
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Let us all raise a glass to AlphaGo and the advance of artificial intelligence. AlphaGo, DeepMind's Go-playing AI, just defeated the best Go-playing human, Lee Sedol. But as we drink to its success, we should also begin trying to understand what it means for the future.

    The number of possible moves in a game of Go is so huge that in order to win against a player like Lee. AlphaGo was designed to adopt a human—like style of gameplay by using a relatively recent development--deep learning. Deep learning uses large data sets," machine learning" algorithms (计算程序) and deep neural networks to teach the AI how to perform a particular set of tasks. Rather than programming complex Go rules and strategies into AlphaGo DeepMind designers taught AlphaGo to play the game by feeding it data based on typical Go moves. Then, AlphaGo played against itself, tirelessly learning from its own mistakes and improving its gameplay over time. The results speak for themselves.

    Deep learning represents a shift in the relationship humans have with their technological creations. It results in AI that displays surprising and unpredictable behaviour. Commenting after his first loss, Lee described being shocked by an unconventional move he claimed no human would ever have made. Demis Hassabis, one of DeepMind's founders, echoed this comment:"We're very pleased that AlphaGo played some quite surprising and beautiful moves."

    Unpredictability and surprises are—or can be—a good thing. They can indicate that a system is working well, perhaps better than the humans that came before it. Such is the case with AlphaGo. However, unpredictability also indicates a loss of human control. That Hassabis is surprised at his creation's behaviour suggests a lack of control in the design. And though some loss of control might be fine in the context of a game such as Go, it raises urgent questions elsewhere.

    How much and what kind of control should we give up to AI machines? How should we design appropriate human control into AI that requires us to give up some of that very control? Is there some AI that we should just not develop if it means any loss of human control? How much of a say should corporations, governments, experts or citizens have in these matters? These important questions, and many others like them, have emerged in response, but remain unanswered. They require human, not human - like, solutions.

    So as we drink to the milestone in AI, let's also drink to the understanding that the time to answer deeply human questions about deep learning and AI is now.

(1)、What contributes most to the unconventional move of AlphaGo in the game?
A、The capability of self-improvement. B、The constant input of large data sets. C、The installation of deep neutral networks. D、The knowledge of Go rules and strategies.
(2)、A potential danger of Al is _____.
A、the loss of human control B、the friendly relationship C、the fierce competition D、the lack of challenge
(3)、How should we deal with the unpredictability of AI?
A、We should stop AI machines from developing even further. B、We should call on the government to solve these problems for us. C、We should rely on ourselves and come up with effective solutions. D、We should invent even more intelligent machines to solve everything.
(4)、What's the author's attitude towards this remarkable advance in AI?
A、Supportive. B、Optimistic. C、Doubtful. D、Cautious.

    Bryan Forbes, who was born in London on 22 July 1926, made his first screen acting appearance in 1918.

    He landed supporting parts in several outstanding British films, including An Inspector Calls (1954) and The Colditz Story (1955), but it was not long before screen-writing and directing attracted him behind the camera. Together with Richard Attenborough, he set up Beaver Films in 1959. Its first film, The Angry Silence (1960), was written by Forbes and Attenborough played the lead role.

    His directing career began in 1961 with Whistle down the Wind, featuring child star Hayley Mills. Forbes directed many more films in the 1960s and early 1970s. In 1969 he took over as head of production and managing director of EMI—MGM Elstree, and the studio achieved outstanding successes. But it was a torrid time for the company. Troubled constantly by financial difficulties and staffing issues, Forbes quitted in 1971. He then directed The Step ford Wives, based on the novel by Ira Levin, and in 1975 International Velvet, starring Tatum O'Neal, in 1978.

    Forbes, who counted the late Queen Mother among his friends, continued directing, writing and acting throughout the 1980s and early 1990s. He also found success as an author with a number of novels, the latest of which, The Soldier's Story, was published last year.

    After Forbes passed away, film critic Mark Kermode said, “Once I had fun—boyish pleasure of telling Bryan Forbes how much I loved Step ford Wives. He was charming and modest. A great loss.”



     The answer to protecting and saving marine(海洋) wildlife can start with cutting back on something Americans use every day—plastic drinking straws. Actor Adrien Grenier, best known for playing Vincent Chase in 2015 movie Entourage, has launched a campaign to reduce the amount of single-use plastic usage in this country in order to protect and save marine wildlife and the environment. Plastic drinking straws are among many single-use plastic products contributing to the shocking loss of marine life, but they're a great place to start because they're something Americans are using by the hundreds of millions without any awareness that they're so damaging.

According to Ecocycle, an international environmental organization, Americans use more than 500 million straws daily, which are enough to fill 127 school buses each day, and they can't be recycled. They means plastic straws end up in landfills or oceans, where fish and other marine wildlife mistake the small bits for food and swallow them. After seeing a photo of a whale beached on the shore with a belly full of plastic, Grenier felt the inspiration to launch the Lonely Whale Foundation, hoping to inspire and educate others on the challenges facing marine life.

     Along with stopping the use of straws, Grenier hopes to educate consumers on the dangers of other single-use plastic items such as grocery bags and water bottles. While many Americans use these plastic products in their daily life, there are more sustainable alternatives that can help protect the environment. Ecocycle recommends the use of straws made from stainless steel, glass, and even bamboo instead of plastic. You can buy a number of these environmentally friendly straws online and in stores.


