead we starred with me asking her some simple questions. She knew some but not other. When she didn't know the answers. I encouraged her to check the book.

    She started checking things that didn't make sense. And she was actively seeking to test her understanding. I was happy to see it. She wasn't memorizing, she was trying to make sense of things, which was exactly what I had hoped she would do.

