
试题 试卷


题型:阅读判断 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Larry and Jo Ann were an ordinary couple. Like any other couple, they made efforts to make ends meet (收支相抵) and do the right thing for their children. They often argued about what was wrong with their marriage and who was to blame (责备). They wanted to make changes.

    "You know, Jo Ann, I've got a magic chest (衣柜) of drawers. Every time I open them, they're full of clean clothes," Larry said. "I want to thank you for filling them all these years."

    Jo Ann stared at her husband and felt strange. This wasn't the first time Larry had done something strange recently, so Jo Ann forgot it quickly. But it happened again a few days later.

    "Jo Ann, that was a great dinner," Larry said one evening. "I appreciate all you have done in the past 15 years. You have cooked lots of delicious food for me and the kids. "

    Jo Ann was growing worried. "What's wrong with my husband?" she wondered.

    Day in and day out, Larry continued his praise.

    Over the weeks, Jo Ann grew more used to her husband's unusual behavior. Her step was now a little lighter and she didn't seem to get upset as often.

    Larry has never told Jo Ann the reason for his change in behavior. So it will likely remain one of life's mysteries. But it's one I'm thankful to live with.

    You see, I am Jo Ann.

(1)、Larry and Jo Ann lived a rich life but they used to argue a lot about the money.
(2)、To Jo Ann's surprise, Larry began to appreciate what she did for the family.
(3)、In return, Jo Ann also expressed thanks to her husband.
(4)、Jo Ann didn't understand her husband's behavior, but she liked the change.
(5)、From the passage, we can learn that we shouldn't be stingy (吝啬) with praise, instead we should appreciate those around us for what they've done for us.

      Campbell Remess, a 12-year-old boy from Tasmania, has an unusual hobby—sewing(缝纫). He makes teddy bears, and gives them to children at the local hospital. “If Campbell could be on that sewing machine for 24 hours, he would,” said his mother, Sonia.

      Campbell is one of nine children, so when he had the idea of giving Christmas presents to kids in hospital, the only choice was to make them himself. “First, I took a lot of practice,” said Campbell. “ I haven't sewn anything before.” He downloaded patterns from the Internet and learned by trial and error (反复试验). At first, a bear took him five hours to make, but now it only takes him an hour to make a bear.

      Campbell visits the hospital every Thursday, giving out new bears and visiting kids whom he's given gifts before. “He looks at sadness and tries to turn it upside down,” Said Sonia.

      There has been sadness in his family, too. Five years age, his father Nathan had cancer. Even though he received the medical treatment, there was still an 80-percent recurrence rate(复发率). “When we discovered Dad had cancer, we all felt very upset.,” said Campbell. “As a result, the cancer got worse with stress. So I made my first bear, hoping that Dad could be free from cancer.

      Since Nathan got the bear,   ▲    It's the longest period he has been free from cancer.“ there's a little magic in it,” said Nattan. “ A lot of magic in Campbell though.”

      Campbell explained his project with this: “ I think being kind will change the world.”


    Two brothers took a trip in the forest together. At noon they took a rest and fell asleep. When they woke up, they saw a stone next to them. There were words written on the stone: Let whoever finds this stone go into me forest. In the forest a river will appear. Let him swim across the river to the other side. There he will see a bear and her baby. Let him take the baby from her and run up the mountain with them. On the top of the mountain he will find happiness."

    After reading the words, the younger brother said, "Let us go together. We can find happiness."

    "I am not going into the forest," said the elder brother. "It's too dangerous. We may get lost. We may be eaten by the bear. Instead of finding happiness, we may die at last."

    "In my opinion," said the younger brother, "you are wrong. If you do not make an effort and try hard, nothing in the world will be achieved."

    Then the younger brother set off, and the elder remained behind.

    The younger brother did all the things. When he reached the top of the mountain, the people came out of their houses to meet him and made him their king. He had been a king for five years. In the sixth year, another king captured his country. The younger brother became an ordinary man again.

    One day, the younger brother arrived at the house of his elder brother. The elder brother was living m a village, neither rich nor poor. "You see," said the elder brother, "l was right. Though you may have been a king, you have nothing now.

    "I don't think so," replied the younger brother. "I may have nothing now, but I shall always have something to remember, but you have no memories at all."