    Welcome to Reading Museum's Hands – on Learning service

    Reading Museum has been offering learning opportunities to schools for over 100 years, and with your support we hope to continue this tradition for the next 100 years.


    Victorian Schoolroom

    The session takes place in a superb reconstruction of a schoolroom in a late nineteenth century Board School. The children will experience a range of Victorian style lessons and use slate boards and dip pens. The session leader plays the role of a Victorian teacher but will come out of the role during the session the reassure the children. We supply costume for all children.

    Victorian Toys

    Our Victorian nanny delivers this interesting session. The nanny will help children to explore the differences between rich and poor children's toys from the past. During the session the children have the opportunity to make a toy to take home.

    Victorian Christmas

    In a specially decorated room the children will find out how the Victorians introduced many of our Christmas customs. They will make a simple card or present to take home and take part in a mini pantomime.


    For up to date prices and session details, please visit our website www.readingmuseum.org.uk/schools/sessions/

    For all session bookings please phone us on 01189373400. We ask that you book at least 4 weeks in advance. Please be ready to tell us when you wish to come, the session(s) you wish to book and the year group of pupils.

Our sessions take place between 10:00 and 12:00 or 12:30 and 14:30.

    The maximum group size is 35 pupils. We recommend that you bring 5 adults for each group.


    You can either travel or read, but either your body or soul must be on the way. The popular saying has inspired many people to read or go sightseeing. Traveling, just like reading, is a refreshing journey from the busy world. Books, brain food, can keep you company on your travel.

    ⒈On the Road, 1957, by Jack Kerouac

    The book is a globally popular spiritual guide book about youth. The main character in the book drives across the US continent with several young people and finally reaches Mexico. After the exhausting and exciting trip, the characters in the book begin to realize the meaning of life. The book can be a good partner with you to explore the United States.

    ⒉Life is Elsewhere, 1975, by Milan Kundera

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau once said, “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.” The book tells a young artist's romantic but miserable life, about how he reads, dreams and has a relationship. Experience the artist's passionate life in the book during a trip to Central Europe. The book invites you to deeply reflect on your current life.

    ⒊The Stories of the Sahara, 1967, by Sanmao

    The book narrates the author's simple but adventurous life in the Sahara Desert, which seems a desolate and dull place. The fancy natural scenery and life there, along with the author's romantic and intensive emotions will inspire you to explore the mysterious land. Reading the book is like participating in a dialogue with the author, who is sincere and humorous.

    ⒋Lotus, 2006, by Annbaby

    This novel set in Tibet, tells three people's stories, each with their unique characteristics. It reveals modern people's emotions and inner life, their confusion about love, and exploration of Buddhism. The book is a good partner to bring you to the scared land Tibet.


    I'm a single person and live with my dog. Jed isn't just my dog. He is my family. He goes everywhere with me. So I was overjoyed last year to hear that Bunnings was allowing dogs on a leash(皮带)- into their stores.

    But no sooner had the rule come in than it was quickly repealed(撤销). A little girl in Victoria had walked up to a Jack Russell in a store and been bitten(咬伤). That was it. No more dogs.

    I don't know the whole story. But here's what I have to say: dogs bite sometimes and kids are sometimes difficult to control.

    There is nothing I love more than a kid who wants to touch Jed. But what's even better is when they ask permission first.

    I was at my local dog park last week. It's huge, with an off-leash dog area to one side and a fenced-off kids' playground a good distance away. There was a family there that morning —parents and two young girls playing near the dog area. The elder girl started crying at the sight of Jed—" puppy! There a puppy! "Jed went right up and started licking(舔)her, which only made her cry louder.

    My dog was frightened and tried to get away. The little girl ran after him, shouting loudly. The parents did nothing; they just let their kid frighten my dog and then said I should have stopped him from licking her.

    While they had a choice to play elsewhere, I did not. So I had to walk Jed away.

    "I just don't want to have to meet a dog when I go shopping," said one caller on a radio show yesterday. Look, I get that. But the thing is, I don't always want to have your kid kick the back of my seat for two hours on a plane.

    When I lived in the UK and the US, I couldn't walk through the stores without stopping to pat dogs. Why can't we follow their practice?


    The best movies for teenagers are listed here. You can pick one for your teen to watch it with you or their best friends.

    ⒈Eighth Grade

    Kayla is a shy, socially anxious girl trying to get by the last few weeks of middle school. She earns the "most quiet" girl title in school, but at home, she posts online self-help and motivational videos that not many people watch. Kayla is raised by her single father Mark, who tries to disconnect Kayla from the social media.

    ⒉Dead Poets Society

    Mr. Keating, an English teacher, introduces his students, all set to become doctors and lawyers, to poetry and free-thinking. Each of his students deals with several issues. He encourages them to form the Dead Poets Society where they read and write poetry.

    ⒊The Hunger Games

    Based on a book by Suzanne Collins, the story is set in a country called Panem, which was once the ruins of North America. Every year, young boys and girls from the 12 districts of Panem fight in the Hunger Games, a televised competition in which the contestants (参赛者) compete against death.

    ⒋The Break fast Club

    It begins with five students at the Shermer High School, Claire, a princess, John a criminal, Andrew, an athlete, Brian, a bookworm and Allison, an unfortunate person, who are forced to spend 9 hours together on a Saturday. In spite of their differences, they find that their social problems are more similar than they think. The film tries to encourage breaking social boundaries for positive self-identification in the world.

