
试题 试卷


题型:配对阅读 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



The bed shakes suddenly while Li Lei is sleeping. Then he realizes a big earthquake happens. How should he escape from the earthquake?

Jack hears the fire alarm while he is working in an office building. He is now on the third floor. The fire now is spreading quickly from below. How should he escape from the fire?

Jim was hurt by a sharp rock on the left leg. The cut is deep. What should he do in this situation?

David is swimming with his friend. Suddenly, he can't control himself and sinks into the water. When he is saved out of the water, he can't breathe(呼吸). What should be done to save him?

When Peter arrives home, he finds the door is open and a man is in his room. He must be a thief, he thinks. What should he do then?

A. Place him on his back on the ground. Give him mouth-to-mouth breathing immediately. When he can breathe, send him to the hospital as soon as possible.

B. Take your money and other valuable things with you and escape quickly to an open area like a playground.

C. Cover the cut with a clean cloth and press it hard. Then go to see the doctor for further treatment.

D. Try to escape from a fire exit. Don't use the elevator. Don't open a hot door or stay close to the floor when you escape.

E. Don't make any sound in order not to be found by him. Call the police for help. Protect yourself well before the police arrive.

F. Call the hospital first. Get the medical help if necessary. Then make him comfortable and stay with him.

G. Move to a safe place in the room quickly such as under a strong table or desk. Stay away from windows, large mirrors, heavy furniture and so on.

阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填写表格 (每空限填一词)。

(John, one of the exchange students, wants to buy something in Beijing. But he doesn't know where to go. Now he is asking Millie for help)

John =J,       Millie =M

J: Where can I buy some postcards, Millie?

M: Go to the bookshop in the shopping mall in Old Street. You'll find many postcards there.

J: Can you tell me how to get to the shopping mall?

M: Walk across the footbridge. Then walk along New Road until you see the traffic lights. Cross New Road, you'll see a restaurant. And the shopping mall is next to it.

J: Oh, I see! I also want to buy some souvenirs for my friends. Can I find some in the shopping mall?

M: You'd better go to the Souvenir Shop. It's very easy to find. Just come out of the shopping mall, you'll see the shop is at the other side of the street.

J: That's great! By the way, can I enjoy Beijing Duck in the restaurant?

M: Of course! The Beijing Duck in that restaurant is very nice.

J: Thanks a lot!



How to go there


In Old Street

    After walking across the footbridge, walk along New Road until you see the {#blank#}1{#/blank#} lights. Cross New Road, you'll see the shopping mall is at the other{#blank#}2{#/blank#} of the street.


In {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Road

    It's {#blank#}5{#/blank#} to find. Just come {#blank#}6{#/blank#} of the shopping mall, you'll see the shop is {#blank#}7{#/blank#} the shopping mall.

Beijing Duck

In {#blank#}8{#/blank#} Street

    Walk {#blank#}9{#/blank#} the footbridge. Then walk along New Road and stop walking when you see the traffic lights. {#blank#}10{#/blank#} New Road, you can see the restaurant.

