
试题 试卷


题型:阅读还原 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    Many people do not like to stay at home on holidays.  or do something exciting. So people from the country go to the city and people from the city go to the country for holidays. During the holidays, trains, buses and planes are all very busy.  . Many people take cars or buses for travelling.

    Last May Day my family went to the country by car for our holidays. There was too much traffic on the road,   . It took us about an hour to get out of the town. After some time, we came to a farm. It was clean and beautiful. The animals were very cute, and  , so we stopped and took the food, fruit and drinks out of the car.  . Suddenly a strong wind blew and soon it started to rain. We had to run back to our car and had our picnic in the car. Then we drove back home. We had a trip like this. How bad it was.

A. we thought it was a nice place for a picnic

B. They want to go out to see something different

C. We sat down under a big green tree and began to eat

D. so we had to move very slowly

E. It is very hard to buy train tickets or air tickets


    There are some very good things about open education. This way of teaching allows the students to develop their own interests in many subjects. Open education allows students to be responsible(负责) for their own education. Some students do badly in traditional classrooms. The open classroom may allow them to enjoy learning. Some students will be happier in an open education school. They will not have to worry about grades or rules. But many students will not do well in an open classroom.

    For some students, there are too few rules. These students will do little in school. They will not make good use of open education. Because open education is so different from traditional education, these students may have a problem of getting used to making so many choices. For many students it is important to have some rules in the classroom. They worry about the rules even when there are no rules. Even a few rules will help this kind of students. The last point about open education is that some traditional teachers do not like it. Many teachers do not believe in open education. Teachers who want to have an open classroom may have many problems at their school.

    You now know what open education is. Some of its good points and bad points have been explained. You may have your own opinion about open education. The writer thinks that open education is a good idea, but only in theory(理论). The writer believes that most students, but of course not all students, want some structure in their classes. They want and need to have some rules. In some cases, they must be made to study some subjects. Most of the students are pleased to find subjects they have to study interesting. They would not study those subjects if they did not have to.

Open Education


Open education is a way of teaching which allows students to become {#blank#}1{#/blank#}in many subjects.


Open education allows students to be responsible for their own education.

In open classrooms, many students don't need to worry about grades or rules.

Some students find more {#blank#}2{#/blank#}in open classrooms compared with traditional classroom.


Many students cannot {#blank#}3{#/blank#}themselves as well in open classrooms as in traditional classrooms.

There are so many choices for students to make that they can't use open education well.

Some teachers are {#blank#}4{#/blank#}such a way of teaching.

The writer's opinion

Open education may not {#blank#}5{#/blank#}very well in a real class or school.

Most of the students want some structure in their classes.


{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Jack comes from Russia. He is studying in Beijing now. So he misses his hometown(家乡) very much. He wishes to go to a city where he can find the feeling of home.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Mary is an American girl. She likes going shopping. She is planning to travel to a city where she can find a job.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Frank is from Canada. He is interested in swimming in the sea. But he lives far from the sea. He wishes to go to a place where he can swim and eat bananas and pineapples(菠萝).

{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Helen comes from England. She doesn't like hot weather. She likes to go somewhere cool, clean and beautiful.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Nick is a Japanese(日本人). He likes taking photos. He would like to stay close to nature(自然). He even wishes to take a boat when taking photos. But he doesn't like hot food.


City: Lhasa

Temperature(温度)in July: 15℃~17℃

Attractions(有吸引力的地方): blue sky, clean places and beautiful dances


City: Harbin

Temperature in July: 24℃~30℃

Attractions: some old buildings in Russian style(样式)


City: Hong Kong

Temperature in July: 29℃~30℃

Attractions: nice and cheap clothes, all kinds of delicious food and jobs easy to find


City: Guilin

Temperature in July: 29℃~30℃

Attractions: clean rivers and many other natural views(景色)


City: Sanya

Temperature in July: 27℃~32℃

Attractions: good places for swimming, lovely beaches and great fruit like bananas and pineapples(菠萝)


    We did a survey (调查) about students' free time activities yesterday. One of our questions was about exercise and of course, it is the most important one. From the survey, we knew only 25% of the girls often have activities outside. Many girls do little exercise. They don't like P.E. classes and even don't play sports. These girls may face a lot of problems. They may get fatter and weaker, And they may get some kinds of illnesses(疾病) easily. Wang Jing, a 16-year-old girl, said, "I don't like doing exercise. I like watching TV on the sofa. I spend at least three hours watching TV a day. My sleeping time is no more than seven hours a day. I often feel tired

    Some girls said, "We don't have enough time to do exercise. We must help our parents with housework because they are very tired after a day's work. We do some washing, clean the house and finish the homework. We don't have time for doing anything else."

    Everyone may have these excuses(借口) for not doing exercise. However, we must know that if we don't do exercise, we will get sick easily. As students, we'd better exercise every day. That makes us live a healthy life.

Information Card

The most important question in the survey


The percentage(百分率) of the girls who often have activities outside


The number of hours that Wang Jing spends in watching TV a day


The excuse that some girls don't have enough time to do sports


The problem that we may have if we don't do exercise


